Who is the Top Hunter?

Top hunter tiwnk

  • Agonist

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Beau

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Discover

    Votes: 41 28.1%
  • Erotk

    Votes: 11 7.5%
  • Lolpzlate

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Pizza

    Votes: 30 20.5%
  • Rastaman

    Votes: 20 13.7%
  • Silinrul

    Votes: 6 4.1%
  • Sliquelolz

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Sneakier

    Votes: 14 9.6%

  • Total voters
Can't trust armory achievments since for people who played in BC they got the lvl 10 achievments the first time they logged in after achievements came out (late 2008 I think)... <Pizza Hut> had been around in Cyclone since early/mid BC

Anywho... although I think I despise Beau - best hunter I play against I think.. hard to judge the skill of those I play with though
seriously...anyone that would consider sneaky to be a better hunter than pizza, discover, or beau...hell even fake beau..should consider getting their brain checked out..(no disrespect sneaky!)
seriously...anyone that would consider sneaky to be a better hunter than pizza, discover, or beau...hell even fake beau..should consider getting their brain checked out..(no disrespect sneaky!)

I chose Sneaky as a finalist in my decision because of his ability to be effective where he needs to be pretty much at all times. And he plays pretty solid by himself, without a team. I can't accurately say that about Pizza. I know Pizza is a good player, probably one of the best - but you will never find Pizza queueing solo and changing games. There's always healers or someone queueing with him, and if the game gets tough he leaves. I don't mean it as a slight against Pizza at all, just saying based solely on in-game observations. Beau might also be good, but the guy doesn't stay in a game long enough to prove it. I imagine the /AFK keys on both players' respective keyboards are worn nearly into nonexistence. Discover ended up as my final choice though, edging out Sneaky.
I chose Sneaky as a finalist in my decision because of his ability to be effective where he needs to be pretty much at all times. And he plays pretty solid by himself, without a team. I can't accurately say that about Pizza. I know Pizza is a good player, probably one of the best - but you will never find Pizza queueing solo and changing games. There's always healers or someone queueing with him, and if the game gets tough he leaves. I don't mean it as a slight against Pizza at all, just saying based solely on in-game observations. Beau might also be good, but the guy doesn't stay in a game long enough to prove it. I imagine the /AFK keys on both players' respective keyboards are worn nearly into nonexistence. Discover ended up as my final choice though, edging out Sneaky.
wow...you really believe what you typed?.......pizza is definitely a game changer...and since when does sneaky queue "without a team"..his guild is notorious for queuing together as guild or realid 10 man team.
wow...you really believe what you typed?.......pizza is definitely a game changer...and since when does sneaky queue "without a team"..his guild is notorious for queuing together as guild or realid 10 man team.

I've seen Sneaky play alone more times than I've seen Pizza play alone (which is never). Sure LS is notorious for group queueing, but Sneaky's not always in those games. The topic of the poll was "Who is the Top Hunter?", not "Who is the Top Hunter that queues with healers and 3-5 people at a time?"

Finalist based on speed pot spamming? Got it.

I'd rather face a speed potion addict that plays objectively and makes for a competitive game than a guy who can't play without perpetual healers and has a penchant for setting up shop in the opposing team's graveyard.
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I've seen Sneaky play alone more times than I've seen Pizza play alone (which is never). Sure LS is notorious for group queueing, but Sneaky's not always in those games. The topic of the poll was "Who is the Top Speed Pot Spamming Hunter?", not "Who is the Top Hunter that queues with healers and 3-5 people at a time?"
Sorry I misread the topic!
Sorry I misread the topic!

I like you Abi, I'm not going to go rounds with you. I'm just giving you my reasoning for making the choices I did. It is a poll after all :) I'm just expressing my opinion.
I'd rather face a speed potion addict that plays objectively and makes for a competitive game than a guy who can't play without perpetual healers and has a penchant for setting up shop in the opposing team's graveyard.

If speed pot suiciding in to the enemy team repeatedly makes a good hunter for you, then there is no point in discussing this further.
If speed pot suiciding in to the enemy team repeatedly makes a good hunter for you, then there is no point in discussing this further.

