Heh, one does not simply have one alt twink.
I just got back into the game as twinking is more fun now, exclusively to twink I think. I had a bunch of 60 and 19's before,
Right now i'm mostly playing on a new 29 warr, or 2 x 19 warrs, or a new mw monk, but the list goes on, and on and on.
During the pre-legion invasion event i leveled and geared a lvl 70 hunter, 60 druid, 39 warr, 29 hunter, 10 monk, 19 warr/priest/mage/druid/warlock, however not all of them were warforged/titanforged fully
Been twinking since classic though, with a few years hiatus in between.
I can highly recommend MW monk, they are quite fun, and strong, any other monk specc sucks in comparison.
Also of course love warriors...
Play whatever you want to play, while most speccs are far from viable, i would say that every class has some good use, and enchants are strong.