Top 5 class and spec in 20-29 Bracket

Do people just forget that MW monk exists? Maybe one list mentioned them and their heals are nuts.. not to mention being able to burst someone down super fast with stacked up teachings of the monastery and potentially a reset rising sun? Also pretty okay mobility too

There's alot of stealth op classes but few people are aware of em cause uhuh hunter and warriors.
There's alot of stealth op classes but few people are aware of em cause uhuh hunter and warriors.
I mean honestly with incend nerfed immensely, mm hunt is super viable but not anywhere near where they were. And it's been said but warr is only insane because of the potential of x2-3 crusader procs.

It's not even like MW being good, or even OP, is a new concept though... ever since they revamped their healing style back to what it was in mop (which was in BFA prepatch), and made it arguably better than that, it's been crazy. Damage and healing included. Anyone who doesn't even give it an honorable mention is definitely wrong.

It has downfalls, just like any class does, but it still performs so well.
People definitely sleep on MW — partially because they’re not overplayed in the first place and, moreso, probably because it has a bit of a higher skill ceiling than other specs i.e. It’s not brainless.

At the end of the day, I’ll take a competent teammate working toward objectives and playing a mediocre “ranking” spec over a dumbfuck playing any of the godtier specs. I did three BGs last night and I think two (maybe all three?) were enemy teams with 4 or 5 Marks Hunters, at least two Arcane Mages, and then a mix of whatever else... each game we fucking WRECKED them because they were all inbred backpedalers falling all over themselves trying to steal eachother’s kills rather than worry about the other 3-4 bases we owned or, ya know, leaving mid to pursue our flag carrier.
I mean honestly with incend nerfed immensely, mm hunt is super viable but not anywhere near where they were. And it's been said but warr is only insane because of the potential of x2-3 crusader procs.

It's not even like MW being good, or even OP, is a new concept though... ever since they revamped their healing style back to what it was in mop (which was in BFA prepatch), and made it arguably better than that, it's been crazy. Damage and healing included. Anyone who doesn't even give it an honorable mention is definitely wrong.

It has downfalls, just like any class does, but it still performs so well.
people equate fotm with OP, and while they often coorelate they arent always the same. Arcane mages are a perfect example. theyre a perfectly fine DPS class but they arent OP.
I mean honestly with incend nerfed immensely, mm hunt is super viable but not anywhere near where they were. And it's been said but warr is only insane because of the potential of x2-3 crusader procs.

It's not even like MW being good, or even OP, is a new concept though... ever since they revamped their healing style back to what it was in mop (which was in BFA prepatch), and made it arguably better than that, it's been crazy. Damage and healing included. Anyone who doesn't even give it an honorable mention is definitely wrong.

It has downfalls, just like any class does, but it still performs so well.

Ye but you can be unable to work a doorknob and still be able to perform on a fury warrior or mm hunter. I mean right now I am rerolling my next char which is a demo lock. They're so good and none is playing them. There's like 3 dps specs and no healer specs that arent that good atm. Its a golden age get still more hunters and warriors, a few rets and maybe a disc.

Most people dont want is best they want what can perform well even tho the player is retarded and big crits and shit.
I mean honestly with incend nerfed immensely, mm hunt is super viable but not anywhere near where they were. And it's been said but warr is only insane because of the potential of x2-3 crusader procs.

It's not even like MW being good, or even OP, is a new concept though... ever since they revamped their healing style back to what it was in mop (which was in BFA prepatch), and made it arguably better than that, it's been crazy. Damage and healing included. Anyone who doesn't even give it an honorable mention is definitely wrong.

It has downfalls, just like any class does, but it still performs so well.
I personally think the main reason mw is kinda slept on is because it's overshadowed by rsham and rdruid who both feels like more complete packages and are just stronger overall. And mw damage is also melee which means in big teamfights there wont be many chanses for you actually to use your damage.

I personally don't find fury warriors that strong because they are easily turned into wheelchairs and charging in to the enemy team will often end up getting you killed. Ret paladins suffer from the same problems, if ret pally had some sort of sticking power I'd argue it could contest for being among top 5 specs in the 20 bracket.

people equate fotm with OP, and while they often coorelate they arent always the same. Arcane mages are a perfect example. theyre a perfectly fine DPS class but they arent OP.
I think the arcane damage is decent but what made me persoanlly include it in my list is polymorph, it's such a great tool.
Ye but you can be unable to work a doorknob and still be able to perform on a fury warrior or mm hunter. I mean right now I am rerolling my next char which is a demo lock. They're so good and none is playing them. There's like 3 dps specs and no healer specs that arent that good atm. Its a golden age get still more hunters and warriors, a few rets and maybe a disc.

