Vent Your Frustrations II

joins wsg . like 7 24s on horde side misha on alliance . le me queuing with zara. at 3 on countdown zara dc's ...( like computer literally blew up) . ok so i still run mid . only 1 shadow priest follows. every single other 24 stays in fr ........... this is new o_O . takati gets out after second try . i have to grab flag and run tun top . do a lil dancing on tun top while waiting for 24s to show up . blame 10 sec lag freeze screen . get back and I'm no longer on tun top and look who's staring me down but lil and oneshot and some warrior . le facepam . ok games not over right ? i mean we have 7 24s but where are they all ? never quite figured out besides gy .. whole game was just depressing. i mean 7 ( at least i think it was close to that) and we still can't get anything more than a rogue across mid to pic the flag . granted i was the only healer but still freaking 5 24 rogues should poop on anything -.- sigh
joins wsg . like 7 24s on horde side misha on alliance . le me queuing with zara. at 3 on countdown zara dc's ...( like computer literally blew up) . ok so i still run mid . only 1 shadow priest follows. every single other 24 stays in fr ........... this is new o_O . takati gets out after second try . i have to grab flag and run tun top . do a lil dancing on tun top while waiting for 24s to show up . blame 10 sec lag freeze screen . get back and I'm no longer on tun top and look who's staring me down but lil and oneshot and some warrior . le facepam . ok games not over right ? i mean we have 7 24s but where are they all ? never quite figured out besides gy .. whole game was just depressing. i mean 7 ( at least i think it was close to that) and we still can't get anything more than a rogue across mid to pic the flag . granted i was the only healer but still freaking 5 24 rogues should poop on anything -.- sigh

Saw that lack of activity on your side, know them feels :( Hope next time we meet is a good tight matchup! :eek:
Firstly just want to rant about losing every single AB CTA on horde today, slightly off topic but still on my mind; the Hunter 'Youtubethis' - I just had another encounter with him in AB.

Even when I consistently beat him in a close 1v1 on my F2P Shaman he spams "Kiss my ass" "you lose" relentlessly.
Anybody know what he's like in Alliance BG chat?
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THEY WERE "AWESOME" , FULL OF JAJAZZZ ! here are some SS's , I was trying to win games bringing a 4 men premade ` later 5... nuu man NUUU~ Tried my best, 60k healing...
We couldnt kill em , they couldnt kill us =/ !View attachment 3975View attachment 3976View attachment 3977 !
Our dps sucked , SOO BAD, And the disc priest from bonechewer had 1.3k hp :( !
And this . View attachment 3978


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Hackers. Keeping track of all my email addresses. Watching as my WoW account is taken over, and almost ruined when whoever it was, tried and failed to upgrade it. And finally going through the tedious process of recovering all of my accounts. Bleh, hackers suck.

Where you the person just telling me about this happening to you in f2ptwink? Damn that sucks :(
Farmed 500 eggs for mounts. Go to get bunny ears on other toon. Get two more mounts.

I got to 480 and got the mount. I cried so hard, I laughed.

Funny to see all the raging about 'my spot'. (As in "get the **** out of my spot, noob".)

Still I managed to get Noble title with almost no P2P help. (I got joined to a party by a nice Pally after getting myself to the hot pools.)
When the Aerie Peak resto druid TRYING on your team gets outhealed by a feral druid, a BR druid in agility gear in 5 slots (and no gear in ANY of the other slots), ANNNNNNNNND gets quadrupled and quintupled successively by BOTH the other teams healers in an otherwise matched game DPS wise and still has the gall to even talk in BG chat.
When you completely outplay 2 people in Arena for 18 minutes but they win because of Class, then have the audacity to say GG at the end of it. <3

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