
Vincent said:
Im starting to think they lowered the drop rate...

Either that or removed it - Is possible. Hence why I kind of wanted it rapidly. Luck wasn't with me on the character I wanted it on :)
I just got it, about 15 minutes ago on Bankbeauty
bankbeauty said:
I just got it, about 15 minutes ago on Bankbeauty


what's your ratio so far? how many hats out of how many tries?

thanks for confirming that it still drops after today's maintainance.
glancealot said:

what's your ratio so far? how many hats out of how many tries?

thanks for confirming that it still drops after today's maintainance.

7 Days, 7 Tries, on 1 Character.
thanks bankbeauty.

on a related note, apparently that "save bags(turn off auto-loot) and check them again after maintainance" does not work. the items inside remain exactly the same.

i don't know about server transfer or faction change but i doubt it.
glancealot said:
on a related note, apparently that "save bags(turn off auto-loot) and check them again after maintainance" does not work. the items inside remain exactly the same.

Apparently? it just resets on some major patches (or used to), not every time the servers go down...
Vincent said:
Apparently? it just resets on some major patches (or used to), not every time the servers go down...

ok good to know.
Just to confirm: After the maintenance today - the 1 bag I kept from 2 days ago had its contents changed after maintenance.

But the amount of copper in it stayed the same lmfao. Stranglekelp turned into a swiftness potion, right on!

The grey piece of shit just turned into a different grey piece of shit.
SSB64 said:
Just to confirm: After the maintenance today - the 1 bag I kept from 2 days ago had its contents changed after maintenance.

Strange, the bag I kept remained unchanged. Did you remove any of the contents of the bag prior to maintenance?
Eliot said:
Strange, the bag I kept remained unchanged. Did you remove any of the contents of the bag prior to maintenance?

None at all - Just opened it to check the contents and then slapped it in my bank.

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