Vent Your Frustrations II

This real?

Sadly but yes.

I didnt really do anything but go to aunts home, slept the whole time, didn't do much.

My dad is a major asswipe who doesn't care about family

I live in poverty (ghetto life) and my mom supports a family of 10 with little help (4 boys, uncle, sister, nephew, sister in law, worthless father, and herself ), shes a strong woman.

People nowadays dont use their brains. Who's lives became nothing without internet (its like they're drones) but who am i to judge.

And still got more incoming. (But life always throws shit at people, why, because that what humans do)

Oh well, at least it can get better. That's all i want :/
Servers randomly shut down without warning around 10:40, was in a 30 min que for a bg but looks like I'm gonna call it a night.

On the other hand, I recently got my hands on The Evil Within for Ps3 and so far it's alright, doesn't quite strike a cord for me Like The Last of Us, but we shall see how it turns out.
Nice to see our money isn't going towards upgrading server capacity and Ram.

Because you know, most of us here aren't paying at all :eek:
When [MENTION=16260]TheFupaKing[/MENTION] says taht filled festive mug doesnt work anymore.... and you finaly realize taht it actualy works.... its just that after you clink demonic leap you have to cast that, if you cast if be4 demo leap the buff fades. :)
i was really frustrated in gurubashi today. i was getting ready to start grinding my second AGM when suddenly wild hunter appeared. well, poor thing thought he could kill me. he couldnt, but it took me some time to take him down and meanwhile fucking lvl 3 stole the trinket cuz i was too bloodthirsty :-D guess i have to work on this but im enjoying the fact that i can finally kill huntards (and they cant kill me) waaaay too much :-D
When [MENTION=16260]TheFupaKing[/MENTION] says taht filled festive mug doesnt work anymore.... and you finaly realize taht it actualy works.... its just that after you clink demonic leap you have to cast that, if you cast if be4 demo leap the buff fades. :)

:O... It's working.... so metamorphosis cancels it. THANK YOU LENNY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The feeling you get when you are in an amusement park and someone is dressed as a tauren horde now:confused:... Yuck!!! :( :(:(
Just wanted to throw up that delicious waffle :mad:
The first rare blue I saw on my monk was either at run #187 or run 200+ I really don't remember. It got so bad that I took the first blue I got (Nightreaver which Dancingroot won) and quit for good. I still don't have a shadowfang but hey, at least I'm Ambassador a few times over!

Oh good lord. I mean I've atleast seen stuff, but damn that's bad.

I got 2 more Witching Staves yesterday (which means I've seen that annoying stupid thing 4 times now), so I just called it a night. Picking back up today at run #85

Edit- 5th Witching Stave on run 86.........
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Shadowfang dropped today.

Lost it to a leveling mage.

Great day.
One day this shitty company called Activision will make it a priority to fix flag cap bugs.

*Cata will fix it!
**MoP will fix it!
***WoD will fix it!!
Feeling bad in my life lately and I caught myself on getting relief here spitting venom for which I wanted to apologise now.

If you spat any venom here I didn't see it, but you're a good person for owning up to it just on the chance that someone was offended. World needs more people like you. Hope your RL gets better!
Seeing people level their 90's with Legendary Cloaks and Full Mythic/Mythic Warforged.

Tossing all that hard work away. The legendary cloaks will eventually become the next Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian - Item - World of Warcraft, Unobtainable by all and forever a trophy of Triumph.

If only half of these idiots realized how much value/worth their 90 is and just rerolled another that they can level within a month or less. It's sad because I know many of them don't even know you can lock xp or where to do it at.

I'm also Jealous because I didn't get mine, and I was about 2 weeks away from getting it.
all of you guys who rolled hunters..... SIGH (not really a f2p person but i play a 29 hpal and seeing that its related to f2p thought i would throw this in here)
Seeing people level their 90's with Legendary Cloaks and Full Mythic/Mythic Warforged.

Tossing all that hard work away. The legendary cloaks will eventually become the next Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian - Item - World of Warcraft, Unobtainable by all and forever a trophy of Triumph.

If only half of these idiots realized how much value/worth their 90 is and just rerolled another that they can level within a month or less. It's sad because I know many of them don't even know you can lock xp or where to do it at.

I'm also Jealous because I didn't get mine, and I was about 2 weeks away from getting it.

The Legendary cloak is in no shape or form comparable to Atiesh, and never will be. The legendary cloak is a welfare legendary, the first of it's kind, nothing more. It's a mere souvenir from the expansion, while Atiesh was an extremely prestigious weapon even when it was current and "obtainable".

So if that makes you feel any better, the Legendary cloak will never, ever have the status of Atiesh (or even some of the epics that dropped in Naxxramas back then).

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