who do you think the best f2ps are? eu and us

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We can make this thread into something positive. I dunno if they're the best, but for some reason when I saw this thread I thought of this player named Kyllentime(sp?) He was a warrior who I was always happy to see on my team list. Always an objective player. Never farted around in mid and I could always count on 'em to be going after the EFC. He just stood out to me for some reason because he was always doing what he was supposed to be doing. :p

So in terms of team contribution, I vote Kyllentime for Warrior.

Now I would like to write out sappy praises for someone of each class but Im sorry Im much too lazy :p So, instead of just saying who's best, we should say WHY as well. :)
Best Mage I've Played against: Oca-Aerie peak
I cannot get my hands on the slippery little devil...
Mcer is right.... This thread is so worthless...
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No good can come of threads like these. Have we not learned from the 19s?
This thread can be positive. Over the past year that I've been playing FTP there have been some players which have caught my eye. This is not about gear/kills/achievements, but rather players that I have observed consistently performing at high levels skill wise. So here comes the shout outs to those players.

Priest - Nero horde. I haven't seen in quite some time. This guy was a beast healer and always played to the objectives. Always a fun game with him wish he still played or played more.

Rogue - Medanx alliance. Another player I haven't come across in some time. This dude was a flag returning machine. Knew how to play his rogue and it was always fun getting 1v1 with him on my hunter. A real chess match of cools and abilities. Wish he was around more as well.

Paladin - Agu horde. Clutch healer who seemed to turn the tide of any battle no matter how unbalanced the sides were. The kind of player that steps up and does what is needed to win every game.

Warlock - Hu alliance. Ive seen this player do everything needed to win. Whether it is carrying the flag, returning, or controlling mid this warlock can do it all. Inspired me to roll a lock in this hunter infested bracket. One of the highest skilled FTPs Ive seen to date.

Shaman - Dankfury horde. Extra props for rolling elemental in this bracket. Watching him use that knockback defending the FC on the roof is great. A great example of using a subpar spec and making it work through skill and timing.

Warrior - Budson alliance. It was always fun to see him in a BG. You have to be a sadistic person to roll a warrior in this bracket. But somehow he always seemed to manage to make things work and impact the game in a marked way.

Hunter - Lillhunter alliance. As much as it pains me to give props to any alliance hunter I have to mention this one. Another character that does what it takes to win, defense, returns, escorts, and above all one of those players that always seems to be in the right place. I always enjoy games with lillhunter in the lineup. And I make an effort to hunt her down and get a 1v1 on any character I'm playing.

This post is long enough. There are some very notables Ive left off the list. But for now I look forward to seeing you all out in the battleground.
This thread can be positive
But it can't be accurate. Nobody has seen every player of each class play, and people will always disagree with each other on who they consider "good."

Example: Hu clicks, Lillhunter clicks. They're both gimping their play by not keybinding, hence they can't be the "best."
this thread won't end well.

btw, OP need banning just for placing maratain #1 at ANYTHING!!11
This thread can be positive. Over the past year that I've been playing FTP there have been some players which have caught my eye. This is not about gear/kills/achievements, but rather players that I have observed consistently performing at high levels skill wise. So here comes the shout outs to those players.

Priest - Nero horde. I haven't seen in quite some time. This guy was a beast healer and always played to the objectives. Always a fun game with him wish he still played or played more.

Rogue - Medanx alliance. Another player I haven't come across in some time. This dude was a flag returning machine. Knew how to play his rogue and it was always fun getting 1v1 with him on my hunter. A real chess match of cools and abilities. Wish he was around more as well.

Paladin - Agu horde. Clutch healer who seemed to turn the tide of any battle no matter how unbalanced the sides were. The kind of player that steps up and does what is needed to win every game.

Warlock - Hu alliance. Ive seen this player do everything needed to win. Whether it is carrying the flag, returning, or controlling mid this warlock can do it all. Inspired me to roll a lock in this hunter infested bracket. One of the highest skilled FTPs Ive seen to date.

Shaman - Dankfury horde. Extra props for rolling elemental in this bracket. Watching him use that knockback defending the FC on the roof is great. A great example of using a subpar spec and making it work through skill and timing.

Warrior - Budson alliance. It was always fun to see him in a BG. You have to be a sadistic person to roll a warrior in this bracket. But somehow he always seemed to manage to make things work and impact the game in a marked way.

Hunter - Lillhunter alliance. As much as it pains me to give props to any alliance hunter I have to mention this one. Another character that does what it takes to win, defense, returns, escorts, and above all one of those players that always seems to be in the right place. I always enjoy games with lillhunter in the lineup. And I make an effort to hunt her down and get a 1v1 on any character I'm playing.

This post is long enough. There are some very notables Ive left off the list. But for now I look forward to seeing you all out in the battleground.

Priest: Idk who Nero is but I'm almost pisitive that Veinte is better from the games that I've had with him in arenas. He has great positioning (which carries over to WSG), knows when to burst, good fears, and doesn't let his team drop.

Rogue: Medanx hasn't played for how long? Obviously he's a great rogue and you're right, he probably would take the spot if he still played, but he doesn't. The only other rogues that come to mind are Nvdiss, Brov and Colt's rogue and, although I love Brov, I'm pretty positive that Dank plays a better rogue.

Paladin: I would say Acai but he's retired so I really don't know who belongs here. Thus, YDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Warlock: Salf or Bizr. I haven't played with each of them individually enough to know who's better but they're both very solid locks. Perfect timing for burst with doom, perfect fear rotation, know when to spread dot etc.

Shaman: Dank ele, Vianco enhance, and Arenashameng resto even though I haven't seen him for a while.

Warrior: We agree on this one, Budson is a monster.

Hunter: Felix does what's required of him and if you didn't hate the class already, you'll dread it when you finally face him.

Also wtf is this, WoW forums? So many people making random accounts just to post best lists.
But it can't be accurate. Nobody has seen every player of each class play, and people will always disagree with each other on who they consider "good."

Example: Hu clicks, Lillhunter clicks. They're both gimping their play by not keybinding, hence they can't be the "best."

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