Vent Your Frustrations II

If I take cooking as an example with the recipe for savory deviate delight, you can learn the recipe but not craft it even though it takes 85 skill in cooking so it is even lower then 100 skill and must be a bug.

thats new, i didnt know that. it definitely is a bug but we just gotta wait for them to fix it
Its just frustrating comparing it to my normal starter edition but don't worry, I've already posted this on the Blizzard forums and blues telling me that it has been given through to the develop team. This could take ages though as I am not seeing this as a priority for them.
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Its just frustrating comparing it to my normal starter edition but don't worry, I've already posted this on the Blizzard forums and blues telling me that it has been given through to the develop team. This could take ages though as I am not seeing this as a priority for them.

Not worrying about it, just found it frustrating that I could do it on my trial but not my vet. The other things MORE than make up for +2 stam that I'd gain from being able to use better cooking recipes. I just hope I'll be able to make my swiftness pots and such when time comes to learn the recipe...
Not worrying about it, just found it frustrating that I could do it on my trial but not my vet. The other things MORE than make up for +2 stam that I'd gain from being able to use better cooking recipes. I just hope I'll be able to make my swiftness pots and such when time comes to learn the recipe...
You could fish for the 10 stamina rumsey if you didn't know, but for me, I wanted savories for my freekingly big tauren xD

Swiftness is level 60 alchemy, got the recipe but need to level herbs and alch then. I suppose I could test this though my guts tells me they won't work either, just have a bad feeling about this one too but worth a try.
I have the recipe for swiftness and agi potion on my rogue just haven't finished leveling alch, will probably do so tonight though, I'll bite the bullet and learn them and post here when I'm done and figure it out, maybe save you some heartache.

One thing that did really irritate was buying high end enchants and putting them in my bag because I wasn't geared yet and now I can't apply them. But, eh, 1st World (of Warcraft) problems. :)
Hahahahahahahahahah, the guy is amazing LOL!
oh yeah i saw him fcing him with 1986 hp and i thought he was being funny and attacked him seriously cuz i thought he was gonna switch armor sets suddenly or something XD
oh yeah i saw him fcing him with 1986 hp and i thought he was being funny and attacked him seriously cuz i thought he was gonna switch armor sets suddenly or something XD

Lol, i always laugh when i see him in BGs.... hes funny as hell. In one wsg, he was in my team, and he was in serious gear. Then i asked him to pass, and while holding flag, he started explaining me things. Staying there for like 50 secs lol. When he got out of tunnel (got rrekt obv, as he was running towards the enemies). You can't imagine how hard i have laughed.
Lol, i always laugh when i see him in BGs.... hes funny as hell. In one wsg, he was in my team, and he was in serious gear. Then i asked him to pass, and while holding flag, he started explaining me things. Staying there for like 50 secs lol. When he got out of tunnel (got rrekt obv, as he was running towards the enemies). You can't imagine how hard i have laughed.
i thought he was high or something :) both times i saw him as a threat for unknown reasons
Vigorous Belt of the freakin bandit is not dropping after 20+ random dungeons
i feel you i was trying to get tumultous cloak of the sorcerer but havent gotten it in nearly 35 runs and just got one on my WARRIOR
*Has a geared toon for all classes*
*enjoys playing arcane mage the most for some god damn reason, what is wrong with me, help*
*Has a geared toon for all classes*
*enjoys playing arcane mage the most for some god damn reason, what is wrong with me, help*
My dear boy I believe you have a car of arcanomisis, a parasite that forces a player to continuously play arcane mages....

You must go to the log in screen and practice another class.. only then will the parasite flee from your mind.
Oh my gosh I'm cured! Thank you doctor Pooh! It just took 3 hours of playing boomkin!
Either RNG hates me or Naga Battle Gloves drop rate has changed. I ran BFD solidly for two days and it only dropped twice. Missed out both times. 32% my arse! I got so desperate, I started trying to solo it.

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