Vent Your Frustrations II

i hear that its getting crazy with the gov in Mexico. All i can say its good luck and stay safe :)

We're tying...
this is a video of a protesting in our Zocalo (public square in Mx City), on Nov 20th.
Queman figura de Peña Nieto en el Zocalo 20.11.2014 (Video) - YouTube
There were thousands. Culmina la Jornada de Acción Global por Ayotzinapa
"Burning" our incompetent president. People calling him murderer. We want justice.
Unfortunately they were repressed and some people were arrested and now being accused of stuff like terrorism.

I know maybe this isn't the place to talk about that, but due to this forum being international...
We're tying...
this is a video of a protesting in our Zocalo (public square in Mx City), on Nov 20th.
Queman figura de Peña Nieto en el Zocalo 20.11.2014 (Video) - YouTube
There were thousands. Culmina la Jornada de Acción Global por Ayotzinapa
"Burning" our incompetent president. People calling him murderer. We want justice.
Unfortunately they were repressed and some people were arrested and now being accused of stuff like terrorism.

I know maybe this isn't the place to talk about that, but due to this forum being international...
So fill me in.....rumors are going on that the president of Mexico is connected to those 43(47? Meh idk) college kids. But why?
11/12 trinkets down and I hop over to another realm, and a friend is guarding the chest for me (lvl 78). And a 100 swings by at the last second to help his f2p friend to snag it.

As frustrated as I was, it cheered me up that he was at least helping a twink out rather than going for an achievement.
I fucking hate college protestors.

Like, not the fact that they are protesting, its how gullible and idiotic they are. They probably make up the majority of internet users that claim every war movie is propaganda and fracking is wrong. They see the world in their Luxurious homes, spoiled mindsets, and biased information. And fail to take one step out of their dorms/homes to prove themselves wrong.

I am an extremely active internet user, I admit, but I still see the internet and media as poison. I woefully admire how our previous generations didn't grow up with the miracle of the internet.

Fracking doesn't destroy the environment, but we see it that way just because of a few accounts of poorly filtered water supply. And we see war flicks as Prideful Military propaganda machines, when in fact, many of our predecessors legitimately loved their country, but didn't boast about it. And actually relate and/or enjoy our current war flicks.

I saw this today..


It was an advertisement in the Movie Theater today, and it got me wondering... Is a message from a couple of (possibly) lazy hipsters they fell back onto singing because they probably suck at anything else work-related going to move an audience enough to believe that their current generation isn't completely fucked? Sure we are good at making entertainment (movies, music, etc) but are we pioneers?

I was more moved by this video, a while back. In fact this is more influential than any advertisement saying how great we are and how much potential we have.

I hope I'm wrong, but take this into consideration. I have seen potential in very few Millennials, but I still have doubts for us as a whole.
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I fucking hate college protestors.

Like, not the fact that they are protesting, its how gullible and idiotic they are. They probably make up the majority of internet users that claim every war movie is propaganda and fracking is wrong. They see the world in their Luxurious homes, spoiled mindsets, and biased information. And fail to take one step out of their dorms/homes to prove themselves wrong.

I am an extremely active internet user, I admit, but I still see the internet and media as poison. I woefully admire how our previous generations didn't grow up with the miracle of the internet.

Fracking doesn't destroy the environment, but we see it that way just because of a few accounts of poorly filtered water supply. And we see war flicks as Prideful Military propaganda machines, when in fact, many of our predecessors legitimately loved their country, but didn't boast about it. And actually relate and/or enjoy our current war flicks.

I saw this today..


It was an advertisement in the Movie Theater today, and it got me wondering... Is a message from a couple of (possibly) lazy hipsters they fell back onto singing because they probably suck at anything else work-related going to move an audience enough to believe that their current generation isn't completely fucked? Sure we are good at making entertainment (movies, music, etc) but are we pioneers?

I was more moved by this video, a while back. In fact this is more influential than any advertisement saying how great we are and how much potential we have.

