Movement Speed
Examples of self-only passive bonuses: Cat Form, Movement Speed enchants, Quickness racial for Night Elves, Unholy Presence
These will all stack additively with each other.
Examples of shared or temporary bonuses: Angelic Feather, Sprint, Stampeding Roar
All of these effects can now be applied simultaneously, but only the strongest one will have an effect.
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Feral Druids received one major change, and few tweaks beyond what's been mentioned above in Ability Pruning and Facing Requirements. Combo Points are now stored "on the player", meaning that when you switch targets, any accumulated Combo Points remain with you. Pounce was buffed significantly, in order to bring it up to par with Ravage. Primal Fury was changed to let it affect area attacks as well. Glyph of Savagery was reworked to better achieve its intended effect.
Combo Points for Feral Druids are now shared across all targets, and are no longer lost when switching targets.
Overall, we are happy with Balance's rotation, however there are a few tweaks coming through Draenor Perks. With the changes to Periodic Effects, we're slightly modifying Eclipse to allow it to retain the gameplay it had before.
Eclipse now increases the damage of all Nature spells (or Arcane, depending on which Eclipse state is active) cast while it is active. This means that for example: a Moonfire cast during Eclipse will receive the Eclipse benefit through its whole duration, even after leaving Eclipse. The reverse also holds true; a Moonfire cast before entering Eclipse will not benefit from that Eclipse until it is recast.
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We did a comprehensive pass on Hunter pet abilities. As mentioned above in Crowd Control and Diminishing Returns, all full crowd-control abilities have been removed from Hunter pets and replaced those with new abilities, including spreading some that were previously restricted to exotic pets. Additionally, Hunters can now tame beasts from new pet families.
Hunters may now tame beasts from 3 new pet families.
Hook Wasp (Exotic)
Abilities unique to each hunter pet family have been revised to provide a standard buff, debuff, or ability.
Combat Resurrection ability: Crane, Moth, Quilen
Mortal Wounds debuff: Carrion Bird, Devilsaur, Riverbeast, Scorpid
Increased Spell Power buff: Serpent, Silithid, Water Strider
Increased Strength/Agility/Intellect buff: Dog, Gorilla, Shale Spider, Worm
Increased Critical Strike Chance buff: Devilsaur, Quilen, Raptor, Shale Spider, Water Strider, Wolf
Temporary Haste buff: Core Hound, Nether Ray
Increased Haste buff: Hook Wasp, Hyena, Sporebat, Wasp
Increased Mastery buff: Cat, Hydra, Spirit Beast, Tallstrider
Increased Stamina buff: Bear, Goat, Hook Wasp, Silithid
Increased Magic Damage Taken debuff: Basilisk, Bat, Chimaera, Core Hound, Dragonhawk, Rhino, Wind Serpent
Increased Physical Damage Taken debuff: Bird of Prey, Boar, Porcupine, Ravager, Rhino, Worm
An ability that increases dodge chance of the pet by 30% for 10 seconds: Fox, Monkey
An ability that reduces damage taken by the pet by 50% for 12 seconds: Beetle, Crab, Quilen, Rhino, Shale Spider, Turtle
An ability that Reduces the movement speed of the target by 50%: Chimaera, Crocolisk, Silithid, Spider, Warp Stalker
The following pet families provide an ability that puts the pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 50%. The first attack from stealth receives a 20% bonus to damage: Cat, Spirit Beast
The following pet families also provide an additional ability.
Chimaera - Froststorm Breath: Causes Froststorm damage to all targets in front of the Chimaera over 8 sec.
Core Hound - Molten Hide: Causes Fire damage to attackers.
Devilsaur - Feast: The devilsaur feasts on a nearby Humanoid or Beast corpse within 5 yards, healing it for 20% of its maximum health and restoring 20 focus over 5 sec.
Direhorn - Reflective Armor Plating: Deflects all spells cast in front of the Direhorn for 6 seconds.
Hook Wasp - Flutter: Slows the fall speed of both itself and the hunter for 30 seconds.
Spirit Beast - Spirit Mend: Heals the target ally instantly, and additional healing over 10 seconds.
Water Strider - Surface Trot: Allows the Hunter and the Water Strider to walk across water.
Worm - Burrow Attack: Deals Nature damage to nearby enemies over 8 seconds.
Aimed Shot now deals 20% more damage and can be cast while moving.
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Combo Points for Rogues are now shared across all targets. You no longer lose your Combo Points when switching targets.
Still late for the party, Dashà?