What's the craziest conspiracy theory you think could actually be partly true

My grandpa tries to convince me that Adolf Hitler is alive in Alaska,

I think he is dumb as rocks
I dont care about conspiracy etc..
BUT most fun i have with are FlatEarthers (dumb sh!t af)..

And about nazis secret hideout, @Chops check low budged movie Iron Sky and for hollow earth reptilians nazis Iron Sky 2: Comming Race. Just for fun ;) totally love it
Really tempted to make a funny post here, but instead I'll just think on it and come back with an actual response.

I think a lot of things that involve military are likely a bit more to it than civilians know. Conspiracy level? Not sure. But a lot of events have advanced warning (As we find out decades later from declassified files) and more to them.
I don't know how much the following corporate nerd story falls into conspiracy since a lot of it is documented...

Yeah, there are entire university courses dedicated to all the shady market manipulations Microsoft has done to emerging technologies... still a good read. ;)

I'm fascinated by conspiracy theories. I mean, I don't believe them in the slightest...

The next time you watch a movie online...

I dont care about conspiracy etc..
BUT most fun i have with are FlatEarthers (dumb sh!t af)..

Just to tie these together: if any of you rational folks are curious why so many educated adults have some incredibly stupid beliefs... most commercial streaming services carry an insightful documentary called "Behind the Curve".

Operation highjump was an expedition to Antarctica...

(Bonus Antarcti-fact for Chops: "11 babies have been born in Antarctica, and they all survived... officially giving Antarctica the lowest Infant-Mortality Rate in the world.")
Heya, speaking of the inanity of flat-earthers, we have our very own version of that right here on XP-off! Wanna talk about a worldview conspiracy theory that keeps its legs no matter how much evidence we demonstrate to the contrary? Here it is in one sentence:

"Blizzard hates Twinks!"

People go to untold lengths to find any way they possibly can to support the Blizzard anti-twink conspiracy. Doing so requires donning some pretty hefty blinders, including:

  • The inclusion of "Behsten" and "Slahtz" as the XP eliminators in 3.2. Dismissing their remarkable similarity to the gear of a 19 twink rogue replete with Stranglethorn Fishing Hat (and emotes about "planning a Stranglethorn fishing trip) -- arguably the most iconic piece of twink gear in the history of the game -- Blizzard could have simply never created XP eliminators when they first segregated battlegrounds. Without the XP eliminators, there would be no twinking as we know it, outside of F2P.
  • Direct quotes from Tom Chilton (Director of WoW at the time) about how Blizzard wanted to preserve the twink community in spite of adding XP to battlegrounds in 3.2.
  • Nerfs specifically to the Big Daddy and Bolt gun in cata, two engineering weapons that were destroying the populous 70-74 xp-off bracket.
  • The addition of required character level for bandages in cata. Blizzard added character level requirements to the various stages of First Aid, to prevent new characters from leveling First Aid too far beyond their current power level, and could have left the ~200 grandfathered characters with 450 First Aid alone. But nope, Blizzard added required levels to bandages, too. It saved the 39 and 49 brackets from the brink of collapse because embersilk bandages were essentially acting as lay-on-hands for everyone...in segregated XP-off brackets that only got games 3 days a week at best. Think about that -- Blizzard implemented a nerf that helped 200 players at most.
The list goes on, but one of my favorite anecdotes (i.e. one of the most heartbreaking) was when a twinkinfo member posted screenshots of him trashing an "unhelpful GM", completely missing the GM's insinuations right there in the screenshots that the GM knew the request was twink-related and that the GM actually played twinks as well. I read that conversation and saw how hard the GM tried to stretch the boundaries of their job, and then the self-entitled player trashed any hope of decent rapport in one fell tongue-lashing.

Fast forward a few years, and here we are. If I could title patch 8.1.5, I would honor the twink conspiracy theorists by naming it "Blizzard Hates Twinking II: This Time, It's Personal. Again."
The USA is involved in the ditactorships that happened in South America in the Cold War Period in the ~60's.