I hope I'm wrong, but take this into consideration. I have seen potential in very few Millennials, but I still have doubts for us as a whole.

Interesting. I read it very, very differently. I see millennials as a generation that will change things for the better but are being held back by prior generations due to a combination of willful ignorance and fear of change (much like every generation complains about the one prior). All of the problems I see in the world are being solved by 20-30 year olds and being propogated by 55-70 year olds. Maybe when the Baby Boomers FINALLY die off we will see better change in the world. A generation massaged by a single job, pension guaranteed easy retirement has no room to talk to a generation without jobs because THEY NOT US fucked the economy over for their own selfish ends.

Also you speak about fracking with as much confidence as those college kids do. It's been a long time since I did any research in that area but please do link me the newest articles you have on the subject that have definitively proven the value of fracking relative to (I assume in your opinion "little") the environmental impact. Would be much appreciated!
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Also you speak about fracking with as much confidence as those college kids do. It's been a long time since I did any research in that area but please do link me the newest articles you have on the subject that have definitively proven the value of fracking relative to (I assume in your opinion "little") the environmental impact. Would be much appreciated!

Fracking can be done right, but when done incorrectly, it can easily attract unwanted attention, is what I'm saying. Just like off-shore drilling. All it takes is 1 BP incident and everyone thinks it is an evil thing, rather than looking at all the positives and benefits drilling has done for us. Just like that unfinished pipeline they're trying to reach out from Canada to south U.S.

When you stop these projects, you stop progression.

I agree with your statement that the higher age groups are afraid of change. But from what change? Good or bad, it's yet to be decided. But they have more understanding than us, and know what it takes to make a successful living.

But the 30 yo's are a completely different generation. A generation of great Technological advancement and prosperity/innovation in the 90's.

I see us as the generation of spoils. Opportunity? Yes. But clouded with misguided ambitions.

But I respect your opinion.
Fracking can be done right, but when done incorrectly, it can easily attract unwanted attention, is what I'm saying. Just like off-shore drilling. All it takes is 1 BP incident and everyone thinks it is an evil thing, rather than looking at all the positives and benefits drilling has done for us. Just like that unfinished pipeline they're trying to reach out from Canada to south U.S.

When you stop these projects, you stop progression.

I agree with your statement that the higher age groups are afraid of change. But from what change? Good or bad, it's yet to be decided. But they have more understanding than us, and know what it takes to make a successful living.

But the 30 yo's are a completely different generation. A generation of great Technological advancement and prosperity/innovation in the 90's.

I see us as the generation of spoils. Opportunity? Yes. But clouded with misguided ambitions.

But I respect your opinion.

The problem with Fracking is that there is next to no oversight of their actions.

I can speak firsthand as someone who lives in the Appalachian mountains and has Fracking taking place in my county.

As you said, Fracking can be done correctly. But there is no one who oversees whether or not they are making the proper security measures so that there will not be (potentially) widespread water pollution.

We are hoping that they will Frack with the maximum amount of care towards any unwanted effects on the environment, but frequently that is not the case. From a Laissez-Faire point of view, the pressure would be on the company to avoid paying out money on precautions. There is no downside, from a business perspective, to natural gas leaking into nearby water sheds. They extract the gas and they leave. They can be sued, but they are very rarely ever forced to pay anyone for their mistakes.

The counties and cities that sign contracts with the companies often void their right to bring the companies to trial over Malpractice. Yet these same local governments do not have the resources to oversee the proper Fracking procedure, and the effects of natural gas leaking into water sheds is not felt for many years down the road.

I'm surprised you picked Fracking as an example of mis-directed environmentalist anger.
I'm surprised you picked Fracking as an example of mis-directed environmentalist anger.

Well here in south Tejas', there have been little to no major fracking incidents, and is often done away from water sources, with many precautions taken.

I see what you mean, though. And I too, would be pissed if I found out people were poorly executing the operations near-by.
But as for a replacement topic... Cow farts. What's up with that?
Sorry I'm pretty irritated today.

