Vent Your Frustrations II

I'm having another bad run with tanks in dungeons: Fury and Arms spec who think they can hold agro on several mobs. Squishy monks who LoS their healer. Warriors and monks in wrong stance. Boomies that tank in cat form and need on agility AND int gear.

I want to scream "LEARN YOUR CLASS!!"
Tanking SUCKS BALLS in this game. Especially at low levels when you don't have enough AOE damage. People are way too impatient and just blast away willy nilly at whatever they see. When I'm tanking, I spend all my time running around like a madman trying to gather everything up. It's impossible to hold aggro because every DPS is targeting a different mob.

And it really doesn't help when the 'healer' is a moonkin (in white gear) in caster form auto attacking, then using displacer beast to leap backwards into another pack of mobs, and never even casting rejuv ONE TIME in the whole instance. Oh did I mention that as soon as the rest of us started talking about kicking him, he started using moonfire just so that we were always in combat.

>,< fking trolls, man.

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Tanking SUCKS BALLS in this game. Especially at low levels when you don't have enough AOE damage. People are way too impatient and just blast away willy nilly at whatever they see. When I'm tanking, I spend all my time running around like a madman trying to gather everything up.

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Do I suck balls? :( I tank a lot running around like a maniac at times. Like this one time I pulled many mobs in Shafowfang keep and almost died luckily shield block saved my ass from dying :D:)
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You don't suck. The job does, which is why there is such a tremendous shortage of tanks. This is a serious problem, and it's a catch-22. Do I let them die, so maybe they learn their lesson (they won't) or do I just suck it up and deal with it so I can get out of the place in less then an hour...?

Edit: I know it's a dick move, but there are times that I get so frustrated with the group that I pull like half the instance, run right into the middle of the deeps, and drop group. Would be better if you still had to run back from the nearest gy...

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Tanking SUCKS BALLS in this game. Especially at low levels when you don't have enough AOE damage. People are way too impatient and just blast away willy nilly at whatever they see. When I'm tanking, I spend all my time running around like a madman trying to gather everything up.

Some classes aren't too bad - prot pally/warr have good options for holding agro, but Guardian and BM at level 20 aren't much fun.

Of course, folk on TI aren't the problem. Generally, people come here because they want to get better. (Or share their superior knowledge with the plebeians.)
Ooh, Guardian at 20... /shudder
Prot pally has the best tools at 20, IMO. Three AOE skills. Thunderclap should have a much shorter cooldown for prot warriors.

BM monks have a pretty decent toolkit at 20. Keg Smash plus Breath of Fire puts out some pretty massive damage. I did a BFD run where I had 40% of the total damage. I hope trials get monks when WoD comes out.

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Ooh, Guardian at 20... /shudder
Prot pally has the best tools at 20, IMO. Three AOE skills. Thunderclap should have a much shorter cooldown for prot warriors.

BM monks have a pretty decent toolkit at 20. Keg Smash plus Breath of Fire puts out some pretty massive damage. I did a BFD run where I had 40% of the total damage. I hope trials get monks when WoD comes out.

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Nah Shield Slam deserves a shorter CD 1 miss and you basically have to wait for your next move. Heroic Strike is complete shit in this bracket.

As for guardian druids I find BS they take a lot less dmg compared to other tanks and its 40% stam increase makes it worse
Shield slam can't be on a shorter CD, because then it would be super OP in PvP.

Guardian has great survivability, yes, but when it comes to generating threat on more than one target, forget about it. You get one attack every six seconds. Oh, and one more attack like every twelve. No freaking thanks. Something is wrong when it's better to rake all the targets in cat form then switch to bear to soak it up...

Edit: Another thought. Prot warrior's toolbox makes it better solo than grouped, at least for me. I do crazy pulls with mine; pulls I can't do grouped because I don't know if I'm going to get that Victory Rush or not.

Solo prot = pull ALL the mobs.

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Noobs with the flag.

"Oh I MUST run into mid if I pick up the flag. It doesn't matter how hostile it is, or how much time is left, or where my team is. The ONLY OPTION is for me to get this thing moving, cause if I stay in the enemy base where there are currently no enemies, they will magically respawn here and kill me!"

One too many games where some moron picked and ran into a completely enemy controlled mid, and of course died just as efc reached cap. If they'd stayed put or kept their noob hands off the flag, we would have won : /
Well, where do I start, today was a mess.
Lost every game as Horde apart from 1 which was still a nightmare... (shout out to Deranked, Bison, Rushour, Tired and Exponent)

Latest game I join a late game in which three nearly naked players all called "Poo" are sitting dead, waiting for the game to end. I ask them what's going on, they tell me to "shut up and get play on ur 90" I respond saying I don't have a 90, I'm F2P just like them, one of them says "oh all you heairlooms gear pull out of you ass"... The other agree.

At which point the game ended.
<3 Horde Night Pugs
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Your opponent afk-ing in hearthstone when you are about to win

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I got it differently,
I was at a disadvantage, and my end turn button is broken, at the next turn the button still broken so I concede, atleast it was only in play mode.

good news is RNG queue give me a re-match
Lady has no problem throwing away $200 in a video poker machine, bitches about a one dollar to go charge for her food...

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Juking 100% of a 24 rogues kicks only to be hit for like 700 by her auto attacks/poison/procs and killed...
Over, and over, and over... makes for an unhappy shammy...
Warriors that can Charge up to enemy GY and then to ramp when Displacer Beast doesn't even work off a cliff. My kitty is not afraid of heights and can land on his feet just fine.

(Wild Charge mechanics is like Charge, but not as useful when you need to get close enough for that game-saving heal.)
Who are the good guys?

PS. I've read the books. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

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Went to the trouble of multiple tickets to free up an awesome lore-friendly name on a 'good' realm, then raced through dungeons and failed to pick not one, but two BIS quest rewards.

Isn't that why people like it? Not the usual Hollywood crap?

What cracks me up is the reaction from people who think it's some kind of happy-ending fairy tale. All the angry tweets - how could you kill xxxxx?

I guess im coming at it from a different spectrum. Because the world is shitty and nothing is fair and the good guys never win, i guess i would rather watch something less depressing. Now that i realize that his writing style is one that breaks your traditional story telling staples, or rather, just does the opposite i think ill pass on the series. 4 seasons of the same shit, so im guessing it'll be 4 more seasons of the same shit (life sucks/people die/you die/nothings fair) Which is fine i guess if you're into that. Im not, i could just glance at the news if thats what i wanted out of my entertainment.

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