JK that's actually a historical fact.
Oh god, please don't get me started on shitty things the united states government has done. I couldn't BE more like a stereotypical university student. lol

Would anyone like to trade notes on Marx's influence on 20th century African revolutions?
The inclusion of "Behsten" and "Slahtz" as the XP eliminators in 3.2. Dismissing their remarkable similarity to the gear of a 19 twink rogue replete with Stranglethorn Fishing Hat (and emotes about "planning a Stranglethorn fishing trip) -- arguably the most iconic piece of twink gear in the history of the game -- Blizzard could have simply never created XP eliminators when they first segregated battlegrounds. Without the XP eliminators, there would be no twinking as we know it, outside of F2P.

But they did rub twinks faces in it with the emotes they make.

Hardly positive or classy by a multi-billion dollar company. "Hate" twinks? They certainly don't "like" them at any rate. Sure you can try to spin it as good-natured fun, but clearly making jest at and not jest with the twinking community.

I would honor the twink conspiracy theorists by naming it "Blizzard Hates Twinking II: This Time, It's Personal. Again.

BUT the way they handled it does show a complete disregard for them as consumers.

They matter so little in the big picture that telling them about re-segregation wasn't even necessary. For days.
Another one of my favorites

Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a body double or (LETS GET CRAZY!) a clone.

[side note: lets avoid devolving into "does blizzard hate twinks" because yo... pallet cleanser]
I do believe the conspiracy of capitalism was just an upgraded feudalism which purposely crashes every decade and majorly every century so the ruling class can shake off the few climbing the ladder and buy up all the land because they're the only ones not in debt.
Oh, this one is interesting.

You know the Elsagate, that scandal involving strange videos in YouTubeKids with Elsa and Spider-Man characters?

It would all be part of a bigger scheme, where kids worldwide are being normalized to strange (sometime sexual) behaviors and symbols to make them easier to be preyed upon by pedophiles.

Youtube's lack of action would be due to its share in the pedophile market.
My favorite is that there was probably a much more intelligent race that was wiped out by the more primitive ones which is why we have things such as Stonehenge and remnants of traditional European witchcraft.

Gangsta rap/culture brainwashing as well as the drug war is probably just a way to keep arms dealers, private prisons and drug dealers making money. IDK if that one really counts because of how true it seems to be.

Pizzagate........honestly too creepy to get into. Anything involving kids is just no.

The depopulation agenda is a good one too. We have the Georgia guidestones, Bill gates talking about vaccines, Bill gates funding vaccines in south Africa right around the same time aids was discovered. Experimentation with kids in public schools involving certain meds and now the suicide epidemic. Not even touching the surface.
Fema Camps, Mass depopulation, New world order, moon landing was faked, bush did 911, the war on terror is lowkey the war for oil. Hitler didn't die in the bunker. Obama is a reptile.
The Earth is flat.
I have read several studies, proofs, seen a lot of videos, photos. Really interesting shit. Really deep attempts to prove this. This community has an answer for almost everything.
Few years ago I was really deep in astronomy and had little telescope borrowed, so I can say it is not true for sure. But I changed my mind in one thing - people who believe this, are NOT stupid. Just naive. This teory is covered by every side and it is really convincing, so I get why they believe it.
it's all connected dudes... New World Order.. and people with so extreme amounts of power.. that only care for more power... When you already have all the money in the world... the next thing on the list is complete power of every human being.. and i believe these elites are trying to get that.. And yeah.. they control everything already... Infiltrated every government world wide.. and playing us out against each other.. while furthering their agenda... I mean there are probably a 1000 conspiracy theories linked together exposing what these people at the top do to us. So yeah.. i dont believe it's ... sorta true.. the world works very different than the mainstream tells us. or the educational systems... or the medical systems. the list goes on and on... anyways.. i've researched most of these things before the word conspiracy theorist was widely used. Now because too many people figure out the truth they had to program that word into peoples mind and point a finger saying.. look he is crazy... lol fuck that.. i'm a rebel until i die or until i'm free.
Because chemtrails are real... World wars are set up to gain more control and eliminate enemies while there is chaos everywhere and people can follow it... Additives in food and water.. all of it to make you lose focus and make you unhealthy and your mind unclear ... make sure you stay poor so you have to keep on working every week and never have a time to sit still and see how insane everything is.... anyways, 1 love 1 heart to all ppls.. we are gonna win.. but it's not going to be easy.

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