who do you think the best f2ps are? eu and us

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nobody should be posting a list of "best" when they fight mid and/or don't play for the objective, just sayin :)
imo, if we are talking about how good we are in WoW PvP, it should be based on how well we can kill people.(despite having disadvantages) NOT objective things because every game has similar objective things and they dont require skill, they just require maturity. not trying to say mid fighters are pro but if they are a warrior mid farming alone facing 5 people, that is skill
imo, if we are talking about how good we are in WoW PvP, it should be based on how well we can kill people.(despite having disadvantages) NOT objective things because every game has similar objective things and they dont require skill, they just require maturity. not trying to say mid fighters are pro but if they are a warrior mid farming alone facing 5 people, that is skill
Carrying flag like Çer=fat skills

You can be good at objectives, and you can be good at mid fighting. "Best" depends completely on what people are saying others are "best" at, which is wrong most of the time because it's impossible to see every single person play.
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Swoops, Yde, Hairy are all 20s that have stood out in my mind, always playing well. Not sure if they are the best, but they are definitely rememberable!
Carrying flag like Çer=fat skills

You can be good at objectives, and you can be good at mid fighting. "Best" depends completely on what people are saying others are "best" at, which is wrong most of the time because it's impossible to see every single person play.
Oh yea forgot that FC counts as objective. Yup indeed it is fat skills.
This thread is barely about skill as much as it is about popularity. Maybe 5-8 people mentioned in this thread have actual skill.
Some lists are pretty good, actually.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out which ones tho.
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The fact that you think kill stealing is actually a thing, lets me know that you are in fact just another terrible F2P scrub.
..... yo i thought MarzRider was just fucking around.. calm boy...
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