Who is the Top Hunter?

Top hunter tiwnk

  • Agonist

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Beau

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Discover

    Votes: 41 28.1%
  • Erotk

    Votes: 11 7.5%
  • Lolpzlate

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Pizza

    Votes: 30 20.5%
  • Rastaman

    Votes: 20 13.7%
  • Silinrul

    Votes: 6 4.1%
  • Sliquelolz

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Sneakier

    Votes: 14 9.6%

  • Total voters
Fastest clicker in bracket title belongs to Zieren (Das)

I would agree with that. I've beat him on occasion though. By on occasion, I mean like twice. And he was probably lagging.

I'd add Mocha, Stunna and Lolpzlate to the list of fastest clickers in the bracket though. They're the few guys including Zeiren that consistently outclick the shit out of me.
Slyddur and Ko have the fastest clicks in the bracket, then comes Das. I know Frantix has good clicks but I never see him in a game with slyddur or Ko so i can't really compare him to them.
pizza linked a old male NE hunter that has a rank title months back, that player i believe did not have a pizza related name. i asked pizza why was that player abandoned and pizza started? (which i saw in 2008 into WOTLK) never got a response.

i also wonder if there where other renames, to pizza, etc. because around the same time i saw pizza and the rampant AFKing there was another NE hunter that would appear on the alliance side named something like bunnywabbit and had a very noticeable play style dead on to pizza. this alliance player would also AFK when the games flipped. this NE hunter eventually disappeared and i noticed a NE pizza that would AFK-win-log roll too. coincidence? maybe?
The reason I didn't vote for Sliquelolz is because he tries to hard to kill druids that are los from him. Otherwise I would have had picked Sneakier but thats an alias to his rogue, then you have Erotk who is supposed to be the next Pizza, which leads me to my pick: Rastaman. I think he gains enough recognition as a top 2 hunter if not #1, through forum speak and his own game play. Ahm, I wouldn't be surprised if his skill has been just another example of an unorthodox technique derived from end game pvp. Very sharp and keen - giving midfielding hunters a new meaning.

Wait, Rasta plays US?
pizza and erotk!

tough choice here i really wish i could vote twice...i cant so ima go with erotk on this one only cuz i like his play style more or maybe its the neilyo like shit he does with his racial =p, the guy is a complete beast same goes for pizza ive seen him in 3 different brackets he can easily be best gulch hunter in all of them
Oh, wow...This list is sad.
These lists are always excluding some of the more active/impressive players.
seriously...anyone that would consider sneaky to be a better hunter than pizza, discover, or beau...hell even fake beau..should consider getting their brain checked out..(no disrespect sneaky!)

You think Restosexual plays better than me? That one cut deep.

I am well aware that I'm not the top hunter. However I do feel as if I excel at some things more on my hunter than others, which I can thank playing rogue alot for.

I wouldn't vote for Pizza because I've never seen his solo game play...his entire gameplay is based around having healers. He has asked my guildies to pocket heal him on alliance side...
Trust me pizza is better than everyone on that particular list.
i dont know nor care about the US hunters, but i'll put it this way, out of the tons and tons of EU hunters rasta's the only one i think FUCK! when he i see him coming.
Pizzas a good leader and skilled, but not most individually skilled. There are a few up there and not on there more skilled them him.
Pizzas a good leader and skilled, but not most individually skilled. There are a few up there and not on there more skilled them him.

There's only two good hunters on that list, and pitha is better than you Man mosquito.:D

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