Top Twink Class to Solo Farm Dungeons at 20?

would not recommend relying on an obviously broken mechanic to build a toon around. it will get adjusted eventually.

That's true. I was hoping to finish getting my gear before a hotfix rolled out.

Paladin will never give you trouble... there's no upside to warrior other than PvP and personal preference.

edit- also matters why you're doing it, if it's only to solo clear dungeons you can try level 15 or 10 as well (15 is my preference for more dungeons and a talent) and get more flexibilty in choice.

Thanks for the clarification. I asked because fury warrior was mentioned as a S-tier class for world farming from a separate thread - Ultimate BoE twink item farming guide (Legion, BFA):
Recommended classes
S tier:
Marksmanship Hunter
/w Barrage Talent, Max mastery and spin with Barrage.
Arcane Mage Arcane Explosion.
Fury Warrior Whirlwind to win, possibly more damage than mage, great for solo.

Solo dungeon farming would be to gear up for PvP - solo because of my schedule. And my understanding is that it would have to be done at 20 since rare loot scales with mob level.

To make sure info from previous posts are still relevant, is it fair to say that hunters, paladins, druid, and monks are the go-to choices?
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I hope replying to a 3-month-old post is not considered necro'ing. With the recent crusader bug, are warriors better at solo farming TBC dungeons? I ask because I'm debating whether to create a paladin or warrior. I know paladins are a good pick, but I'd prefer to go with warrior if it isn't horrible at solo dungeon clears.
Prot Paladins are op, fury warrior is very good at 22+ but less so below 22. Its still good but like others have said, if crusader goes, the ability to solo will plummet.
I solo dungeons on DH, prot pally, and guardian druid. DH is my personal favorite.

Are you doing the dungeons in Havok? Cuz as vengence I'm able to solo 2 things so far as trash goes... jack and shit.

I've always had a fundamental lack of understanding of the class, but it's like 3 buttons and I still cant keep my health up. 1-2 and probably bosses no big deal, but multiple mob pulls it just overwhelms... cant wait 4 minutes every pack to wait for metamorph. ANY disorient or stun and it's game over, no oh-shit buttons or heals.

To be fair my most recent experience was just running into stockades to test it... but i mean, c'mon... there's lots harder.

edit- also to be fair this was a f2play DH with ilvl 28 green armor and 25 blue weps, no enchants or gems - yet in that scenario, prot pally and druid can clear most stuff pretty easy. Lack of pack ability slows the fck out of my "fast" DH.
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Are you doing the dungeons in Havok? Cuz as vengence I'm able to solo 2 things so far as trash goes... jack and shit.

Nope, I do all of my soloing as vengeance. I have two gear set ups. Both are Outlands blues, but one set uses agi/stam gems and the other uses agi/crit gems. I like the crit set up better for soloing... more damage and heals, but less room for mistakes while you ramp your fury up.

Everything being equal (gear, skill) my prot pally can pull maybe twice as many mobs as my DH but with the same kill speed. DH is fun for the skips, druid is fun for stealthing past packs, pally is fun for being a brute force demigod.

Some small tips:
  • Mastery is garbage/a dead stat (at 20, it only increases armor given by Demon Spikes)
  • Take the Felblade talent for fury generation
  • Don't use Fel Devastation unless you're sure you won't need the fury for healing
  • Make sure you're using Immolation Aura for fury generation
  • If things get hairy you can always kite with Infernal Strike/Sigil of Misery and wait for CDs
Ppl seem to be overlooking demo warlocks here, with the command demon talent your felguard melts groups and has 0 issue holding threat. + its really easy to keep up with health funnel/drain life. I have a no socket gear demo lock at 31% haste and 42% mastery I have never had an issue soloing dungeons on her.
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Are you doing the dungeons in Havok? Cuz as vengence I'm able to solo 2 things so far as trash goes... jack and shit.

I've always had a fundamental lack of understanding of the class, but it's like 3 buttons and I still cant keep my health up. 1-2 and probably bosses no big deal, but multiple mob pulls it just overwhelms... cant wait 4 minutes every pack to wait for metamorph. ANY disorient or stun and it's game over, no oh-shit buttons or heals.

To be fair my most recent experience was just running into stockades to test it... but i mean, c'mon... there's lots harder.

edit- also to be fair this was a f2play DH with ilvl 28 green armor and 25 blue weps, no enchants or gems - yet in that scenario, prot pally and druid can clear most stuff pretty easy. Lack of pack ability slows the fck out of my "fast" DH.

This is me but with lvl 20 Blood DKs. I don't understand how the spec works and I suck at tanking with them and I can't solo for shit :( Haha.
Crusader being broken wil help, try some now before they fix it! ;)

I mean, I used to twink-tank back in Legion/BfA with Crusader on my Paladin and Warrior and it's been like, six years right? I won't hold my breath for it heheh. (Also, didn't they recently nerf it because of the Mage Tower actually?)
The strength was "fixed" now but the heal is broken pretty bad. I forget how much but way more than it should be.

Sufficient heals has always been my solo problem, you can grind out most bosses with mediocre damage....
This is me but with lvl 20 Blood DKs. I don't understand how the spec works and I suck at tanking with them and I can't solo for shit :( Haha.

DKs are awful to solo with. Before crusader's healing buff I soloed Freehold like 40 times for some socketed plate bracers... Was not fun. Basically use Blooddrinker and spinal injector on CD and hope your health doesn't run out before they recharge.

If you ever plan on soloing anything on a DK do it now while crusader is busted :p
Solo clears.... hunter is one mob at a time every time. i find that grindy, but could just be me. And I'm speaking of normal gear, not fully gemmed and enchanted, as far as gear acquisition goes. They have great tools, just not the AoE I prefer.
Solo clears.... hunter is one mob at a time every time. i find that grindy, but could just be me. And I'm speaking of normal gear, not fully gemmed and enchanted, as far as gear acquisition goes. They have great tools, just not the AoE I prefer.

I find demo shreds aoe but is a bit weaker on single target.
8 more levels and I'll find out. ;)

I find demo shreds aoe but is a bit weaker on single target.

So i got to 20 and filled up on MoP vendor greens then went to Stockades, did really well vs. the first few packs... once I got to the packs of 3 elite couldnt make it work with Felguard, but swapped to voidwalker and had no problem (just slower).

Went back to Felguard for the first boss and it was OK speed wise, no concern otherwise. Get to use all the abilities vs the boss, that was kind of nice. Not a lot of that vs trash, casts/buildup are too long.

Not a druid or pally by any means, but I'd rather play destro in BG than any of those other class specs.

edit- I think it'll be really difficult against taunt-immune bosses tho, or at least REALLY slow.
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Personally just changed any vote to Druid... stealthing past trash is just too sweet.

Having some trouble with specific bosses tho, like the first boss of Auchenai Crypts. Hoping once I gem up I can DPS down the issue of that stacking bleed... or figure out some other way to get it done, kind of perplexed. :kms:

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