What's one thing you wish you didn't do?

For me, it was leveling my warrior that had a M15 130 Getti'iku with duelist Azerite max cloak, essences, etc. :)

Now I have to level another warrior and not have anywhere near the amount of gear
That char would be the best in the 50’s now shadowland gear is restricted? Can you get back to the level you were at solo?
Nothing, because i made a guide on prepping for 50 and spent most of season 4 playing/gearing for the future bracket

(this is because in 110s i leveled my mage who was insane farmed mythic argus in a hardcore mythic guild all of antorus patch, lots of m+ gear too... before i knew of the bracket joined late on my raider alt lock.. and that same mage had legendary ring and full WoD mythic gear... so 2 expansions missed potential uber twink status on my mage. now i know better)
Farm legion dungeons instead of getting ilvl 58 / ilvl 59 chest and shoulders first day of SL prepatch
I think I can say that alot of us regret looting the hoa (and unlocking traits on gear) in prepatch instead of just going for the i58/59 gear with stats :D
my old 111 warrior was bugged and still had the rethu's legendary passive for the longest time but while playing him it got removed
Farming Mythic Antorus for a year to get all maxed out Titanforged Relics for 266 Artifact weapon only to get it nerfed in pre patch.

But not really I had my fun with 110-111 for quite a while.
Honestly? Trolling people so hard back in WOTLK. Not so much the amount of trolling more so how quickly I would push people to crossing a line. Only thing in wow I regret. I crossed a couple of lines with the flimsy excuse of "they crossed it first".

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