Wandering Isle Stayers

I get bored after doing a lot of the valour stuff on my main so I spend more time on my neutral running around collecting herbs, it cuts down my estimated time to next level usually by 2-3 days.
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holy hell man, takes you roughly 3 hours for like half a bar of exp? you say that in your 70 video.. o_O

From picking herbs, I had a video that is not in my Neutral playlist (where I recorded for an hour it took me roughly an hour to get apx 4450 experience.) So going from 70-71, that's almost 2 hours per 1% (70-71 is 813,000).

ETA: Though, I might add it into the playlist, if people don't want to watch it they can skip it after all.
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I'm just hoping my level updates when I hit 71 on the forums, it didn't seem to register me hitting 70 or "Going Down" on my achievements on armory, even though it lists me as Level 70, still says 69 on the forums, despite updating each time I pick herbs, not sure why it mentions the 100,000 herb guild achieve every time I log off from picking flowers or the pet daily [one of which isn't able to be turned in account wide from log] must be some kind of bug with having it set to show account-wide achieves.

Edit: Looks like the forums updated sometime yesterday to 70.
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I made a character on Magtheridon a month or so ago that I played for some minutes with. I started playing with him again today. Here's his armory link: Xiongyou (not level 10 yet as of this post).

I stopped the questing at level 5 after getting Blessing of Huo. It's really good, and even more as a shaman since you can run while spamming Lightning Bolt and no mob will ever be able to reach you (although this won't matter once you reach a high enough level). It adds up to Ghost Wolf's speed increase, right? Also, is there any reason I should not keep it and continue the questing?

I don't plan on hardcore leveling it or anything, but I think I'll play on this character when I'm bored, at least for some time, so if anyone wants to play, explore or just do silly things feel free to hit me up. :)
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I made a character on Magtheridon a month or so ago that I played for some minutes with. I started playing with him again today. Here's his armory link: Xiongyou (not level 10 yet as of this post).

I stopped the questing at level 5 after getting Blessing of Huo. It's really good, and even more as a shaman since you can run while spamming Lightning Bolt and no mob will ever be able to reach you (although this won't matter once you reach a high enough level). It adds up to Ghost Wolf's speed increase, right? Also, is there any reason I should not keep it and continue the questing?

I don't plan on hardcore leveling it or anything, but I think I'll play on this character when I'm bored, at least for some time, so if anyone wants to play, explore or just do silly things feel free to hit me up. :)

I see you are from US (at least ur f2p) and Magtheridon for pandas is the EU one.
It adds up to Ghost Wolf's speed increase, right? Also, is there any reason I should not keep it and continue the questing?

Don't think it stacks though, my hunter speed boost didn't stack with it. As for shaman, I turned that one in awhile back. It sucks that US and EU realms can't group up.
I see you are from US (at least ur f2p) and Magtheridon for pandas is the EU one.

I play on Aerie Peak US on my F2P account, but I'm from Europe and my P2P account is EU. :)

Don't think it stacks though, my hunter speed boost didn't stack with it. As for shaman, I turned that one in awhile back. It sucks that US and EU realms can't group up.

Aw, that sucks. I still have some hope. Will know when (if) I reach 15.
I'll add some info to the Daily Quests page as there is a 5th one, in Redridge Mts. I like it though. Might have to have you edit it more with quest turn in info, I have that info for a lot of levels, but not alot of early ones (as I didn't know about them til after I hit 60 sometime).

Also added some other info there, Experience, Profession trainer info on Singing Pools page.
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Mmmm, I started an OpenRaid event for me hitting Level 80 on the Wandering Isle, but it's currently set to private since it's very much subject to change of the date and time. Not even sure if there is much interest in people being there for it. Though it would be recorded, seeing 40 neutrals running around would be awesome. Might just keep it listed as one or might split it and accept 20ish from alliance and 20ish from Hode, though in reality it doesn't really matter since it's a Neutral event. Though, I'm kind of nervous, If I do... do it as it would be my first event and a potential 40 man at that.

OpenRaid - Doubleagent's Wandering Isle (Horde)
Doubleagent's Wandering Isle (Alliance)

So the first few people who join will probably be people I know or people who see it here.
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I just dinged 15 on my shaman (link). I can confirm that Ghost Wolf stacks with Blessing on Huo. I'm running at 80% on the isle now. <3

I won't keep leveling him, maybe some very occasional herbing/mining, just wanted to try this. I think I'm officially the fastest on the Isle now. :p
I just dinged 15 on my shaman (link). I can confirm that Ghost Wolf stacks with Blessing on Huo. I'm running at 80% on the isle now. <3

I won't keep leveling him, maybe some very occasional herbing/mining, just wanted to try this. I think I'm officially the fastest on the Isle now. :p

Wanna play a race? :D
Cant you just summon eachother with RAF?
Cant you just summon eachother with RAF?

Once one of you leaves the isle you are no longer Neutral and are Alliance/Horde, it breaks up your group you were in and you will be unable to group up again until you are on the same faction, so no dice.

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