Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

No news yet on the BoA Tab announced at blizzcon, i wonder if its been scrapped.

they could have heirloom tab last in their checklist on what goes into WoD.

The demo screens from BlizzCon clearly showed that the heirloom tab was last in terms of display order, so they are probably just keeping to that order, and possibly using the toy box as the alpha test case. They may also need extra time to work out what they are going to do with enchants on BoAs. I can imagine they would want to preserve different enchants on things like Shadowcraft armor that could be used for Rogues, Ferals (and Hunters or Enh Shammies).

but knowing how they usually like to do things in our bracket, it's probably not.

Mounts and pets are account wide for F2P so why would Blizzard spend the extra time and money to implement code specifically for accounts that aren't part of their revenue stream? A lot of the restrictions placed on unlimited F2P were to counter abuses from gold traders/farmers and scammers rather than a management decision along the lines of "screw those cheap bastards".

Having said that, I probably just jinxed it for everyone. Sorry.
Mounts and pets are account wide for F2P so why would Blizzard spend the extra time and money to implement code specifically for accounts that aren't part of their revenue stream? A lot of the restrictions placed on unlimited F2P were to counter abuses from gold traders/farmers and scammers rather than a management decision along the lines of "screw those cheap bastards".

Having said that, I probably just jinxed it for everyone. Sorry.

Yep I get there's restrictions. Probably the restrictions for heirloom tab would be we can't use the guild/hellscreams heirlooms but, that all depends upon if we get the tab in WoD.
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New Darkmoon Faire Game
There's a new game at the Darkmoon Faire docks! Race around the Faire, taking care not to run into Zeppelins along the way which slow you down. Some of these racing quests have rewards like Water Wings (Superleap, increased swim speed) and Lasso Bracers, Humanoid (Lasso forward to a distant Humanoid. (20 Sec Cooldown). We've added a video of the first quest below!

WoD Alpha: New Darkmoon Faire Race, Updated Items, Additional Storage, Weapons Video - Wowhead News

Hope will be more items to spend darkmoon tickets on

No more gnomeregan journey everytime u want ghetto slowfall?
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Not sure if this is a HUGE change, but I was just watching a stream and Holinka answered a question and stated that skirmishes will be available to players over level 10, and grant exp. He said later in the chat that pertaining to exp-locking vs. normal leveler queues, it would follow the same rules as battlegrounds.

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Ferocious Bite Now has critical strike chance doubled against bleeding targets.

Shred Shred the target, reducing the target's movement speed by 50% for 12 sec.

So 4sec stun removed it seems. also wonder if shred spaming restos will be fotm once again. since they get all agility from intellect as catz.
So 4sec stun removed it seems. also wonder if shred spaming restos will be fotm once again. since they get all agility from intellect as catz.

Fang set looks REALLY good on resto if that's the case.

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Hello! I basically made this TI account just to post some F2P things no one seems to have picked up on or hasn't gotten the attention it deserves (I play both f2p and p2p).

Ok firstly it seems that Blizzard isn't touching the current enchants. They all already scale per expansion. Now some of them don't make much sense in WOD, however blizz doesn't care as the general trend is that they cannot be applied to ilevel 600 or above. Meaning they no longer affect end game. Out of sight, out of mind.

This means that all +armor kits / enchants receive a indirect buff. Look at current WOD armor values. A chest piece ranges from 5 to 10 armor. Those +16 armor kits are going to give some serious physical mitigation. +10 / 20 armor to cloak enchant and possibly(?) + 30 armor to shield if your lucky + bloodelf. Gloves / legs / boots / chest / cloak & shield....you will easily be doubling your total armor value.

Elixir of minor defense is still giving 50 armor. Grats, you just tripled your armor. Now blizz have mentioned that they are removing all combat benefits from professions right? All the evidence so far points to the combat benefits being removed for end game only (ilvl 600 + characters, lvl 90+). Just like all the current enchants (End game enchants are only ring / neck / cloak / weapons) . I believe it is highly probable that mixology will still exist for F2P's. Meaning that elixir is now 60-70(??) armor.

Now factor in p2p's using the major armor to cloak enchant (+90 armor). Playing pure physical damage classes is going to be rough....to say the least.

However! A very exciting possibility for f2ps (and p2p 20's) is that the sword 'Strike of the hydra' gets boosted into mega-stardom. Currently on WOD wowhead all weapons that have a pure armor debuff have been adjusted accordingly. For example the lvl 24 vibro blade lowered armor by 100 (garbage) and in WOD it lowers it by 5 (equally garbage). Any weapon that has a armor debuff combined with a poison effect (there's like 2 of them lvls 20-60) has been scaled differently. Strike of the hydra goes from -50 armor on live (garbage) to -46 armor in WOD (OMG AWESOME).

Strike of the Hydra - Item - World of Warcraft That's the wod version. Click on the debuff and scale it down to 20. Now scale scale it up to lvl 29. Minus 61 armor. If that goes live then warriors and ret paladins are going to destroy anyone that doesn't have a ton of +armor kits / enchants. -61 gives the possibility of negative armor which will be hilarious. Not only is it potentially -61 armor but the debuff helps your entire team, not just you.

Anyways I'll be testing this on beta for sure.

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