Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

Ppl seems to miss on fact that we will be effected by the worst and stupidest thing ingame.
Good thing they nerf it..

It is basic things that make everyone hate hunters. No way of taking them away and sustain spec somewhat playable.
They took away already some things as sc and serpent. Makin acrane shot at 10 is just stupid and shows they have no idea of how to balance class between lvls.
Imagen to level 10 levels with auto shot.
top kek.

It is only question of time when hunters will be back on top again.

Hopefully they add a CD too it or remove it completely, with the removal of hunters mark, i dont see the point in keeping this skill around either tbh.
Hopefully they add a CD too it or remove it completely, with the removal of hunters mark, i dont see the point in keeping this skill around either tbh.

Nah its been around long nuff plus some talants and glyphs bind to it. bet they dont have time on it...
Worst thing is guardian gonna get it and still use it in bear.. dont care bout ferals since almost 0 24s/29s play it.. Hard hu..
Aswell as this spell is freakishly long 12 sec or even longer..
It is basic things that make everyone hate hunters. No way of taking them away and sustain spec somewhat playable.
They took away already some things as sc and serpent. Makin acrane shot at 10 is just stupid and shows they have no idea of how to balance class between lvls.
Imagen to level 10 levels with auto shot.
top kek.
It is only question of time when hunters will be back on top again.
Why you speak of hunters if I was talking bout human racial?
View attachment 4408
As for hunters I'm sure that their damage will be tuned back, another problem is if Blizzard will do like "hunters are so underpowered lets give em passive +100% RAP hurr durr"


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Why you speak of hunters if I was talking bout human racial?
View attachment 4408
As for hunters I'm sure that their damage will be tuned back, another problem is if Blizzard will do like "hunters are so underpowered lets give em passive +100% RAP hurr durr"

at the moment there are a bunch of classes that are unfinished as far as damage tuning goes right now. You can see this if you look at the most recent patch notes and where u see a weapon damage @ there is like wd$ or some other thing. basically dont get to comfortable with the way damage is right now just get used to the feel of classes. i mean shit blizz still hasnt done that "reworking lvling spell flow" or what ever the hell that was supose to be. basicaly theres still a whole lot in the air we dont know.

From a non bias standpoint i do like the kindah play the new survivalist brings with you almost wanting to snipe kills in order to keep gettting heals. kindah a cool thing to think about. the combat res from the moth and crane pet are pretty dope to.
at the moment there are a bunch of classes that are unfinished as far as damage tuning goes right now. You can see this if you look at the most recent patch notes and where u see a weapon damage @ there is like wd$ or some other thing. basically dont get to comfortable with the way damage is right now just get used to the feel of classes. i mean shit blizz still hasnt done that "reworking lvling spell flow" or what ever the hell that was supose to be. basicaly theres still a whole lot in the air we dont know.

From a non bias standpoint i do like the kindah play the new survivalist brings with you almost wanting to snipe kills in order to keep gettting heals. kindah a cool thing to think about. the combat res from the moth and crane pet are pretty dope to.

The new hunter seems like a ranged support instead of a demi-god. I absolutely love it. I may actually play one in WoD.
The new hunter seems like a ranged support instead of a demi-god. I absolutely love it. I may actually play one in WoD.
i just cant get over how awesome that combat res is . not sure if i would just take 2 cranes for double bres or if i would take a pet with a raid buff. heck they even have pets with the mortal wounds debuf..... talk about choices.

if they got 1 trap i would fall in love with hunters. dont care what it is just gimi 1 trap.
at the moment there are a bunch of classes that are unfinished as far as damage tuning goes right now. You can see this if you look at the most recent patch notes and where u see a weapon damage @ there is like wd$ or some other thing. basically dont get to comfortable with the way damage is right now just get used to the feel of classes. i mean shit blizz still hasnt done that "reworking lvling spell flow" or what ever the hell that was supose to be. basicaly theres still a whole lot in the air we dont know.

