Top Twink Class to Solo Farm Dungeons at 20?

8 more levels and I'll find out. ;)

So i got to 20 and filled up on MoP vendor greens then went to Stockades, did really well vs. the first few packs... once I got to the packs of 3 elite couldnt make it work with Felguard, but swapped to voidwalker and had no problem (just slower).

Went back to Felguard for the first boss and it was OK speed wise, no concern otherwise. Get to use all the abilities vs the boss, that was kind of nice. Not a lot of that vs trash, casts/buildup are too long.

Not a druid or pally by any means, but I'd rather play destro in BG than any of those other class specs.

edit- I think it'll be really difficult against taunt-immune bosses tho, or at least REALLY slow.

Whats your haste and stuff at? I find the spec to be the most enjoyable when you are at around 31% haste for the 1.5 sec casts. This helps build shards quickly. As for taunt immune bosses your fel guard should be doing enough damage to keep threat with the talented bladestorm, on my dps recounts he does the majority of my damage.
Personally just changed any vote to Druid... stealthing past trash is just too sweet.

Yeah being able to ignore 90% of the dungeon is sick.
Whats your haste and stuff at?

Not 31%, that's for sure... I just got the haste/crit and haste/mastery ilvl 28 BoEs from the MoP vendor, didnt min/max anything as the point is soloing to get good gear, not soloing with already good gear. Tried both types, but not a whole lot.

Started to focus on the druid, already getting drops I need on him. OMG it's so nice to literally kill less trash mobs than bosses. :BunsGasm:

Stuck on Shirrak for now tho, trying to get a way to work him down for that 3 socket helm. Cant beat the bleed DoT.

Yet. ;)

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