What's your modified BG win ratio?

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What I'm getting from this thread is that I need to queue up with Duo and co... Will do!

how did you get that idea?

Look at Duo, he has 90 something hks per wsg, by your logic he would need to afk out of nearly every wsg he joins, but he doesn't.

if you don't farm GY, then if your HK per WSG is significantly higher than 40, then you most likely afk out of losing games.

is that too deep for you? it's just an if loop after an if loop, that's all.
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Double post because the irony is killing me.

Edit: I guess it wasn't a double post after all.
LOL at this thread still on ?

Cmon really.............a kid playing a 24 rogue,with 168 WSG's played and 9k kills talking about what exactly ? ? ?
as we speak, i am working on to improve the formula of MBWR, the skill indicator.

i stand corrected regarding a few things:

1, class difference. well, not much i can do about this because it would be too time-consuming to derive a formula for each class/spec. and probably too complicated for your taste too.

2, just subtraction isn't enough. maybe a square root of the absolute value (but of course keep the sign) and/or more modifiers.

3, i need to implement some sort of degree of freedom and confidence interval.

Statistics is never having to say you're certain. Or is that too deep for you?

what? i am not sure if we are on the same page anymore...you keep bringing Duo, a HK farmer, into the discussion when the assumption already ruled him out in the first place.
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I will look at the technical stuff when i have time. i admit that this "ratio" can be modified and improved.

but it's funny how you wrote all that up without feeling guilty for lying:

let's see, your druid, 6,744 WSG honor kills after 109 WSG games, that is 62 HK per WSG.

now, let's look at a 24 rogue killing machine, who rarely afk out:

7061 WSG honor kills after 168 WSG games, that's 42 HK per WSG.

so either your F2P solo-queuing druid is a BAMF that helps your team kill 20 more players every single wsg than a 24 rogue, or you just lied about rarely afk'ing out of your ass (i know you don't farm GY often)

in fact, when i look at most twinks who don't afk out or farm GY, their HK per WSG ratio is somewhere around 35~45. for example, i just looked at KainUFC's lock who posted on this page, 14939 WSG honor kills after 356 WSG games, that is also 42 HK per WSG. if you don't believe me, just check out some twinks stats page youself. you really don't need to though, because you know perfectly well how often you yourself afk out of (losing) WSG games.
No, I won't lie. I GY farmed the shit out of my druid because i wanted my BoAs; I got them in roughly 2 weeks, I believe - summer time fun project. Then I stopped, but quite a few 100+ HK games inflate stats.

And that has nothing to do with your statistics. EDIT: You touched on them later, but still do not understand. No formula will work. Skill consists of too many variables, while we do not have nearly enough inputs - and correct inputs at that.

Nice try trying to attack and divert, though.

before i look into how to improve my formula, i need to teach those two-faced lying hypocrites (like that 62-HK-per-WSG druid who "doesn't afk out of losing games") a lesson.

I've never been referred to as a druid. Or a lier, as a matter of fact.
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duo is KNOWN for gy farming.


I actually looked at my characters for reference before I posted. My horde mage is p2p and probably 90% of my games on there were either solo queued or with one other person. However, a majority of my shaman's games came in premades. Vashj premades then (may/june, when I was maining the shaman in the bracket) would run pretty low on HKs. We'd typically avoid the early mid chop and stay grouped with FC. Comparing the two characters offers no significant insight, they're very different.

These are things you wouldn't know from looking at the stats page. However, actually reading what people say and not automatically assuming they don't know what they're talking about would go a long way to help you. I was talking about pugging, and I didn't solo queue very often on my shaman.

And your point was?
win ratio...
now I know why receive invite WSG when 0-2 score...

sorry for my broken english
Does this formula take into account the games where we meet an AP premade from the other faction, and have a dance party on top of the tree-stump in the middle of WSG?
looks like i am a pretty horrible druid at 70, my modified win ratio is -5%, which is negative. i am sad. :(

my 80 rogue does okay with a solid 7%.

my 24 rogue rocks an impressive 18.75%, i am pleasantly surprised.

and what are you trying to prove?I noticed, (this has never changed)that people have an obsession on WoW to be "better" then another You know..I used to be just like you..trying to top every scoreboard/kb/meter/whatever.Looking back since I improved my knowledge of this game could I achieve a 100-0 on a f2p hunter in cata?Most likely, if they rez and there less god damn blood elf arcane resists/paladin/priest whatever OP classes in a given bg. But..

all this pride and topping scoreboards its really sad, don't take this as an insult, take it as a wake up call...
100% (current wsg win rate 177/177) - 0% (current ab win rate 0/52) = 1.00 = WBWR

I am toast.
that people have an obsession on WoW to be "better" then another

you quoted me saying "i am a horrible druid at 70" yet you think i am trying to prove i am better than others? come on.

the only reason i am playing 24 is because 70 is dead.

No, I won't lie. I GY farmed the shit out of my druid because i wanted my BoAs;

wow, you are not afraid to resort to "I GY farmed" to explain your abnormally high WSG HK per WSG.

then how do you explain your 3382/74=46 AB HK per AB?

most people have around 35 AB HK per AB. my 24 rogue has 1900/58=33. my 80 rogue has 16530/524=32.

if i still had some respect for you because you seemed to know what you were talking about despite the lying part, then now that respect is completely gone because you continue to lie.
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The main question is: why does it matter?

A question for the ages my friend. /ponder

I play to fun (instead of 'win'). Damn anyone could create a toon with 100% BG wins and zero deaths - but what's zee point? To brag about a toon that has dishonestly inflated stats? That's very small thinking in a very big world (of warcraft).
To brag about a toon that has dishonestly inflated stats?

which is why i am trying to work out a formula that would catch those dishonest try-hards.

He gave a pretty legitimate / understandable reason and I can't really see how is he is 'continuing to lie'.

please explain to me how a 20 druid can farm 46 HK per AB on average? the only way to do it, is to afk out of some AB games. and i am going to assume those are losing ones because no one likes losing.
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wow, you are not afraid to resort to "I GY farmed" to explain your abnormally high WSG HK per WSG.

then how do you explain your 3382/74=46 AB HK per AB?

most people have around 35 AB HK per AB. my 24 rogue has 1900/58=33. my 80 rogue has 16530/524=32.
46 isn't abnormally high. If you check on my statistics I posted in your other threads, I have about the same, without farming. But hey, I remember playing games on my Mage going up to 50-0 without farming, just controlling Stables the whole game.
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