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changes are sounding pretty good. hopefully f2p's won't be put into skirm ques with 29's, that'd just be a giant suckfest.
pretty sure f2ps will get their own skirmish or no skirmish at all.
changes are sounding pretty good. hopefully f2p's won't be put into skirm ques with 29's, that'd just be a giant suckfest.
It really is not the abilities that are the issue. There are very few game breaking abilities between 20 and 24. Now, that is not to say there are not some important ones. The enchants that a subscriber has access to is what makes a difference. But in order to gain access to the best enchants, they too have to endure many many hours of grinding reputation.F2P will suffer hard when they have to go vs 29s
As if 24s were's tough enough as it is.
Extra health, damage, abilities and a glyph spot.
Lets hope that the "upscaling" continues to help out a little to minimise the blow.
Q) With Warlords of Draenor having a 90-99 battleground bracket, are you looking to expand other brackets to their 10 level ranges?
A) Yes
You can add it to the top of the thread now, it's official.
Bring on the butthurt.
And in regards to the skirmish brackets potentially being 20-29 ...
Who cares? Just leave if you're not against a f2p team. It's simple and straightforward. You don't have to subject yourself to facing a team that has advantages over your own team.
Huzzah, skirmishes!
We could technically do that with BG's too but it's the desserter debuff that's a problem.![]()
i can see some serious egos popping up if skirmishes happen lol . who will be "the top team"does this mean i will have to start making pally videos to rap music !?
i can see some serious egos popping up if skirmishes happen lol . who will be "the top team"does this mean i will have to start making pally videos to rap music !?
Ok so, I never did skirmishes when we had them. Been looking up info on how they work. Can you only challenge people of the same realm or can CRZ grouped people duke it out? Maybe somebody has a good link that lays it out...
Skirmishes work extremely similarly to battleground queues. You queue up and face a random enemy team queueing.
I would think that there would be far more diversity than just the arena players on AP who occasionally play games.
1. Both Alliance and Horde can queue into each other.
2. There are potentially gear rewards based on winning Skirmishes.
3. The activity itself can filter out games against P2Ps by leaving the match at the start against them.
4. You can queue arena solo - you don't have to be grouped by a P2P to queue skirmishes.
5. There are potentially ways to actually keep track of rating based on win/losses against other F2P teams.
Sounds great to me. So no deserter debuff? I take it this is for 2v2 and 3v3? Is the realm pool the same a battlegrounds or is it a smaller group?