This bracket in a Nutshell

so is it that damage is now too little, or healing is now too much? i'm not really interested in WSG anyway of course, because it's terrible, but from what you guys are saying it seems like AB might actually be better with higher healing and less damage. do mages still have imp cs? if they don't that is pretty awful

almost positive they dont have imp cs anymore. only class with a blanket is protpals i think.

damage is fine but healing is waaaaaaay overtuned. my hpal that i geared in full ret/prot gear crits 1.4k holy shock crits, 500 non-crit. all healers and healing spells for that matter are overtuned like this. feral druids can keep themselves up for a considerable amount of time with wild charge/bearform/rejuv. spriests can flash themselves full in 1 go. same goes for palas.

as said before, damage is in an overall good state, just healing is off the richter scale.
Honestly healing wouldn't be ridiculous if the healers could actually go OOM. The problem is the mana
Honestly healing wouldn't be ridiculous if the healers could actually go OOM. The problem is the mana

the thing is, you can oom healers as long as you keep them in combat and make them cast alot. wut with the overtuned heals they only need to cast in emergency situations. and most of the time those dont even occur because there is 6 healers per team
the thing is, you can oom healers as long as you keep them in combat and make them cast alot. wut with the overtuned heals they only need to cast in emergency situations. and most of the time those dont even occur because there is 6 healers per team

Pretty sure you can't oom an rdruid even when trapped in combat for an hr.

In regard to gear changes Cotus, rune now has 10 hit for ya so you can get a bit more crit out of other slots. Other than that not many gear changes.

the thing is, you can oom healers as long as you keep them in combat and make them cast alot. wut with the overtuned heals they only need to cast in emergency situations. and most of the time those dont even occur because there is 6 healers per team

Mana regen rather

Their regen is ridiculous even in combat
ugh not having imp cs is pretty bad. i mean even back when i played, it was extremely difficult to take down BiS healers who were competent without several people on them. still, i think i'm going to re-install and update later this week when i get a chance. is there anyone still on AP horde?
AP Horde is a joke now. The people who made it what it was are gone. I'd recommend Vashj/Quel/Alextrablahblah. Or play AP Alliance since some of the good/original players (Mindy, Hu, Sliceyall, etc) are still there and queue times are pretty much even lately. (3-6 minutes alliance, 2-5 minutes horde).

Or go play with the Bleeding Hollow Bad Brigade. 19's doesn't want them anymore so they're here now as well.

AP horde mainly does arena now. People hardly even chat.
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AP Horde is a joke now. The people who made it what it was are gone. I'd recommend Vashj/Quel/Alextrablahblah. Or play AP Alliance since some of the good/original players (Mindy, Hu, Sliceyall, etc) are still there and queue times are pretty much even lately. (3-6 minutes alliance, 2-5 minutes horde).

Or go play with the Bleeding Hollow Bad Brigade. 19's doesn't want them anymore so they're here now as well.

AP horde mainly does arena now. People hardly even chat.

AP alliance is no better than horde. I personally wouldn't waste time rolling a brand new toon there :p
I didn't even bother installing the f2p chat addon when I came back. I don't play a lot but due to the nature of the bracket there really doesn't ever seem to be a great community. Lots of newer players and younger players living up to their sterotype. Nothing against new or young players so long as they don't cop attitudes.

AP Horde is a joke now. The people who made it what it was are gone. I'd recommend Vashj/Quel/Alextrablahblah. Or play AP Alliance since some of the good/original players (Mindy, Hu, Sliceyall, etc) are still there and queue times are pretty much even lately. (3-6 minutes alliance, 2-5 minutes horde).

Or go play with the Bleeding Hollow Bad Brigade. 19's doesn't want them anymore so they're here now as well.

AP horde mainly does arena now. People hardly even chat.
Horde gets consistent arenas, which is a huge boon.

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