Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

A few notes from the beta:

I will be updating this list as I explore more of the changes.

If you have any requests, please let me know.

  • My fully geared monk had about 2,300 health, without AGM.
  • I dealt about twice the damage that I usually would against level 14s-15s (green mobs).
  • I can no longer queue for a random dungeon as a DPS if I am in a healer spec.
  • Don't know if anyone cares, but Detox has a new icon. XD
  • Presence of Mind is available for mages at level 22.
  • When glancing at the BG interface, I saw that there was a battleground called 'Troll Raid 2' that's map looks like Southshore vs. Tarren Mill. Someone pointed out to me that this might be a battleground that will come in for the 10th anniversary for WoW, so maybe F2Ps will get the chance to queue for it as well!
  • Not too sure if this is new, but talent spell choices are now placed in the general section of the spellbook instead of the '<class>' section.
  • Under the specific dungeons tab in the dungeon finder interface, the dungeons are no longer color coded based on level.. Might mean that whenever we queue, they will have an equal chance to get into any of the dungeons availabe to us.
  • In the Specific battlegrounds tab, under the 'Choose a roll' it says 'Reward for win: Loot Roll'. This could mean that we really will be getting actual loot from completing BGs.
  • The spell power that I have on my monk is slightly higher than it is on live.

Is the BG 20-29 then? Do you scale to 29? Do items continue to scale that high or do they stop at +4 levels (do they look the same as they do in 20-24 BGs or are they significantly higher)? Thanks
Is the BG 20-29 then? Do you scale to 29? Do items continue to scale that high or do they stop at +4 levels (do they look the same as they do in 20-24 BGs or are they significantly higher)? Thanks

I didn't actually get into any BGs, I just know from posts on other forums that the 'Troll Raid 2' looks something like Southshore vs. Tarren Mill.

There was a new darkmoon fair quest reward. A cloak with slow fall i believe. can u see if lvl 1 can get it and use it outside of fair? tnx.

The Darkmoon Faire hasn't started as of yet. It will start this weekend.
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much anxious
many hope
so deams.
A few notes from the beta:

I will be updating this list as I explore more of the changes.

If you have any requests, please let me know.
  • My fully geared monk had about 2,300 health, without AGM.
  • I dealt about twice the damage that I usually would against level 14s-15s (green mobs).
  • I can no longer queue for a random dungeon as a DPS if I am in a healer spec.
  • Don't know if anyone cares, but Detox has a new icon. XD
  • Presence of Mind is available for mages at level 22.
  • When glancing at the BG interface, I saw that there was a battleground called 'Troll Raid 2' that's map looks like Southshore vs. Tarren Mill. Someone pointed out to me that this might be a battleground that will come in for the 10th anniversary for WoW, so maybe F2Ps will get the chance to queue for it as well!
  • Not too sure if this is new, but talent spell choices are now placed in the general section of the spellbook instead of the '<class>' section.
  • Under the specific dungeons tab in the dungeon finder interface, the dungeons are no longer color coded based on level.. Might mean that whenever we queue, they will have an equal chance to get into any of the dungeons availabe to us.
  • In the Specific battlegrounds tab, under the 'Choose a roll' it says 'Reward for win: Loot Roll'. This could mean that we really will be getting actual loot from completing BGs.
  • The spell power that I have on my monk is slightly higher than it is on live.
  • On my monk (with leather agi gear on) I have a total of 37 armor with a 9.64% damage reduction. The alchemy potion "Elixir of Minor Defense" effect still states a bonus of 50 armor, so I imagine that armor potions will become more important for damage reduction.
  • The BFD quests are indeed gone, replaced by one quest (for the Horde at least) that simply tells you to 'Kill Aku Mai'.

Can you check what the parry on these has changed too, if anything

Flamescarred Draconian Deflector - Item - World of Warcraft
Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver - Item - World of Warcraft

And what the resil on the pvp heirlooms has changed too, if anything
On the topic of potentially grandfathered gear, has anyone in Beta checked the status of the Garrosh's Pardon quest line?
quick someone post something before those idiots make tanks even stronger

Tank Specs in PvP - Forums - World of Warcraft

like remind them that tank specs( prot warrior and prot paladin being the biggest offenders) global best in slot geared players levels 10-75 in 3-4 GCD's( and 2-3 in 70s)

Ffs. Stupid devs. OF COURSE tanks are hard to kill. THEY'RE FUCKING TANKS. if the other team is to stupid to CC and focus fire, then fuck 'em.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Two energy regen abilities got changed to level 10 for Assassination and Subtlety and Survival had a reduced Focus cost implemented for Explosive Shot.

It's important to note that all of the spells with the "new" damage modifiers that are currently gibberish are abilities that are going to probably undergo massive change.

We'll just have to see on the other side.


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Someone with beta REAAALLLY needs to check if the wod beta wowhead database is accurate when it says Strike of the Hydra - Item - World of Warcraft debuffs armor by 46 @ lvl 20.

Some lvl 24 mistweaver in the 20-24 forums said he had 37 armor in beta. I can't be the only one interested to know if a sword can reduce your armor to zero or possibly below zero.....

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