Tired of 19s? Look no farther!!

Synapse for a rogue is a lot more useful and anybody can lvl eng so everybody can have the tinker. If u want them, keep reroling til u get the tinker u want
99% of tazik users in the bracket just macro it to other stuff so it goes off at most random dumb times anyway

plus its dmg is rly overrated

u should have resil regardless
I untwinked my BiS rogue. because the 3v3 and 5v5 and 2v2 was broken, Mage rogue and disc priest or and combonation of those are always good and never loose.
Are you getting tired off 19s and want something more Fun,Challenging,and more active???? Look no farther!!!! *cwutididthere*

I am *recruitng* 19s to make 70s on Thrall US *Horde*. Why here? Its a active realm filled with 70s, multiple raid runs, and *good* people!

Why 70s? Playing 70s make you a better player!!! How? 1. Faster BG pops!! The more your in a BG the more practice you get! 2. Arenas! Arenas help so much with kiting/teamwork. 3. The gear looks fucking amazing!!!

No guild???? Nope! Why? Well there are 3diffrent ACTIVE 70 guilds here, so choose which ones you want!

Post here if you plan on making one!!!

All I've heard is that 70's is very similar to how old school 19 twinks used to be, so trying to convince these new breed of 19's is a waste of time.

My lvl 70 to be is still level 60, but I'll be there soon.
Went to 2k rating as sub rogue and ret pala, instagibbed everything more or less. None of us had engi btw. Was really fun raping those horribad mages, who cant break 1k with any other class lawl
Balanced? Nope... Just as bad as 19, instagibbed ppl as à full brutal rogue with t6 offset and shoulders. Leveling that rogue to 80.
Instagib mages.... hmm.. maybe they didn't have Iceblock or trinket?
Tbh, they were horrible... Still at 1,9k rating tho;) at 2,2k the mages just roll u cuz they know what they are doing :/
But if this were eu I would join. Mostly cuz of the rbgs and the fact that 70s got a higher skillcap. Gl with the project tho guys
How do they suck? Cause every class can do shit for there team? Because the longest que ive ever had as 12mins at 4:00AM. Because there are RBGs? Im lost here

In which case you might as well roll 85 endgame...

Warriors, Druids, Shamans, Warlocks are all inferior to the other classes. Yes i agree that the same thing happens at 70 but the gap is not nearly as big. 70s require skill unless ur a disc priest/frostmage.

Same goes here, gap is even smaller. I've seen way more people get insta-gibbed @ 70 than I have ever witnessed at 85... I've seen more @ 70 than I've seen instant gibs at 19 as well...
Tired of 19s? look no father

a father you have not?

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