What's the best race for rogue?


BE-Elf's look to be the best now that stats are being equalized. They do in fact have the most utility from racial's, males look really gay though. Orc's are better than trolls after stat equalize imo. Rogues are for burst, 40 AP is huge.
Diiesel said:
NE, free Vanish. people need more hit to be capped against you..

this. 1v1 NE's are best defensive rogue class hands down, the extra 2% hit and the fact they still have highest agi of all rogues and their stam got buffed makes them easily #1 in 1v1 lol. They aren't the greatest WSG class however. Either way pick your class on what you like. Everyclass is vaible. Dwarves nullify garrotes/stings. Troll's will still have highest horde agi, though the AP difference is still smaller, and berserker isn't bad either. Gnome's got extra racial and I'm sure I don't need to explain humans/orcs/NE's/BE's
Crilicilyn said:
there are no stat differences on the PTR atm... NE's and dwarves have = agi now. And @ roflowned if your comment was addressed to me, I have fought every single player on vengeance for over 3 years, I've gone toe to toe w/ drayner @ his peak too. And warrior's need CD's to beat a rogue too and even then I lose one in every 20 1v1s to them. Hunter's may have better dmg over all then rogues, but we have top end burst and the most interrupts. As soon as PTR goes live no1 will be rolling ravagers either.
i wasnt talking about 1v1s at all, warriors and hunters are much better for 10v10s than a rogue

and i was talking to that guy with the human w/e in his sig
i have to disagree, hunters and warriors lack the interrupts and CC's of a rogue. The hunter's who roll ravager's will most likely reroll spider's next patch anyways. Many rogues on one team is an epic fail tbh, but a good team needs 1-2 rogues or 1 rogue and an extra shammy to handle interrupts. There are a lot of rogues out there who can and will outplay the avg. hunter or warrior everytime. Besides, he wants help on choosing a race anyways, not your opinion on best 10v10 setup.
Crilicilyn said:
I avg. less then 1000 dmg from the best hutners on my battlegroup and get more kills/fewer deaths and I have better interrupts.... You obviously have never seen a good rogue and I'm decent/lucky at best lol. Also since their degrading all our stats from what I've seen on the PTR BE do have the best racial against casters and other rogues (trinket sap and aoe removes stealth.) Orcs are excellent dmg wise and personally I like WoTF more then the other racials , but there are a higher percentage of locks/priests on vengeance.

You're talking about Pugs and damage done; both are superfluous. In a premade, it's all about the slows and CC, and frankly that's where rogues fall short. I wish rogues were good in premades as much as the next guy, but, as Sheep said, "melee hunters are better than rogues." Hunters have a ranged slow, a melee slow, various pet CCs, and a fear (for the druid FC). Rogues have a stun only useable out of stealth, and a short stun that's interrupted by damage. Also, a good hunter will always have better damage than a good rogue, which only compounds this difference.

Rogues still rock in arenas, and I for one wish they could have some more WSG viability. For the time being, however, they're not an optimal choice.

That being said, a lot of guilds will use a rogue in a premade simply because there was no one else to fill the slot and/or the rogue is far more skilled than anyone else who could fill the slot. This happens (or will probably start to happen again, once premades start going again) pretty frequently on our server. Veng ftw!
Crilicilyn said:
i have to disagree, hunters and warriors lack the interrupts and CC's of a rogue. The hunter's who roll ravager's will most likely reroll spider's next patch anyways. Many rogues on one team is an epic fail tbh, but a good team needs 1-2 rogues or 1 rogue and an extra shammy to handle interrupts. There are a lot of rogues out there who can and will outplay the avg. hunter or warrior everytime. Besides, he wants help on choosing a race anyways, not your opinion on best 10v10 setup.
if all that's happening is the web range increase ppl are still going to use bats/ravengers in 10v10s

u probably dont know what a premade is so dont waste my time by responding
Crilicilyn said:
i have to disagree, hunters and warriors lack the interrupts and CC's of a rogue. The hunter's who roll ravager's will most likely reroll spider's next patch anyways. Many rogues on one team is an epic fail tbh, but a good team needs 1-2 rogues or 1 rogue and an extra shammy to handle interrupts. There are a lot of rogues out there who can and will outplay the avg. hunter or warrior everytime. Besides, he wants help on choosing a race anyways, not your opinion on best 10v10 setup.

No good player would roll a spider for a premade. Web is dipellable. As far as interrupts, that's considered primarily the shammy's job (who is much, much more versatile than a rogue), with ravage/fears/whatever for support. A good shaman should be able to handle it by himself. Having a class whose primary purpose is to interrupt is suboptimal when there's already a decent shaman.

However, I agree with your point about rogues being able to outplay other classes. If you have to choose between a really good rogue and a garbage (or even average) hunter/warrior/lock/etc, the rogue is the better choice any day. However, if the choice is between a good hunter or warrior and an equally good rogue, the former choices will always be better.