What would you even know about any sort of play that happens outside of the Alliance graveyard friend? ;) The only games that most of you and your guildmates stay in are the lopsided Horde victories that turn into an agriculture practice, which coincidentally lack objectively-minded players like Sneaky and Discover.

Back to the topic at hand! Cast your votes tinks!
What would you even know about any sort of play that happens outside of the Alliance graveyard friend? ;) The only games that most of you and your guildmates stay in are the lopsided Horde victories that turn into an agriculture practice, which coincidentally lack objectively-minded players like Sneaky and Discover.

Nah, they too find their way to the graveyard. Or are you saying that these games lack them because they too afk?
Nah, they too find their way to the graveyard. Or are you saying that these games lack them because they too afk?

I'm saying that as soon as you fellows find yourself up against a solid team that may actually win a pug game against you, your ranks retreat to their favorite 15 minute timeout. Games with players like Kitn, Discover, Sneaky, etc are rarely stomp-fests and make grooming crops in the dead zone pretty hard.
I'm saying that as soon as you fellows find yourself up against a solid team that may actually win a pug game against you, your ranks retreat to their favorite 15 minute timeout. Games with players like Kitn, Discover, Sneaky, etc are rarely stomp-fests and make grooming crops in the dead zone pretty hard.

Too bad he is not a rogue - instead of afking, he'd be able to run around spamming /lol stealthed like you ;[

And they do find their way in to gy's, but as a self-professed biweekly queuer, perhaps you lack the day-to-day experience to realize that.
Too bad he is not a rogue - instead of afking, he'd be able to run around spamming /lol stealthed like you ;[

And they do find their way in to gy's, but as a self-professed biweekly queuer, perhaps you lack the day-to-day experience to realize that.

Hey if you guys are going to farm and I'm on the opposing team, you can be damn sure I'm going to spam the hell out of my /lol button :) It's the least I can do. I'm not going to pad anyone's kill count. And I queue weekly sir. On the weekends usually, and for most of the day.

You seem to keep mentioning my emote spam, I think it's starting to get under your skin a bit. This is probably the third time just today that you've said something about it. It's upsetting you and I'm not even aiming it toward you. (insert "It's super effective!" joke here) I like you Dory, we're like-minded fellows outside of this game. If it bothers you so much, I'll stop when I'm in game with you, if it please the successor to the lock throne of Sidni.
Hey if you guys are going to farm and I'm on the opposing team, you can be damn sure I'm going to spam the hell out of my /lol button :) It's the least I can do. I'm not going to pad anyone's kill count. And I queue weekly sir. On the weekends usually, and for most of the day.

You seem to keep mentioning my emote spam, I think it's starting to get under your skin a bit. This is probably the third time just today that you've said something about it. It's upsetting you and I'm not even aiming it toward you. (insert "It's super effective!" joke here) I like you Dory, we're like-minded fellows outside of this game. If it bothers you so much, I'll stop when I'm in game with you, if it please the successor to the lock throne of Sidni.

I guess I mention it because it's the only thing I ever notice in regards to your play. I deal with 120ish 12 year olds every day, so if you honestly do think that it gets under my skin (and I don't believe that for a second), I don't know what to say ;p
I guess I mention it because it's the only thing I ever notice in regards to your play. I deal with 120ish 12 year olds every day, so if you honestly do think that it gets under my skin (and I don't believe that for a second), I don't know what to say ;p

Your subtle jabs that hint at your opinion of my skill in the Gulch have not gone unnoticed comrade. Unheeded perhaps? Entirely. I'm not sure how being one of the most situationally aware rogues in the bracket with lightning fast clicks and dozens of flag ninjas and returns under my belt disqualify me as a skilled rogue in your eyes. I mean it when I say I really don't care what people think of me. The few people that I do care about or the few that don't hate or discredit me for some reason know of my play. I'm still going to continue to do what I do and have fun doing it.

I guess I just have to start beating up on all of the rogues on the #1 poll to prove it ;)

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