Vent Your Frustrations II

To be honest, skill > gear < 24p2p.
I'm still not fully BiS and I can heal just fine. Sure, I'm squishy, but I can still stay alive in most circumstances. Gear obviously helps, but I think if skill and gear were secondary stats, we'd stack skill instead of gear. If this analogy confuses you, you clearly are not familiar with stat points for classes.

Anyways. Rage time.
Lots of things.
-rogues that stay stealthed 24/7.
-people that don't peel.
-people that don't defend bases or flag.
-hunters with dumb pets
-people who don't focus healers
-people who don't use CC
-level 24s who diss F2Ps
-F2Ps who diss 24s
-Lord Serpentis is the 2nd to last boss -.-

Yea skill> then gear Skill +No Gear = Bottom DPS on the list :p
Gear is important if you wanna have higher DPS so please shhhhhhhh.
I have killed many different 24s with my Feral Druid. If i wouldnt have that gear my HP would have been 1200 or something and i would have died :p .
-Lord Serpentis is the 2nd to last boss -.-

1) what does he drop that a priest needs? (Edit: forgot Serpent Gloves)
2) why not just run in there, sneak past Skum, and go straight to Serpentis?

Run back out, reset, and repeat.

It's not like you can't solo that instance...

Or even better, just go kill Glubtok a few times and pick up Gold Flecked Gloves... Stats are the same, just a little less armor than Serpent Gloves.

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Got to have that BIS swagg - serpentis aint hard to farm, I can see the running back and forth tedious on a priest though.
All farming is tedious. I farmed up the full fang set on a horde shammy just because. It definitely ain't BiS, and I won't be BiS if I mog it... But I'm gonna mog it anyway.

Or maybe switch to enhancement lol. That's a LOT of Darkmoon Faire's from now though. No way will I try it without 2x Venerable Mass of MacGowan.

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I could get the other gloves with less armor, but I would rather be BiS.
I think I will get the second best for now though because I've been PvPing already to rack up honor and I mind as well replace the green gloves I have at the moment.

Another quick frustration.
I hate how people get really mad in BGs and lower the morale. The best BGs I've been in are the ones where people are positive and motivated- it makes for good games and amazing comebacks.
So I went to Gurabashi Arena a couple days ago, and no body was there at the time. Well before I knew it a 90 came and he did his daily in Gurabashi, and I thought that was all he was there for. I asked him if he would help me get the chest if anyone else came and he said sure. So we partied up and talked for a little bit and he seemed so chill and cool. Well when the time came for the arena to start, we were the only 2 there. We walked down to the middle and when the chest spawned I began looting it, I got about 75% through looting it when he left party, killed me, took the chest, and to top it off whispered me "Hahaha sucks for you scrub". I was so fucking pissed you have no idea.

Well luckily I had one of my 90s at Gurabashi, so I logged out and went on my DK and raped him hard twice, then after that each time I whispered him, "Hahaha sucks for you scrub." But still, even with the satisfaction of killing that dick lick twice, I got no trinket out of it. ): So I'm still a bit pissed lol.
To be honest, skill > gear < 24p2p.
I'm still not fully BiS and I can heal just fine. Sure, I'm squishy, but I can still stay alive in most circumstances. Gear obviously helps, but I think if skill and gear were secondary stats, we'd stack skill instead of gear. If this analogy confuses you, you clearly are not familiar with stat points for classes.

Anyways. Rage time.
Lots of things.
-rogues that stay stealthed 24/7.
-people that don't peel.
-people that don't defend bases or flag.
-hunters with dumb pets
-people who don't focus healers
-people who don't use CC
-level 24s who diss F2Ps
-F2Ps who diss 24s
-Lord Serpentis is the 2nd to last boss -.-

I think he means differently. Like for example I did a bg last night when there was a belf mage with 800hp who I just one shotted every time I came across her, and yes i'm 24 and no that isn't why I one shotted her. I was with a few F2P friends who did the same as well. In this circumstance your "Skill > gear" doesn't really apply. :p
I hate how everyone demands that people be geared in BGs.
Sure, it's nice but we are playing the trial version. Some F2Ps aren't playing to make twinks, they're playing to enjoy the game and see if they want to subscribe.

I also hate how F2Ps say they're the reason twinking exists. I got news for ya- P2Ps are the reason WoW exists, so your point is moot.
Once wow is free to play, it'll be the current p2ps that'll support the game through microtransactions, so my point is going to be valid for a while.
My turn! So i've runned WC like 20 times today and guess what? NO Savage Trodders DROPPED! Its not even rare its like 20% drop chance! WTF RNG? Did they remove them from the game or something?
I hate how everyone demands that people be geared in BGs.
Sure, it's nice but we are playing the trial version. Some F2Ps aren't playing to make twinks, they're playing to enjoy the game and see if they want to subscribe.

I also hate how F2Ps say they're the reason twinking exists. I got news for ya- P2Ps are the reason WoW exists, so your point is moot.
Once wow is free to play, it'll be the current p2ps that'll support the game through microtransactions, so my point is going to be valid for a while.

Lol what F2P said that we were the reason twinking exists, that's so funny :p (and false)
I also hate how F2Ps say they're the reason twinking exists. I got news for ya- P2Ps are the reason WoW exists, so your point is moot.

I think you meant to say "F2Ps say theyre the reason the bracket exists" - and really thats true. The game is paid for by p2ps, but most of them dont have 24 twinks, so most of the games funding come from other paying players.

But you need more than funding to make an active twink bracket. You need players. There wouldn't really be enough to have an active bracket without F2Ps. There would still be enough without 24s. In fact there would probably be more F2Ps without 24s. So in that sense F2Ps contribute more to the bracket than 24s.
I also hate how F2Ps say they're the reason twinking exists. I got news for ya- P2Ps are the reason WoW exists, so your point is moot.
Once wow is free to play, it'll be the current p2ps that'll support the game through microtransactions, so my point is going to be valid for a while.

Going to clue you in here, many of us do pay. /Surpriceface

On top of that, nobody said trial accounts are the reason twinks exist. Trial accounts are the reason the trial account bracket exists, its the only reason almost every other twink bracket has died, and funneled into this bracket. Its the reason there are 24s, Without fish in the barrel to shoot there wouldnt be any.
One day when I'm super rich I'm gonna buy all the F2Ps a subscription + the game on the condition that they play the 70 bracket.

I dislike rogues who challenge me to a duel and stealth out of the area before I can inspect them or even see their level.
You realize a whole lot of us have P2Ps right? I would go so far as to say any big name in F2P probably has a P2P backing them up somewhere. We play F2P for a different reason.

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