Why is 25-29 so dead?

Skanky, Kunte, Ohai, are you still playing 29s? how bout wbern, phazz, PB, fal?

29s are dormant. I'm playing 39s when my kids let me. Wbern is still playing, but 19s and 90. Wbern also trolled Phazz out of the game. PB, no-one has heard from. Fal is Not. I'm Facebook friends with him if you want me to say hi.

Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk
sure, but he probably wouldn't remember me. grats on the kids! maybe they'll start playing with u some day. Didn't work with me, i tried... the closest to gaming my girls will do is Temple Run and Candy Crush. I have a son on his way up, still too young, but I'll get him, right after this crazy Minecraft binge he's on...

To my friends on here: Email me if you start a new game and wouldn't mind the company. I'd prefer playing a new game with familiar 'faces'- not to mention the skills you all come with. I'm checking things out and so far Titanfall and Pantheon are looking good.

sure, but he probably wouldn't remember me. grats on the kids! maybe they'll start playing with u some day. Didn't work with me, i tried... the closest to gaming my girls will do is Temple Run and Candy Crush. I have a son on his way up, still too young, but I'll get him, right after this crazy Minecraft binge he's on...

To my friends on here: Email me if you start a new game and wouldn't mind the company. I'd prefer playing a new game with familiar 'faces'- not to mention the skills you all come with. I'm checking things out and so far Titanfall and Pantheon are looking good.


I haven't been playing, in fact it's been a year this February since I've been subbed to this game.

I don't talk to as many of the old twinks as I used to, I've got a handful on facebook as friends, and there is a twink group that yoube made as well.

All I play is DOTA2 right now when I have the time, and various other steam games.

I plan on getting back into Diablo III when ROS drops, and I'm still rolling around the idea of playing WoW again in my head. Another candidate is Elder Scrolls Online, which I played the beta of... it isn't horrible.

I lost really hard in the twink fantasy football league this year, very sad.
We've got plenty of 29s over on Molten... prolly not your cup of tea tho I suppose.

Also, I'm skeptical of Pantheon, since it's run by Brad McQuaid, and I haven't seen him do anything successful since EQ1.
I haven't been playing, in fact it's been a year this February since I've been subbed to this game.

I don't talk to as many of the old twinks as I used to, I've got a handful on facebook as friends, and there is a twink group that yoube made as well.

All I play is DOTA2 right now when I have the time, and various other steam games.

I plan on getting back into Diablo III when ROS drops, and I'm still rolling around the idea of playing WoW again in my head. Another candidate is Elder Scrolls Online, which I played the beta of... it isn't horrible.

I lost really hard in the twink fantasy football league this year, very sad.

any versions of CS?
any versions of CS?

I think I have source. I don't play it, and never really did play it. I played a LOT of medal of honor allied assault and BF2 during the years CS was popular.

Right now the only shooter for me is BF4. I just built a new PC so I can run on ultra settings with 100+ FPS. It's a little absurd.
The evolution of XP-off brackets probably merits a book; the sleeve jacket summary basically comes down to the issue that WoW evolved and took XP-off brackets with it, and in some ways the player community either struggled with the changes or flat out refused to sacrifice some principles of play to get games. Arguments continue to this day.
The evolution of XP-off brackets probably merits a book; the sleeve jacket summary basically comes down to the issue that WoW evolved and took XP-off brackets with it, and in some ways the player community either struggled with the changes or flat out refused to sacrifice some principles of play to get games. Arguments continue to this day.

I'm a good example of that. Zero interest in MoP, but WotLK... let's just say this is what happens after I spend 4 months working on building up a 20-29 bracket from essentially nothing:

That was just today. /preen

Edit: to be more specific, we had about 5 full 10v10 wsgs in those couple hours, with 7-10 twinks on each side. Then when numbers went down a bit on one side, we switched to doing a dozen 5v5s, then some 3v3s. They'll probably do some more 29s later tonight or tomorrow without me.
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Hello Dears,

Its great to see 29s kicking off, and quite spectacularly so on Molten, and I just wanted to re-claim some of the glory Jadyn`s done for himself; there are actually quite some others currently working on Molten to get & keep 29s up`n`running, including Mismojo, Grandoldman and myself; however, I`m doing behind-the-scene stuff mostly (I haven`t even finished up and transferred my 29s yet, for instance), and there are probably many others that I haven`t mentioned here who are doing a great job to keep this going as well.

Anyways, 29s` really active on Molten, if you want to join in the fun, give it a try. We can fund probably most anything of your twink <3
(I don`t have a collection of suffix items up yet, tho)

We`re working on building 39s there as well, it hasn`t kicked off yet, but the future`s bright there as well (check the 39s forum!)!

For more information, you should check out this recruitment thread: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f10...twinks-interested-rolling-wotlk-server-55797/

<3, Sela
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Lol, you guys did a good job answering the OP's question. Though I didn't really expect you to demonstrate why 29 is dead. Was that intentional?
Hello Dears,

Some of you might still remember me (I do remember your name, Bwappo, for instance <3), I believe I`ve used to have an account named FTLK or something like that once upon a time

Well, anyways, its great to see 29s kicking off, and quite spectacularly so on Molten, and I just wanted to re-claim some of the glory Jadyn`s done for himself; there are actually quite some others currently working on Molten to get & keep 29s up`n`running, including Mismojo, Grandoldman and myself; however, I`m doing behind-the-scene stuff mostly (I haven`t even finished up and transferred my 29s yet, for instance), and there are probably many others that I haven`t mentioned here who are doing a great job to keep this going as well.

Anyways, 29s` really active on Molten, if you want to join in the fun, give it a try. We can fund probably most anything of your twink <3
(I don`t have a collection of suffix items up yet, tho)

We`re working on building 39s there as well, it hasn`t kicked off yet, but the future`s bright there as well (check the 39s forum!)!

For more information, you should check out this recruitment thread: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f10...twinks-interested-rolling-wotlk-server-55797/

<3, Sela

Alliance has the skill, horde has the numbers.
Been playing the 29 twink bracked since vanilla. Experience in battlegrounds killed twink pvp. Even if we somehow managed to get the amount of players needed to run locked BG's it wouldn't be the same thing, twinking was allways about being a lot stronger than the average player at that level. As much as I'd love experiencing that again, I can't see it happening in the near future.
Been playing the 29 twink bracked since vanilla. Experience in battlegrounds killed twink pvp. Even if we somehow managed to get the amount of players needed to run locked BG's it wouldn't be the same thing, twinking was allways about being a lot stronger than the average player at that level. As much as I'd love experiencing that again, I can't see it happening in the near future.

We had pops all day everyday after they implemented XP in BGs, sorry you missed out. Most of us preferred playing against equally geared twinks. If you want to beat up on levelers the 20-24 bracket is that way- --------->

Sent from my LGMS769 using Tapatalk
Been playing the 29 twink bracked since vanilla. Experience in battlegrounds killed twink pvp. Even if we somehow managed to get the amount of players needed to run locked BG's it wouldn't be the same thing, twinking was allways about being a lot stronger than the average player at that level. As much as I'd love experiencing that again, I can't see it happening in the near future.

Hm, for me, it hasn't been about being stronger than anyone else since like 2007 or so. Since then, twink vs twink has been much more enjoyable.


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