The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

About enchants, 'Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower' from wotlk gives +8 like 'Major Spellpower' from tbc except no farming for formula is needed.
Ok. That should be corrected in the guide then, there it says 8 at lvl 20.

I just saw those comments and retested every enchant in the scaling spreadsheet @ lvl 20 (luckily I have a warbank full of them in order, so it takes like 15 minutes). For whatever reason, the last patch changed the scaling to every Int / Spell Power weapon enchant. No other slots were touched. Agi weapon enchants or secondaries weapon enchants were not changed as well. I don't know the reason for this very specific patch but I have updated all the values in the spreadsheet.

Tonight I will check the lvl 29 scaling of those enchants (need a battleground to pop) and then will update the guide.
I just saw those comments and retested every enchant in the scaling spreadsheet @ lvl 20 (luckily I have a warbank full of them in order, so it takes like 15 minutes). For whatever reason, the last patch changed the scaling to every Int / Spell Power weapon enchant. No other slots were touched. Agi weapon enchants or secondaries weapon enchants were not changed as well. I don't know the reason for this very specific patch but I have updated all the values in the spreadsheet.

Tonight I will check the lvl 29 scaling of those enchants (need a battleground to pop) and then will update the guide.
Awesome! Thank you for the guide and clarifying about Int/SP enchants scaling, started to wonder some people had GFd enchants.
Awesome! Thank you for the guide and clarifying about Int/SP enchants scaling, started to wonder some people had GFd enchants.
All tested and updated now. New values for the SP/Int weapon enchants, but the old BiS encahants are still bis. Nothing to change.
Since Warband bank is still not working, is the profession rotation section due for an update? Or just use the Dragonflight rotation?
What necklaces are currently eligible for Tiered Medallion Setting? I feel a bit stupid after wasting many hours to make several of those only to learn NONE of my necklaces are eligible. The in game description isn't very helpful, at least it does suggest the items must be from DF expansion.
i see you have mending enchant on list, for a F2P 10-20 getting to the level of CATA ench required and the mats is rather impossible

for F2P the WOTLK lifeward enchant was fixed and works really well i posted some SS awhile back there is a vendor that sells frozen orbs for 75G ea that can be traded at the frozen orb trader to get the essences for this enchant.

another enchant imo that should be considered is the WOD enchanting garrison hut (no enchanting req) is mark of the shattered hand. it puts a bleed on a target, can be used by all classes, adds another attack in aiding ooze trink procs, adds another dot to caster dots, boosts you +leech heals, pre-sets up bleeds for druids, etc. you can DE items from WOD to get the mats using the hut and items from previous expacs. if you aren't a enchanter, a NPC at the hut will do 1 neck, 4 ring, and this wpn enchant

for F2P this comes up alot, meta gems. perhaps a mention of the wintergrasp BG vendor that sells them for a mark of honor
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i see you have mending enchant on list, for a F2P 10-20 getting to the level of CATA ench required and the mats is rather impossible

for F2P the WOTLK lifeward enchant was fixed and works really well i posted some SS awhile back there is a vendor that sells frozen orbs for 75G ea that can be traded at the frozen orb trader to get the essences for this enchant.

another enchant imo that should be considered is the WOD enchanting garrison hut (no enchanting req) is mark of the shattered hand. it puts a bleed on a target, can be used by all classes, adds another attack in aiding ooze trink procs, adds another dot to caster dots, boosts you +leech heals, pre-sets up bleeds for druids, etc. you can DE items from WOD to get the mats using the hut and items from previous expacs. if you aren't a enchanter, a NPC at the hut will do 1 neck, 4 ring, and this wpn enchant

for F2P this comes up alot, meta gems. perhaps a mention of the wintergrasp BG vendor that sells them for a mark of honor
I think you are thinking about the wrong enchant. Mending requires 1 skill point and is very doable, I literally farmed it on 4 classes even before the warbanks were a thing.

Regarding the other enchants - all of them are listed in the Encahnts Scaling Spreadsheet, but only the more usable ones are in the guide's table. No point in making things more complex with some of the more niche options.

There is one meta gem that is head and shoulders above the rest - the 12 crit Apexis one, that is already linked. Multiple other options are available if people want to go with them for some rason, Wowhead has a nice filter for that.
i have found it faster and easier to buy my way to a WOTLK lifeward enchant if needed. the kor kon orc, goblins, demolishers, tree cutter CATA mobs in the barrens are level 20/35 and if killed by a 20 the 35s drop no loot, the CATA added level 20s including those on the upper south plateau drop standard OG barrens drops. the loot rules for low levels was changed like 4 expacs ago and it's still that way.

lifeward is way easier and less complex than some you have listed. imo far from a niche enchant as most do WOTLK enchanting anyway due to ease of mats from vendor DEs

where are you soloing CATA mobs for greens to get lesser/greater celestial essences?
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Not true. Major Spellpower from TBC does +12 spell power (at lv20), not +8. It is the best caster enchant and worth the short farm to get it.
i farmed this recipe many expacs ago and was not able to learn it, would click on it and nothing, so i got rid of it. i take it F2Ps can learn/use it now?

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