And yeah, I know the original topic was about race choice. The conversation had diverted, and I felt like jumping into the fray.
Crilicilyn said:
i have to disagree, hunters and warriors lack the interrupts and CC's of a rogue. The hunter's who roll ravager's will most likely reroll spider's next patch anyways. Many rogues on one team is an epic fail tbh, but a good team needs 1-2 rogues or 1 rogue and an extra shammy to handle interrupts. There are a lot of rogues out there who can and will outplay the avg. hunter or warrior everytime. Besides, he wants help on choosing a race anyways, not your opinion on best 10v10 setup.


only cc a rogue has is gouge and sap and sap isnt that great because its a 5 second cc at most(b/c if you want to sap you have to have your team stay far back so people dont get in combat) and only shitties get consistently gouged and it drops combo points for that huge evisc crit with debuff up etc. oh and a rogue has to spend like all of his talent points that could be for crit and shit on just have a short duration sap that is really easily avoidable or if it fails while the team is sitting back 30+ yards away so they dont get in combat and the rogue gets pulled out he can get shit on before his team can get near him etc.

warriors have an interrupt too if you didnt realize that also dazes people for 6 seconds, they have a gap closer that doesnt suck complete dick(sprint is shit) even if you have to be out of combat

they actually have on demand snare that has a 10% chance to root them in place for 5 seconds if glyphed, they have comparable damage, easier to heal vs a hunter(which is common offensive class on defence idk if u know that since u clearly never really premade) they have disarm for the hunters on defense, they have sunder armor just like a rogue, they give battle shout, ap reducer and a attack speed reducer.

hunters just shit on rogues damage because they arent constantly being kited to shit, they have a ranged snare and an on demand snare in melee range, scare beast for the druid, aspect of the cheetah so they get around about 100x better and they do have an interrupt with their pet.

rogues are shit and have pretty much always been shit people are just now realizing that. get with the times
Roflowned said:
if all that's happening is the web range increase ppl are still going to use bats/ravengers in 10v10s

u probably dont know what a premade is so dont waste my time by responding

I play on vengeance and we haven't had any premades at all and only a few group queues even. And who the hell are you anyways lol "wasting your time" your not even posting about the author of this threads topic in the first place dumass
blueisbetterthanyou said:

only cc a rogue has is gouge and sap and sap isnt that great because its a 5 second cc at most(b/c if you want to sap you have to have your team stay far back so people dont get in combat) and only shitties get consistently gouged and it drops combo points for that huge evisc crit with debuff up etc. oh and a rogue has to spend like all of his talent points that could be for crit and shit on just have a short duration sap that is really easily avoidable or if it fails while the team is sitting back 30+ yards away so they dont get in combat and the rogue gets pulled out he can get shit on before his team can get near him etc.

warriors have an interrupt too if you didnt realize that also dazes people for 6 seconds, they have a gap closer that doesnt suck complete dick(sprint is shit) even if you have to be out of combat

they actually have on demand snare that has a 10% chance to root them in place for 5 seconds if glyphed, they have comparable damage, easier to heal vs a hunter(which is common offensive class on defence idk if u know that since u clearly never really premade) they have disarm for the hunters on defense, they have sunder armor just like a rogue, they give battle shout, ap reducer and a attack speed reducer.

hunters just shit on rogues damage because they arent constantly being kited to shit, they have a ranged snare and an on demand snare in melee range, scare beast for the druid, aspect of the cheetah so they get around about 100x better and they do have an interrupt with their pet.

rogues are shit and have pretty much always been shit people are just now realizing that. get with the times

you sir obviously cannot play a rogue worth the crap thats filled your head. Warriors interrupt sucks compared to kick+gouge. Oh no! He's gonna charge me!!!... oh wait every in game class now can put a war in combat before he gets it off... hmm lmao! Warriors are excellent classes I am in no way debating that, but rogues do not suck as much as you are making them out to. Every class has their weaknesses and strength's warrior's have decent damage, hammie, and mild interrupts + charge. Rogue's have stealth, higher dmg, sap and the best interrupts at 19. The day i see a warrior focus interrupting 2 different priests is the day I condone not having a rogue in a premade is a wise idea.
omg i'm replying to so many posters lol @ demonic your right, but there are waaay more old skool rogue's who know what their doing then that of any other class. Shammy have and always will be the best 1v1 class in the game, the best support class in the and fairly decent at all other aspects such as CC,healing, flag running and damage. Warrior's/ hunter's play completely different roles then rogues do also. Everyclass is different and everyclass has its purpose. I have a 19 hunter who i play mildly and my 39 warrior was originally a 19 warrior twink. IK the classes and to build an A team having at least 1 rogue is key. In the 3 yrs i've been twinking I've never seen a good premade w/out at least 1 rogue. IK you haven't been on vengeance for that long, but in our glory days things were a lot different. And thing's will be constantly changing.
warriors are better for pugs +premades

warriors should do more damage if you're playing them right

i would rather have a shaman for interrupts anyway (shock stomp shock bomb shock)

and crinicilin u arent posting about the topic either ?_? :eek: :eek: :eek:
cuz u guys are keeping this alive lol and there are people on vengeance who would make you newby twinks squirm lol. Neither of y blue or rofl could match up to any of us vengeance twinks back in the glory days and I'd love to c u keep up now. And I've gouged healer's that are way better ten either of you for tht matter and often. And no way warrior's do more dmg then rogues lmao!!!!

On a side note I prefer just crilly thanks =)

edit: Rogue's have 2 interrupts and shammie's have 1, its much harder to fake cast a rogue too, shammies aren't nearly as hard.

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