i've played 19 tw0nks in every expansion and the majority of the time ive qd alliance to help fight against all the f@gs who Q horde for easy face roll wins with their grouped skill ratio idols. Auggidin hit the nail on the head. pugs will now be based around hoping u get to q into another group of twinks on the other faction and see who can carry their shitty lvl 10s better. i think that would be much more enjoyable than waiting 20 minutes for a game full of "tw0nks" praying for a group of semi-competent players just to get rolled and GY farmed. Yes, occassionally you would get the golden games where both sides had very good players and i would agree, those games were sometimes more tense than actual premades. but i can also count the number of those games on both of my hands for the entire time i played in WoD. Plus, towards the end of WoD people weren't even qing pugs they were having plebmades every other night, why does that have to change? I think all of u people need to calm ur tits and adapt to the expansion just like every other twink did in expansions prior. its not the end of the world. this can be a win-win for everybody if there is enough activity in the bracket.