Reviving in arenas? SMH
Bitch feral has bleeds on my rogue. I'm kiting him until they wear off and the guy rezzes his teammate outa nowhere. Is this a buff like the stealth detection buff?

I don't play 2's very often, but seeing this makes me not want to play. When me and/or my teammate downs an opponent in arena, that person and/or his teammate is at fault and doesn't deserve a 2nd chance, imo.
The problem with Fracking is that there is next to no oversight of their actions.

I can speak firsthand as someone who lives in the Appalachian mountains and has Fracking taking place in my county.

As you said, Fracking can be done correctly. But there is no one who oversees whether or not they are making the proper security measures so that there will not be (potentially) widespread water pollution.

We are hoping that they will Frack with the maximum amount of care towards any unwanted effects on the environment, but frequently that is not the case. From a Laissez-Faire point of view, the pressure would be on the company to avoid paying out money on precautions. There is no downside, from a business perspective, to natural gas leaking into nearby water sheds. They extract the gas and they leave. They can be sued, but they are very rarely ever forced to pay anyone for their mistakes.

The counties and cities that sign contracts with the companies often void their right to bring the companies to trial over Malpractice. Yet these same local governments do not have the resources to oversee the proper Fracking procedure, and the effects of natural gas leaking into water sheds is not felt for many years down the road.

I'm surprised you picked Fracking as an example of mis-directed environmentalist anger.

There was an article on zerohedge last week about 2.3 billion gallons of fracking waste water, which is highly toxic, being dumped illegally in central CA aquifers. "Mistakes were made," was the excuse, when what really happened is the oil companies bribed the regulators to look the other way.

This is in a drought plagued area that produces about 1/3 if the vegetables for the whole Continent.

We need to down size EVERYTHING. Local, not global is the future. Micro farms. Look up Growing Power in Milwaukee: Will Power produces a million pounds of food each year on a three acre aquaponics farm.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Shittiest Thanksgiving Ever

Shittiest Home Ever

Shittiest Father Ever

Shittiest Life Ever

Shittiest Generation of Life Ever

What more can a guy want? Oh yea more shit to deal with.
Is it gnome? There was a gnome who did that once
Actually he has done it at least 4 times, in fact as I type this he just got the 3am one a few minutes ago by having his friend kill 4 other f2ps but he's just 1 of many. The real kicker is that a lot of the same people who get help from p2ps also cry in chat the moment they're killed by one.
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I'm on almost run 60 of SFK for MTB for my mage and so far I've gotten Witching Stave x2, Face Smasher, Assassin's Blade and too many enchanting mats that I care to count at this point. And Black Wolf Bracers keep juking me.

Anyone else having/had similar luck? :/
I'm on almost run 60 of SFK for MTB for my mage and so far I've gotten Witching Stave x2, Face Smasher, Assassin's Blade and too many enchanting mats that I care to count at this point. And Black Wolf Bracers keep juking me.

Anyone else having/had similar luck? :/
Yea I'm still running sfk for Feline Mantle in my mage and warlock. Its going "great" ;)
Sounds like my BFD runs on my brewmaster... No gloves, no wrist, no staff... Grr...

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
I'm on almost run 60 of SFK for MTB for my mage and so far I've gotten Witching Stave x2, Face Smasher, Assassin's Blade and too many enchanting mats that I care to count at this point. And Black Wolf Bracers keep juking me.

Anyone else having/had similar luck? :/

The first rare blue I saw on my monk was either at run #187 or run 200+ I really don't remember. It got so bad that I took the first blue I got (Nightreaver which [MENTION=727]Dancingroot[/MENTION] won) and quit for good. I still don't have a shadowfang but hey, at least I'm Ambassador a few times over!
Shittiest Thanksgiving Ever

Shittiest Home Ever

Shittiest Father Ever

Shittiest Life Ever

Shittiest Generation of Life Ever

What more can a guy want? Oh yea more shit to deal with.

This real?

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