The bracket will extend to 29s however Failtopay toons, (not p2ps as 20s) will play in their own bracket. There will be a limit on the number of BG's in a given day. Last I heard it maybe about 10.
Damn, I totally missed that change. I haven't touched Guardian since halfway through Cata, and I hated it then. Gonna have to try it out again.
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The bracket will extend to 29s however Failtopay toons, (not p2ps as 20s) will play in their own bracket. There will be a limit on the number of BG's in a given day. Last I heard it maybe about 10.
The bracket will extend to 29s however Failtopay toons, (not p2ps as 20s) will play in their own bracket. There will be a limit on the number of BG's in a given day. Last I heard it maybe about 10.
I think thats a good news?
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I have not read this information on any website. Did it come from a tweet?
Since, Blizzard is limiting BGs I wonder if skirmishes and arenas would be limited as well. If you are not a well equipped trial by 6.0 it will rough going to get heirlooms with only 10 BGs a day. I am sure many play more than that. I barely play 10 in a week any more.
Is the limited battlegrounds for f2p only or does it count for all brackets?
Excellent news if true. I will laugh when 29s is dead, and the f2p bracket is still thriving. 24s are scumbags who only get off by griefing others. When they get a taste of their own medicine they will quit like they bitches they are.
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Link ?
Obliviously a troll.. just imagine they actually gonna put their time in to coding any changes for f2p..
For years it has been a "oh well good nuff as it is" policy.
Since when do specs other than feral get rip?
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Damn, I totally missed that change. I haven't touched Guardian since halfway through Cata, and I hated it then. Gonna have to try it out again.
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Is that right?!
Might be a glitch on my toon cuz when I spec resto I get rage fully ripped up
Practically every trial I meet has their rage meter pegged at full.
Practically every trial I meet has their rage meter pegged at full.
Practically every trial I meet has their rage meter pegged at full.
where is this as i don't see it on current notes or in talent calculator
- Discipline Priests learn Holy Nova at level 20.
The bracket will extend to 29s however Failtopay toons, (not p2ps as 20s) will play in their own bracket. There will be a limit on the number of BG's in a given day. Last I heard it maybe about 10.
Bison a link for this would be usefulI barely play 10 bgs / day now, but when gearing up my toons on bg holidays I'm sure I did alot more than that.