Twink Names!

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Parfait said:
I really need to stop rolling new characters, Troll Mage, my 1st ever troll!! Aerie Peak horde like the rest.

LOL, I forgot to put the name... Islowya
Thirk - Aerie Peak Horde.

Sorry for rolling Huntard, had to roll horde and assuming I'll be playing solo for now so chose a class I knew I'd have the least problem with.
Ã￾ivinity Horde Aerie Peak Add me ;)
Oletha - Horde Blood Elf Priest

Still leveling. Not my toon, my gf's. Her first character, go easy on her if you see her around.
Lol i hate the stereo that girls in wow only use healing classes. I mean just cuz im a girl doesnt mean I only i just realized my main is a resto shaman XD. Well Im making a alliance named Starup. Not sure what it will be prob a human disc priest or paladin.
Starup said:
Lol i hate the stereo that girls in wow only use healing classes. I mean just cuz im a girl doesnt mean I only i just realized my main is a resto shaman XD. Well Im making a horde named Starup. Not sure what it will be prob a belf disc priest or paladin.

My GF is only rolling a healer cause I told her we need heals.

Otherwise she'd have made a mage or lock :p
Starup said:
Lol i hate the stereo that girls in wow only use healing classes. I mean just cuz im a girl doesnt mean I only i just realized my main is a resto shaman XD. Well Im making a horde named Starup. Not sure what it will be prob a belf disc priest or paladin.

Haha, I've had:

"So you're not a girl?"


"But you're playing a healer."

several times before, from members of my guild even. Having Disc as my main-spec and Holy as my off-spec probably had something to do with it too "Cierona doesn't do DPS".

Of the 5 women in the guild only one of them regularly played a druid healer, the others playing DK tank or mage (best DPS in the guild except the GM's hunter), rogue, hunter and warlock.
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