People instant trinketing Sap when there is no reason to. Or Paladins bubbling it... Why on earth would you trinket my Sap when I can just Sap you again straight away?
People instant trinketing Sap when there is no reason to. Or Paladins bubbling it... Why on earth would you trinket my Sap when I can just Sap you again straight away?
When people think they're hot shit on a forum and we have no evidence they're all what they're cracked up to be irl
Yea I own a gym, have a family of 4, and received a medal of honor for just joining the service. Dont fuck with me.
When people think they're hot shit on a forum and we have no evidence they're all what they're cracked up to be irl
I would never do that in serious game permades or 5 24s on each team but on my hunter I see the culprit and trinket scatter Etc dead rogue. That's if he saps me mid in close quarters It depends.
Edited cause auto correct changed permades to permafrost lol
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If I'm playing a character that can AOE right after I trinket, or a hunter, I'll do it all the time because 99% of the rogues trying to catch me don't have the reaction time necessary get that 2nd sap off before I pull them out. At the very best, we'll tie and I'll AOE them out and the sap will land, but then the DR will reduce the sap and I'll be out before they restealth. Depends on the fight though, if it's just some aimless mid killing scrub as I'm running across, I'll let them have their kb and go on with my day, but if it's pretty urgent like a repick or return will win/lose the game, then I'll do my best to bust em out.
Having to pee in the middle of an intense bg![]()
This hardly ever happens to me. Thank god for the first few mins of having to wait for the bg to start.Having to pee in the middle of an intense bg![]()