who do you think the best f2ps are? eu and us

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I'm not on the list so it can't be legit. Sorry.
Acai and Agu are good

Agu doesn't fake cast, he just plays a lot and is always fully buffed. Acai is a boss hog too, but I personally have never dueled him on an equivalently geared prot paladin. Prot vs Prot duels are a great indicator of skill. Conserving mana, staying above HoJ>exo spam range, timing WoG CD, kiting when OOM and above all the finesse of setting up a kill. It's a form of art.
Acai and Agu are good

But yes this thread is worthless


# 1 Prot paladin: Laglol
# 2 Prot paladin: EARLWING
# 3 prot paladin: Everyone else.

The only list that matters.
these paladins are all terrible. they back peddle sometimes, dont know all the jumps, dont use much food/rumsey buffs, dont juke most of the time, fight in mid or gy all the time and complain alot. agu isnt even on a english server. the only good paladin i see ie eliot
these paladins are all terrible. they back peddle sometimes, dont know all the jumps, dont use much food/rumsey buffs, dont juke most of the time, fight in mid or gy all the time and complain alot. agu isnt even on a english server. the only good paladin i see ie eliot

# 1 BAD Prot paladin: Laglol
# 2 BAD Prot paladin: EARLWING
# 3 BAD prot paladin: Everyone else.

The only list that matters.
Doesn't mean they're not #1
I'd just like to thank angelina for the mention and to you vient she never mentioned anyone being best just mentioning names she's noticed. Not sure how keybinding or not keybinding our 10 offensive spells can stop someone from being good or being the best but fine with me :) I'll continue to click so no1 will call me best at anything
None of these are in any order and yes, they are heavily bias and I don't give a damn 8)

Mage: Shaurooke, Swagpurse, Sabekith, Phrawsty
Druid, Shfthappens, Baffi, Insects
Warrior: Budson, Kincaide, Jump, Gerrod, Mialo
Rogue: Meldqt (think that's Lag, not sure)
Shaman: Miindyy
Paladin: Earl, Yde, Swagbasket
Warlock: Salfir, Bizr
Hunter: Cherrypi, Felix, Grinbair
Priest: Veinte, Holygoats, Decem

Are they the best? Maybe not, I don't know but all of them have impressed me with their personalities, their respect for other players (for the most part, they are human kek) and their ability to play objectively/and or have made me laugh out loud more times then I can count. That's what matters to me, I don't care if you can 1v1 everything on the field or hug pillars in arenas or have the PvP titles, not impressed. That stuff is boring, and anyone can do it if they really want to but not everyone can have a winning personality, at least in my book.

When Aerie Peak and F2P as we know it crumble, into nothingness. When I pass on, into the breadverse via perma-toasting, buttered, and cinna-toasted, yesh, death by toaster plus butter and cinnamon. Cinnarhaetoast Crunch, anyone? It's tasty and rhaelicious! I hope they all rhmember me, at least for a little while. I know I will rhmember deem :D

I know I'm forgetting some people and others I haven't played with much, please forgive me and know that I love you all ;D
This is a pointless and stupid thread, but I feel like I need to contribute. The following individuals have stood out from among the masses in the way that they act, are very unique, and also try very hard:

Can't speak for the new folk:

Holy: Decem
Disc: Veinte
Shadow: That one shadow priest from Drakkari

Arcane: Cotus/Mialu
Frost: Shaurooke

Destro: Bizr
Aff: Electa

FC: Cer
Resto: Ole
Feral: Ginallz
Boomkin: Insects


Resto: Ginallz/Mindy/Kablam
Enh: Url
Ele: Dankfury (Nvdiss)

BM: Biggie
Surv: Felix/Biggie/Cherrypi/Laglol

Prot: Ginallz
Arms: Aufklarung
Fury: Budson

Ret: CarterII (Biggie)
Prot: Acai/Laglol
Holy: Goldendays
awww didnt make Shikaari's best feral :( /cry
nobody should be posting a list of "best" when they fight mid and/or don't play for the objective, just sayin :)
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