From a non bias standpoint i do like the kindah play the new survivalist brings with you almost wanting to snipe kills in order to keep gettting heals. kindah a cool thing to think about. the combat res from the moth and crane pet are pretty dope to.
BTW what does this "$sw2" shit mean? There should be formula so spells could work -_-
15% over 10sec is meh, of course will help in situations where you're without healer, but still very small amount.

i just cant get over how awesome that combat res is . not sure if i would just take 2 cranes for double bres or if i would take a pet with a raid buff. heck they even have pets with the mortal wounds debuf..... talk about choices.

if they got 1 trap i would fall in love with hunters. dont care what it is just gimi 1 trap.
Pretty sure that bres will be on shared CD.

Seems that they've increased pet damage scaling from RAP by x2
Bite: Bite the enemy, causing [(1.5 * ( Ranged attack power * 0.333))] damage ([(1.5 * (0 / 2 + Ranged attack power * 0.1680))] before). Deals 100% more damage and costs 100% more Focus when your pet has 50 or more Focus.
BTW what does this "$sw2" shit mean? There should be formula so spells could work -_-
15% over 10sec is meh, of course will help in situations where you're without healer, but still very small amount.

Pretty sure that bres will be on shared CD.

Seems that they've increased pet damage scaling from RAP by x2
that increased pet damage is pretty interesting . might make playing bm really interesting .
might make playing bm really interesting .
Nope. No fun allowed.

Go for the Throat - Spell - World of Warcraft has been removed and its effects have been incorporated into Invigoration - Spell - World of Warcraft.
Invigoration now also grants 15 Focus to the Hunter's pet from auto-shot Critical Strikes.

BTW with all the new changes to survival I'm wondering if spec gets new arrow/traps, cause this is 10lvl+ passive. Trap Mastery - Spell - World of Warcraft
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Nope. No fun allowed.

BTW with all the new changes to survival I'm wondering if spec gets new arrow/traps, cause this is 10lvl+ passive. Trap Mastery - Spell - World of Warcraft

traps are like my favorit part of hunters . like if their was a class that only used traps id play it so i would be very happy if hunters got traps. druids getting barkskin would be real interesting as well,
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just did some digging on wowhead and found the following items kindah fun .
Rolling Pin of Awesomeness - Item - World of Warcraft <- try to mog it to your wep befor bliz ruins fun
Talon of Vultros - Item - World of Warcraft <- bis max ambush damage ( yeah i did the math)

oh and bis combat mh weap

Bone Fishing Pole - Item - World of Warcraft

Wait, so those are F2P BiS? :O

How do you figure? Did they change scaling somehow recently?

And the cute fuzzy guy is something sort of like a mix between a hunter and a boomkin. He is a champion in League of Legends. His "Ultimate" ability is a recharging mushroom trap (up to 3 charges, unlimited can be placed at a time, roughly 20 second recharge, 10 minute duration). They do massive amounts of damage :)

What you were talking about made me think of him.
traps are like my favorit part of hunters . like if their was a class that only used traps id play it so i would be very happy if hunters got traps. druids getting barkskin would be real interesting as well,
I had a ranger in GW1 that did just that, just traps and speed buff skills on the bar. Take a gander at all the traps:Trap - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW)

My dream is beast master spec with no bow.
Wait, so those are F2P BiS? :O

How do you figure? Did they change scaling somehow recently?

And the cute fuzzy guy is something sort of like a mix between a hunter and a boomkin. He is a champion in League of Legends. His "Ultimate" ability is a recharging mushroom trap (up to 3 charges, unlimited can be placed at a time, roughly 20 second recharge, 10 minute duration). They do massive amounts of damage :)

What you were talking about made me think of him.

base damage on weapons is "squished" and scaling of damage from gear is increased. so the 2 sec speed on vultros ends up giving the highest "top end damage" of all daggers. its 3.5 agi for 1 dps i think u get what im going at. and then the 3 speed on the pole. same kindah deal . the percent benefit of weapon speed to the top end damage is smaller then the talon but as your stats increase from scaling of gear and what not the diference will become more apparent.

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