Tired of 19s? Look no farther!!

i made a 70 fire mage ( im not interested in playing frost) which is a fun spec, got full pvp gear with enchants -minus gems. play about 6-7 games and quit after facing alliance with 5 frost mages and atleast 2 disc priests being GY camped.

i then promptly returned to 19s. imo 70s are as worse as 19s, with the same principle: One shot or be one shotted.
I like 19's and all. Don't get me wrong. But 70's are much more fun than 19's - And are probably the most balanced twinking bracket except for 60's. It involves much more effort, requires you to have much more creativity, discipline, understanding of the class, all around player skill, and allows more freedoms. Why? Raids, Rated Battlegrounds, Arena's, more battlegrounds, more achievements, gear is harder to obtain, takes more than 1-3 hours to level, allows much greater profession benefits. Do I even need to go on? Mnkey, fuck the haters, haters gonna hate ain't nothing freaken new. Do what you want. As for this thread? No one fucking said you had to read it. if you don't like it don't read it. Enough said. And just because someone plays 19's doesn't mean they don't play 70's either.

Mnkey, if you need help or wanna have some fun as far as PvP goes? Here's my DK < http://us.battle.net...kswizzle/simple > still needs a TINY bit of work. the 3 socket pants, apoloyon, but that's it. I got 2K+ in 2v2 before I had tazzik. But. I still got it. Here's my mage < http://us.battle.net.../Shindae/simple > He's EXTREMELY old school man from my days at level 60 bracket. But yeah. Leveled him. And have been frozen on him ever sense I've attempted to get tazzik 5 times. I still got like 15K gold on him to keep going sense it only takes like 2.3K each try. It's just really disheartening and draining to have to keep going and going and going... Got it on my first try on my DK so it was pretty awesome then. But this is what my plans are / is for my mage < http://chardev.org/?profile=215487 > I am going to make him my new main twink.

Point being. If you wanna roll some PvP shit. I can probably help you.

I love 19's and all. But. 70's are better imo. Rock on 70's.
lvl 70s own for the faster queue times but lvl 19 is just overall more fun imo
lvl 70s own for the faster queue times but lvl 19 is just overall more fun imo

Playing WSG from the time you have Homework till the time you have taxes to file returns on isn't exactly my idea of fun. Atleast with 70's there's much more 'flavor' to things. A whole new class into the game mechanics. Other BG's. RBG's. Rated arena? Raids? Flying mounts? I can't possibly imagine how WSG is still seen as more fun sense 19's are fucking unbalanced as shit with seeing games like 4 hunters 3 priests 3 rogues. The shit just gets old. Or you see in 19's the people who just decided to turn off their EXP with no gear or enchants ext... Or you just get rick-rolled by 5 man premade teams running around if you're solo queueing. Point is. 19's just kinda suck now. And to be frank. Doing 10 WSG's a day for 4 years gets really fucking boring.
Drayner said:
70 > 24 > 19

Where's the fkn TY button in this place?
How come everybody complains abt the shitty bracket yet when people make a solution thread people nerd rage?
70s are much better then then 19s. And to the people that say they *tried out the bracket* gimme a link to ur shitty geared pos and ill tell u why u suck.
70s are much better then then 19s. And to the people that say they *tried out the bracket* gimme a link to ur shitty geared pos and ill tell u why u suck.

I could play a 70 in all greys and outplay all of ur friends in that bracket
All I've heard is that 70's is very similar to how old school 19 twinks used to be, so trying to convince these new breed of 19's is a waste of time.

heard wrong you did.
Are you getting tired off 19s and want something more Fun,Challenging,and more active???? Look no farther!!!! *cwutididthere*

Nah I don't see what you did there.

BTW frost mages are the most op thing in the world and resto shammys in that bracket. It's almost as inbalanced as 19
Im not going to denie that frost mages are OP. Most bulshit thing ever, BUT, most frost mages are complete baddies *in pugs* so there not hard to deal with.
I'm being told from multiple sources that 70s are arguably worse than even 19s. That would be sad, because this bracket is laughable.
This bracket is much better then 19s. Until u make a 70 and get off ur fat ass you wont know.
This bracket is much better then 19s. Until u make a 70 and get off ur fat ass you wont know.

Look, kid...Realize who you're speaking to and take a deep breath. I've seen livestreams of kids doing 70 arenas, and I talk to people who play the bracket. I can say with full confidence it's not worth my time. How about you level to 85, instead of playing a bracket worse than 19s because you lost your shaman and you're sad about it.
I realize im talking to a fail ass fuck. And if its not worth YOUR time then dont post in a thread about OTHERS time. Your not fucking god your a garbage bitch.

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