Lol if that helped them get fangs perhaps we should a become p2p with linked f2p and ask for a change in our bracket. Hehehe
I'm counting on it.I wonder how it's going to affect our Tank 'looms. Maybe we'll be seeing haste-stacked warriors. lol
lol get ready for me reading my Musty Tome of the Lost - Game Guide - World of Warcraft in battlegrounds then.
Fury Execute: 30 Rage, only below 20%. Arms Execute: 60 Rage, always usable. (But you get tons of rage at <20%)
Should already be reading it.
na, i'd rather bonk people with a stick then bonk people with a book. more humorous that way.
no haste on the staff, and mace can do some nice bonking.
I for one am ready to bow down to our new feral overlords...don't know about yall
meh, still no thanks. with WoD coming up, i'd rather keep dal int build until then and if haste is a must then i'll put haste gear that I have on him.
-Rake now stuns the target for 4 sec if used while stealthed.
Have you ever bonked someone with a book? It's perty funny (protop: use the spine!)na, i'd rather bonk people with a stick then bonk people with a book. more humorous that way.
Execute - Spell - World of Warcraft
Executioner - Spell - World of Warcraft
Correct me if I am wrong but does that means execute cost 60 rage if target is above 20%hp and 30 rage below 20% ?
if youre specced arms it will cost 60 rage but you can use it at all times
for other specs it will be 30 rage and only usable on targets below 20%