Twink Names!

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Hiidden said:
Anyone know who this guy is?

Briaatis @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft

He already got BoAs ^^

Btw remember to /join f2ptwink at Aerie Peak US so we can hold contact!

Looks like someone that mailed BoAs to their 20.

He only has 4447 kills there's no way he could afford even 1 BoA yet.

If he's a trial, he obviously has no life, which is good for us meaning we got people that are dedicated. ^^
I've seen a few who are BiS sans BoA. Even with enchants and armor kits. I'm startingto believe that we are discovering something that has been going on for awhile.
neither are built yet, but soon to be jailbotqt , and jailbot aerie peek alliance.
Horde - Aeire Peak - Krotchrawt - Warlock goblin

Alliance - Aerie Peak - Drünk (alt 0252) Shaman dorf

Both P2P acct - but following F2P guidelines.

Just started - and allotting time is tough (have baby/wife/house/job/active RL) but I am looking forward to this project.
Turbull - Aerie Peak Horde druid
PureCraft said:
Looks like someone that mailed BoAs to their 20.

He only has 4447 kills there's no way he could afford even 1 BoA yet.

If he's a trial, he obviously has no life, which is good for us meaning we got people that are dedicated. ^^

It's not as hard to gain honor at level 20 as some of you might think. With WSG call to arms 4447 kills should be enough for at least 2 BoA items.
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