Here is my Resto Shaman War Within Gear list
I added Epic Dungeon gear to each slot just so you can compare the stats.
Other than that I added a few different suggestions for each slot
All drops are fully procced
(gem if possible and speed)
No quest reward is procced, cuz I don't have that on my Shaman.
Also for those that don't know how to check items on beta:
- Go to
- Search up the item you want to scale
- Go below the item where it says "Item Versions: Select version"
- Click on Select version
- Depends on the item, but generally there should be a "Scale with level" text to click.
- if it's a dungeon item you first have to click "Dungeon: Normal", you might also have to select if it should scale as Rare or Epic.
If wowhead can't scale the item you manually scale it by changing the URL
- ?bonus=6661 for World Drop Epics
- ?bonus=6710:4746 for Warforged Dungeon Gear
- ?bonus=6710 for Normal Dungeon Gear
- For example