Twink Names!

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This got stickied, but it's not getting updated. >_<
2 more alliance on Akama

Allagand - Ret pally

Calistria - Frost mage
a few people on my friend list that are trial and allways online

prodalf bleeeding hallow.superdank bleeeding hallow. stormlore. bleeeding haallow.beast bleeeding hallo.healshot bleeding hallow /onewaye. bleeding hallow they all hordes add them to the list they allways on
tajayrussian said:
prodalf bleeeding hallow.superdank bleeeding hallow. stormlore. bleeeding haallow.beast bleeeding hallo.healshot bleeding hallow /onewaye. bleeding hallow they all hordes add them to the list they allways on

Uhhh.. What?.. (List has been updated)
killthrill said:
Im going for a Horde Druid now when server's up.

server: AP

name: Killthrills

I will be working on my horde resto/ele shaman on AP once my ally pally is finished

Orc Shaman "Lazerwolf" add me.
Working on an alliance mage Chilis on AP. Any pocket healers and what not post your names on my account makes it easier for me ty.
I really need to stop rolling new characters, Troll Mage, my 1st ever troll!! Aerie Peak horde like the rest.
Aerie Peak Horde


Buddybovine (Tauren Warrior)

Yost (Belf Priest)

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