What really grinds my gears?

I didn't get the first part about dicks n shit, but I guess you're into that stuff.. I do play in the bracket, just in the EU, but that doesn't really matter, since you don't have to play in the bracket to see, from your posts here on TI, that you're an arrogant, egocentric, inconfident kid, that acts like a 'champion' on a website to hide the fact that he has no friends in real life, cause he a dick.

*cracks whip*
Facing an Alexstrasza group queue with a bad team.
Falling asleep when the good stuff starts to happen.

And also, having to stealth a whole bg because Duo wanted to kill me :eek:
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Yeah that Battle fatigue lawl its pretty bad. Thinking about rolling a pay to play holy pally. I hate Goesid talks in our forum when he obviously has never met any of the people in this bracket. But haters gotta hate.
He has met many of the europe 24's...
On arms warrior spamming real id for group, solo queue, enter flag room 2 whispers "hey we got a spot open"
Thats sad, you just proved right there. You don't play in this bracket, Never played with Duo yet you Claim to know him.
Doesn't matter who he is, you can't judge him till you have actually met him Snack
You obviously haven't so you don't have a clue. Well I looked him up too 96% win ratio and over 3k bgs won. A far as I'm Concerned you are the only unconfident kid in this situation. Do some more research he even has some Video Showing all his sets and shit... Thats dedication and isn't that was being a Twink is about? Bis shit and playing with your friends.
Seems to me, like some one needs to come to US to get farmed, or least face him once.
Lol sounds like he ruins everyone day so looks like hes doing his job lmfao

Yuma just went Ham.
Goodnight everyone :D

Oh you stupid.

Duo leaves every bg he's about to lose to avoid his percentage going down.
OH YE I remember that video, my favorite was the armor/stamina set with acid walkers.
I've played 24s, I got bored after 100 bgs.

I don't get farmed, leaving the GY is too easy.
How Duo hasn't hung himself after 4000 games on a 24 does show he is persistant.

And that people is what really grinds my gears.
Yeah that Battle fatigue lawl its pretty bad. Thinking about rolling a pay to play holy pally. I hate Goesid talks in our forum when he obviously has never met any of the people in this bracket. But haters gotta hate.

Battle fatigue is good where it is. Resil is too low.
I I haven't? I thought I've met alot people in this bracket. But there seems to be some knowledge you don't know and need some random 24 across the atlantic to tell you.
Such a badass sentence to end with.
Thats sad, you just proved right there. You don't play in this bracket, Never played with Duo yet you Claim to know him.
Doesn't matter who he is, you can't judge him till you have actually met him Snack
You obviously haven't so you don't have a clue. Well I looked him up too 96% win ratio and over 3k bgs won. A far as I'm Concerned you are the only unconfident kid in this situation. Do some more research he even has some Video Showing all his sets and shit... Thats dedication and isn't that was being a Twink is about? Bis shit and playing with your friends.
Seems to me, like some one needs to come to US to get farmed, or least face him once.
Lol sounds like he ruins everyone day so looks like hes doing his job lmfao

Yuma just went Ham.
Goodnight everyone :D

Rofl! Thanks for the laugh, needed that.
But what has afk'ing losing games and farming F2P's in common with being a good player?
Also no1 needs to face him, his TI person gave him away.
Would love to see him roll an F2P hpal to showcase said skills.. I mean if you are so pro Why let your skills be clouded by gear/lvl/chants..
I guess the fact that every game is a 5 man group queue from 24s and I have yet to see more than 4 24s in a game from the Alliance.

Add me to real id. I can let u know when I am on alliance side or people running ally side on Sanc


Tuesday Schedule maintenance really grinds my gear
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Thats sad, you just proved right there. You don't play in this bracket, Never played with Duo yet you Claim to know him.
Doesn't matter who he is, you can't judge him till you have actually met him Snack
You obviously haven't so you don't have a clue. Well I looked him up too 96% win ratio and over 3k bgs won. A far as I'm Concerned you are the only unconfident kid in this situation. Do some more research he even has some Video Showing all his sets and shit... Thats dedication and isn't that was being a Twink is about? Bis shit and playing with your friends.
Seems to me, like some one needs to come to US to get farmed, or least face him once.
Lol sounds like he ruins everyone day so looks like hes doing his job lmfao

Yuma just went Ham.
Goodnight everyone :D
Ahahaha this is epic.

1. No1 needs to have played with/against Duo to see that he is a prick (atleast ingame) and you seem to be an aspiring prick too:
Seems to me, like some one needs to come to US to get farmed, or least face him once.
Lol sounds like he ruins everyone day so looks like hes doing his job lmfao
I mean wtf... ruining the bracket, and destroying other peoples experience in a game is doing his job? And if I went to the US and got farmed by groups of overgeared, overpowered classes, would that make me understand how good he is?

2. As others have stated, win ratio says shit, AFK games and you can get 100% win ratio easssiilyy. And I bet you are gonna say he neeeever AFK's, but well when you groupqueue with 24's, against f2p's, 100% ratio should be easily reached...

3. I think it's cool that you stand up for your pal, and I have come to understand why you can't seem to see the flaws in his 'perfectness'; you seem to think that farming f2p's on said 24's with your friends is what twinking is about. And I understand it, if you feel like shit, feeling superior in a game, sounds like a good way to get over your own miserable life.

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