would not recommend relying on an obviously broken mechanic to build a toon around. it will get adjusted eventually.
That's true. I was hoping to finish getting my gear before a hotfix rolled out.
Paladin will never give you trouble... there's no upside to warrior other than PvP and personal preference.
edit- also matters why you're doing it, if it's only to solo clear dungeons you can try level 15 or 10 as well (15 is my preference for more dungeons and a talent) and get more flexibilty in choice.
Thanks for the clarification. I asked because fury warrior was mentioned as a S-tier class for world farming from a separate thread - Ultimate BoE twink item farming guide (Legion, BFA):
Recommended classes
S tier:
Marksmanship Hunter /w Barrage Talent, Max mastery and spin with Barrage.
Arcane Mage Arcane Explosion.
Fury Warrior Whirlwind to win, possibly more damage than mage, great for solo.
Solo dungeon farming would be to gear up for PvP - solo because of my schedule. And my understanding is that it would have to be done at 20 since rare loot scales with mob level.
To make sure info from previous posts are still relevant, is it fair to say that hunters, paladins, druid, and monks are the go-to choices?
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