Most people dont want is best they want what can perform well even tho the player is retarded and big crits and shit.
I agree 100 % with the fact that brainless apes could play either of those specs in bg's. but I think it's also important to include the fact that those 2 classes were the "easiest" to gear as the real carries of both specs were the weapon enchants and the rest of the gear really wasn't that important. I think we will see more and more people gravitating towards other classes/specs.
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Ye but you can be unable to work a doorknob and still be able to perform on a fury warrior or mm hunter. I mean right now I am rerolling my next char which is a demo lock. They're so good and none is playing them. There's like 3 dps specs and no healer specs that arent that good atm. Its a golden age get still more hunters and warriors, a few rets and maybe a disc.

Most people dont want is best they want what can perform well even tho the player is retarded and big crits and shit.
I... literally don’t know if I’ve ever seen (or at least encountered) a Demo Lock in BGs... so, not sure if serious.
my list would be

1: rsham
2: balance druid/resto
3: fury warrior
4: MW monk
5: mm hunter/arcane mage
underated but not meta: arms warrior/ret pally/fire mage/frost mage/

1: rsham has a full kit bascially, ranged kick, aoe slow, high dps, high burst, good dots, good hots, good burst heal, it just has fucking everything
2: druids have better mobility and burst than rsham but generally less dps and overall impact in a game when both played to their full potential
3: fury warrior is just full mongoloid because of how opresive crusader is, yes its very counterable, but the average fury warrior will beat the average player on any other class, and even some skilled players that arent paying 110% attention
4: mw monk super underated, best burst healing and insane burst damage for being a healer, the ammount of hots it has makes it the most tanky healer imo
5: mm hunter/arcane mage ranged dps aids and cc, hard to lock down you know already

arms/ret pally carried by crusader being dumb but dont shine as much as fury warrior
fire mage does very well against melee classes where arcane is just a standing turret, frost mage brings alot of cc to the table in a bg that can save flag carriers (and games) when played well

ofc this is just my 2 cents im sure everyone has a somewhat different take on all this by looking at the previous comments
1. Brewmaster Monk
2. Demonology Warlock
3. Enhancement Shaman
4. Feral Druid
5. Shadow Priest

... JK lol
People definitely sleep on MW — partially because they’re not overplayed in the first place and, moreso, probably because it has a bit of a higher skill ceiling than other specs i.e. It’s not brainless.

In general I feel like I have a hard time with these lists because honestly... How often do you see really great players in pugs? There's a lot of meh shamans on horde. I can't remember the last time I played against a mistweaver monk twink, much less one that really made me take note of them. etc. Not to mention that a ton of games are so imbalanced it feels like everybody is sleepwalking through them. I'm not even sure how to rate fury warriors because in general most fury warrior players (sorry) are completely terrible.

Top 5 specs for, what? Wargames? Pugs? The highest level of play, or the easiest to play at a high level? Would love to hear what people have found in some really high level games, because in my narrow little pea brained rogue solo-q pug world, healers are my gods and not much else seems to consistently matter.

Furry warriors tear up shitty teams. Hunters tear up warriors. Shadowmeld and between the eyes = sad hunter. Go get a snack if Hod-QT is on my team. Boomkins tear it up but also feel like empty calories half the time. One arcane mage is a free kill after kick. Two arcane mages is like fighting the justice league. That's what I've learned playing pugs. :/
People definitely sleep on MW — partially because they’re not overplayed in the first place and, moreso, probably because it has a bit of a higher skill ceiling than other specs i.e. It’s not brainless.

At the end of the day, I’ll take a competent teammate working toward objectives and playing a mediocre “ranking” spec over a dumbfuck playing any of the godtier specs. I did three BGs last night and I think two (maybe all three?) were enemy teams with 4 or 5 Marks Hunters, at least two Arcane Mages, and then a mix of whatever else... each game we fucking WRECKED them because they were all inbred backpedalers falling all over themselves trying to steal eachother’s kills rather than worry about the other 3-4 bases we owned or, ya know, leaving mid to pursue our flag carrier.

Yeah but would you rather have a mediocre player playing a mediocre spec or a god tier spec
Yeah but would you rather have a mediocre player playing a mediocre spec or a god tier spec
Haha, of course I’d rather have the person playing the strong(er) spec, all else equal. My point was that playing objectives, targeting/cc’ing/interrupting enemy healers, peeling for your own healers, etc. on an average tier spec is way more effective than having worthless teammates playing godly specs that fight on roads the whole game and do nothing to actually help win the BG.

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