Vashj (Ally & Horde)

Just started my first F2P toon on your server, working on a BE Holy Paladin. I'm excited :D

Background: I played a 19 BE Hunter Twink back during BC/Wrath so I have a decent amount of experience, but I haven't really played WoW a whole lot since Cata. Looking forward to getting back in the saddle!

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Does Alliance have a bigger presence than Horde?

I was planning on rolling a Worgen Druid in the near future on another account, but for now I was planning on sticking to my Pally.

Hi Fangorn!

I've never logged into the Horde side on Vashj, but every person you see posting here is Vashj Alliance. We have a great size to our commmunity, we premade every night and support each other, but not so huge that anyone's a stranger... we all know each other and like to talk amongst ourselves.

Occasionally I will happen to see a Horde Vashjian on the other side of WSG, but I've never seen a group of them. Therefore I think it's safe to say that, as far as F2P communities goes, Vashj is solely Alliance.
Got it. Well I guess I will go ahead and start rolling that Worgen!

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Sweet mate! I cant wait to see you In Game. Our community is really helpful, last night they were doing BFD speed runs which was cool. All Vashj group, I also know of one of our players that grinded every single profession for the DMF tickets...

Who was that again guys? Nolife? ;P
I also know of one of our players that grinded every single profession for the DMF tickets...

Who was that again guys? Nolife? ;P

How dare you. :p

Edit: You forgot the "in 12 hours" part.
Bump for vashj . Great ally server with fun kids
First, download and install Yasueh's F2PAddon if you don't have it already. This is important because it's what we use to communicate, form groups, etc.

Once that's taken care of, all you have to do is create a character on Vashj and you're good to go.

Thanks Grants! I have been slacking off!
Sup Everyone. Just rolled a toon here Ally side. Will be rolling a Prot Pall as well. So. Many. Healers. o.o
I was the druid. Haven't had the chance to reroll yet. Will be making the Prot Pally, with "Ozz" in his name when I do get the chance.
:C makes me sad when I log in on Horde side, and there's no one else.

O' Whale.

:,C guess I'll come back to ally.

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