What really grinds my gears?

Getting GY farmed today, but it did pay off they were focusing so much on the honour we got the last cap. Karma...
Getting GY farmed today, but it did pay off they were focusing so much on the honour we got the last cap. Karma...

One of my favorite things is distracting half the opposing team when they are obsessed with harassing me. Meanwhile my team usually handles business unless they are terrible.
Having 9 stacks on me and my team runs out and leaves me alone :eek:
3 rogues on me and all I see is the green clouds everywhere and I can't move.
getting 3rd in fishing 6 weeks in a row cuz tich fishers seem to get 1st and 2nd at 10-15mins consistantly like hackers
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getting 3rd in fishing 6 weeks in a row cuz tich fishers seem to get 1st and 2nd at 10-15mins consistantly like hackers

Yea it took a few tries on my rogue (on tich) got really lucky to get second :]
Tip: get a friend to xrealm you to a deserted serv like ravenholdt, all pools to yourself
"Could someone grab the flag and come to the middle, we win if we can get this cap in time."

"No, gyfarm lolololololololol"

Fc runs out of the line of sight for healing into the other team. Eight against two, who do you think won?
When I loose my bet on sports after 2min...
Hockey tickets - $200 for a decent seat :(
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Arathi Basin Call to Arms grinds my gear, The amount of complete utter morons is increasingly high on both factions.
The teams are better without CTA, There is no communication, no teamwork, barely any healers or off-healers.
It's just shit.

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