SV huntard
Getting three razzashi hatchlings before I get ONE hyacinth which is the only one I actually wanted.. I swear my grind for this stupid bird will never end
Looks like many servers crashed :/
Edit: Looks like ALL the servers crashed lol. GG blizz well played.
Getting three razzashi hatchlings before I get ONE hyacinth which is the only one I actually wanted.. I swear my grind for this stupid bird will never end
You realize a whole lot of us have P2Ps right? I would go so far as to say any big name in F2P probably has a P2P backing them up somewhere. We play F2P for a different reason.
i just bought the game a few days ago for $15! My F2P backs up my P2P.... /lol. Did not upgrade my F2P nor did I link accounts.
I barely play the 20-24 bracket now. So I thought I might try 90 PVP / endgame / WPvP (Emerald dream!) Levelling is a pain though.
Ironically yesterday I finally levelled Herb/Alchemy on my tauren druid and can make speed pots. If only I did this in previous patches...
I've been looking at GW2 more and think I might try it. The PVP appears to be more balanced. If a higher level goes into a lower level zone they get scaled accordingly. Everyone enters PVP bgs at the same level.
I've been looking at GW2 more and think I might try it. The PVP appears to be more balanced. If a higher level goes into a lower level zone they get scaled accordingly. Everyone enters PVP bgs at the same level.
I've been looking at GW2 more and think I might try it. The PVP appears to be more balanced. If a higher level goes into a lower level zone they get scaled accordingly. Everyone enters PVP bgs at the same level.
I've been looking at GW2 more and think I might try it. The PVP appears to be more balanced. If a higher level goes into a lower level zone they get scaled accordingly. Everyone enters PVP bgs at the same level.
That doesn't mean much tbh, a geared player will still have better stats even when scaled down. However it's a fun game imho. I just cant be bothered to play 2 different MMOs simultaneously.
GW2 is worth the initial buy I think, WvWvW is really fun. But I don't find the battlegrounds as enjoyable as WSG.
WvWvW is a massive zerg fest.
Dungeons are a massive zerg fest.
Scaling down levels SOUNDS good, but sucks in practice...
No dedicated roles makes everything a massive zerg fest.
Did I mention massive zerg fest?
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F it then....
I'll go buy WiiU / 3DS and relive my childhood. I don't think I ever finished Zelda 2.
Yesterday I was pugging against a group of 24's from Lightbringer. Accepting my fate and the fact that we'll be farmed to death, I rezzed and walked to an area that Bizarre had walked to and noticed that he was untouched by a group of them hanging out by our tunnel. So I approach Bizarre, walking, and proceed to get light up by the two hunters (named FX2Pblahblah? and Mini-blahblah?, forgot). So they continue to do this to me for 13 deaths, and I just found it irritating that they didn't touch Bizarre the whole time. I felt like the kid that gets picked last for dodgeball
My parents told me santa isn't real!!!!!
Santa told me my parents weren't real. I'm not sure what's real anymore. e_o
If santa isn't real, and our parents aren't real, i guess life is just one big illusion D:
All those crazy hippies from the 70's were right, man.