Why is 25-29 so dead?

We had pops all day everyday after they implemented XP in BGs, sorry you missed out. Most of us preferred playing against equally geared twinks. If you want to beat up on levelers the 20-24 bracket is that way- --------->

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Don't get me wrong, I loved fighting equally geared twinks whenever I met them. But if i were to be completely honest I got into twinking purely because I wanted to have an advantage above everybody else. I just think it is fun to be overpowered ;). And if you really had pops every day after the battleground xp patch I envy you.
Hm, for me, it hasn't been about being stronger than anyone else since like 2007 or so. Since then, twink vs twink has been much more enjoyable.
I really did enjoy fighting other twinks, but the reason I got into twinking was not to fight equally matched opponents ;).
I personally don't even really consider 85 to be a twink bracket. But, good to know.

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1-85 cata is basic game, so when players hit 85 they are XP off, this results in making a bracket. when 1-80 wotlk was basic game, 80-84 twink bracket was active till cata was added to the basic game

if MOP is added to the battlechest 90-94 will become a new bracket to twink in, and since players won't be game capped at 85, pretty sure most will move on to 90
I don't understand, I can't even get into a battleground, it is pathetic.

XP off BGs were going into CATA, but players with GF'd gear (even BOAs could not out do), hunters were seriously OP. there still should be threads on it deep in this forum unless they were wiped.

there was never a shortage of 29's, it was once the largest twink bracket partially due to all the 20 twinks that got ganked out of the first bracket when blizz went from 10-20, etc, to 10-19, etc

i once had five 29's, it was a fun bracket and players qued for AB, and it was done on FOOT.
Lolwut, how are those huge level gaps gonna be balanced o.o

that's a pretty big thing if you ask me

will our gear scale to 29? O_O

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