What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

Yesterday I got a Redbeard Crest for 80 silver, and a Defender's Shield of Blocking for 2g (got it once before too, for the same price I think, long time ago)
lol you don't need the runs anymore? Cause I can do it ^^ always happy to help peoples with runs, farming everyone Deadman's Hand might suck teh bawls...but :p

Also...Gnomerr is teh poop, WTB my good rings! I have gotten 2 monkey bracers from the rare though, and an owl ring, an int ring, a wolf ring, a bear ring...like 1322 axes and shields...and ONE HELMET (wewt, that thing is teh awesomesh)

:also: glad I brought some laughter into the world :3
haha got cha, but you have it now? Or you still need it - and yeah, I got my 7 str/6stam bear on like my 4th run...but im trying to get a tiger, and maybe an eagle?

:edit: my pally's DMH was ~70 runs, from level 20-26.5 luls
i got it now...my rogues 2 monkey rings took to many to count...20-28..did my STV quests then did some more to 29 then did some more using no XP thing XD
Cptheal said:
i got it now...my rogues 2 monkey rings took to many to count...20-28..did my STV quests then did some more to 29 then did some more using no XP thing XD

My rogue got his 2 monkey rings (perfect 7 agi) in 6 runs :)
Just bought 3/3 wrangler's lvl 18 for 22s, anyone wanna buy? Hehe, i don't even need em:p
Im really unlucky when it comes to twink items on the AH (probably the servers i play on). Only decent deals have been Night Reaver for 10g, Shadowforge Bushmaster for 20g, 10+ 3/3 wranglers (of different kinds) for silver usually.

Also had a few epics quite cheap (somebody miss priced a staff of jordan as 32g and was /w me for days like "I meant to put it as 320 :mad:".
Spite said:
Im really unlucky when it comes to twink items on the AH (probably the servers i play on). Only decent deals have been Night Reaver for 10g, Shadowforge Bushmaster for 20g, 10+ 3/3 wranglers (of different kinds) for silver usually.

Also had a few epics quite cheap (somebody miss priced a staff of jordan as 32g and was /w me for days like "I meant to put it as 320 :mad:".

Hah that sucks, I remember in my newby days a Twisted Sabre dropped while me and some random peeps had on free for all loot. I was soo happy I was able to joink a rare just like that. Tried sellign it for 30g for days (amg shitloads!!!) and after a couple of days I was able to sell it, just mintues after I put it up on ah, I ran to the mailbox and picked up my cash and it was only 3g, forgot to write the 0 in 30. Thought I made the biggest blunder ever:(
Spooksters said:
Logged onto my 28 priest this morning (hes going to 39) and was checking out the AH for anything, been trying to get my hands on an Underworld Band for a while...but anyways, I didn't find what I was looking for - but I did find this:

Hotshot's for 60g...I was pretty happy :3

Jaw Dropped.

Has not risen yet.

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