Tired of 19s? Look no farther!!

I realize im talking to a fail ass fuck. And if its not worth YOUR time then dont post in a thread about OTHERS time. Your not fucking god your a garbage bitch.

Monkey, you were the worst shaman to play the bracket filled with bad shamans. You posted in the 15-19 bracket recruiting for other brackets. Meaning you need to reassess your post. I may as well be God to you. I'm a superior player, I'm a superior human.
If im the *worst shaman ever* then why did i rape ur ass? And btw im recruiting for the 70BRACKET because i like the people in the 19BRACKET. Obviously your not one of those people. Btw im the superior player, your my bitch irl.
If im the *worst shaman ever* then why did i rape ur ass? And btw im recruiting for the 70BRACKET because i like the people in the 19BRACKET. Obviously your not one of those people. Btw im the superior player, your my bitch irl.

You've never "raped my ass" In fact, you never did much of anything except embarrass yourself. That is to say...In game and in vent. I'm levels above you, and that's just honesty. I have nothing against you personally. You're still in the wrong section regardless of what your intentions were.

You came on my realm about four days ago asking if we funded, quit secretly fanboying me and practice a bit.

Im not fanboying you. Ive considered coming back to 19s and is why i asked abt funding. I actually didnt know that was you considering the POLITE reply that came back. Btw i do remember 3v1ing your warlock when u had 2heals. Get on my level baddie. Also thats the 2nd time u have used that pic in the past week. l2research.
Im not fanboying you. Ive considered coming back to 19s and is why i asked abt funding. I actually didnt know that was you considering the POLITE reply that came back. Btw i do remember 3v1ing your warlock when u had 2heals. Get on my level baddie. Also thats the 2nd time u have used that pic in the past week. l2research.

You are indeed fanboying me. You considered coming back because 70s are trash, you realize that but you're too stubborn to admit it so you'll keep this silly game going until you break. You're lying more than kancers does this is kind of sad. I have a single heal bot for my 19 warlock, that's conjurance. Also, you never 3v1, let alone 2v1d me, you simply had the killing blow among the 3 hunters and 2 priests on your team. Now then, let's pretend for a second that seeking me out in a warsong and attempting to 1v1 isn't fanboy status further solidifying my argument. Why is it worth it to say one word about killing a WARLOCK at 19? lmfao you're full of it, monkey. You just aren't good <3

Also! Please find the other post where I use my will smith picture. I beg of you...Like why would you lie about THAT too? You have a problem.

Edit:Really though. If you want my attention just shoot me a private message. I'm more than happy to speak with you about your infatuation with me. I'm really not a mean person ^.^, I can be quite polite.
I considered coming back because i miss the people. Aparently that was lost in your retarded head of yours. As i said above. your not god, your a fat ass bitch.

Also i said 2healers so im saying a enhance shaman vs warlock priest and priest is a pretty good match up. Also since im not goign to remake a 19, make a 70 so i can rape your ugly ass on a underpowered hunter. Hell make a frost mage and ull still get your ass kicked. Youve never been as good as me, and the fact that uve replied to my thread this many times makes u my fanboy.
I considered coming back because i miss the people. Aparently that was lost in your retarded head of yours. As i said above. your not god, your a fat ass bitch.

Also i said 2healers so im saying a enhance shaman vs warlock priest and priest is a pretty good match up. Also since im not goign to remake a 19, make a 70 so i can rape your ugly ass on a underpowered hunter. Hell make a frost mage and ull still get your ass kicked. Youve never been as good as me, and the fact that uve replied to my thread this many times makes u my fanboy.

No, it makes you easily controlled and overly emotional. Have fun being subpar <3 I love you
Hmmm no im getting tired and i might as well close the argument somehow. Regardles it ended on my terms not his so still a win for me.

I might make a FC on your server, but the only thing is I dont have a main there, so how am I supposed to get gems, enchants, etc?
Lol this entire thread is dumb. Reflexes from Prodigy amiright? If so, yeah you are a good player. In all honestly, Mnkey was one if not the best ally shammy while he played. I don't care what 1v1 situation you guys got into, and unless it was in arena it does not matter very much.

- I have a 70 rogue and a 19 rogue. Are 70s fun? Yeah i guess, if you play with friends/guild and group que/rbg/arena together it is a great bracket. At this time, a frost mage with taziks is playable to 2400 by my baby sister. It gets boring after a while.

- I play 19s because they are different than every other bracket. There are no mounts in WSG, making FCs and everyone in general more skill based movements. The lack of abilities does not make it "lolshadowstepambush" as people might assume that have never played in it. Two completely different brackets, both have ups and downs.
Lol this entire thread is dumb. Reflexes from Prodigy amiright? If so, yeah you are a good player. In all honestly, Mnkey was one if not the best ally shammy while he played. I don't care what 1v1 situation you guys got into, and unless it was in arena it does not matter very much.

- I have a 70 rogue and a 19 rogue. Are 70s fun? Yeah i guess, if you play with friends/guild and group que/rbg/arena together it is a great bracket. At this time, a frost mage with taziks is playable to 2400 by my baby sister. It gets boring after a while.

- I play 19s because they are different than every other bracket. There are no mounts in WSG, making FCs and everyone in general more skill based movements. The lack of abilities does not make it "lolshadowstepambush" as people might assume that have never played in it. Two completely different brackets, both have ups and downs.

You must not be from Jersey

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