Who influenced you the most as a player?

For me it was Bloodmyth the first bis 19 twink on our realm back in classic and ofc the Don's with his famous "WTB twink gear" spams in trade where he would be made fun of but he sold so many shadowfangs and other twink gear. Awesome guy.
Bloodmyth was playing 29's also, right? I remember a scary hunter called like that.

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Bloodmyth was playing 29's also, right? I remember a scary hunter called like that.

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Yeah he went 29s after we took over the gulch and starting to make some competitions for the heavily populated alliance twinks :)

He was defo a scary one!
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The best part was actually he did it without macros or anything unlike behind but he got a lil carried by honey's healing though but never the less he was awesomely skilled with his gnome rogue :)

Leo please multi quote instead of triple posting :)

Agreed Moof was carried a bit by Honeychild, but they were a duo nevertheless. Moof then came to 29 with his frost mage but didn't really stay too long as he had to study.

He was definitely the #1 known 19 rogue of the battlegroup

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Leo please multi quote instead of triple posting :)

Agreed Moof was carried a bit by Honeychild, but they were a duo nevertheless. Moof then came to 29 with his frost mage but didn't really stay too long as he had to study.

He was definitely the #1 known 19 rogue of the battlegroup
I believe noone ever defeated them as duo in 2v2 arena back then. Such a good combination but they also were the best geared twinks out there.

Stuff popped up in my mind after a few minutes so I didnt edit to multy quote, sorry :p
Dazzie, the orc hunter from emberstorm. After getting wing clipped so many fing times and dying so many times playing casual WSG i decided that i would get some boss enchants and try and kill this guy. This was early BC when twinking was just starting out. By the time my rogue was getting close to BiS some others, such as Late and this druid that i forget were lots of fun to play with. Old school emberstorm days.
my boy trilium influenced me. He's a really awesome player, and person.

Were you there in his guild he made back in late TBC-start Woltk. It was called Twinks Round Table?

If so, youre an awesome twink!

Yeah big probs to Tril for repping Velen.
Were you there in his guild he made back in late TBC-start Woltk. It was called Twinks Round Table?

If so, youre an awesome twink!

Yeah big probs to Tril for repping Velen.

Nah unfortunately didn't know him back then :(. In those days I was still in whirlwind heh. Yea, he was reppin Velen pretty hard
Where you at Tril?

Tonks/Tril best rogue 2015

u two those niggas when i just got back into twinkin like cata u niggas still goin ham
neilyo in his prime, khuna in his prime

edit: wutlol as well, from his vids, wutlol 3 was one i liked best i think
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