The Truth about the 19 Community July 2013

I don't think it's Blurz. Has to be Dorygoon, I did ask him to step up his trolling the other day.
Your are entitled to your own opinion, Bam. I wont try to dissuade you.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But in all honesty, after 2.5 years or whatever it's been.. You still are able to pick up on mediocre gameplay. That's coming from someone who is probably #117 shaman. Mediocre gameplay is medicore. And you complain about ms :/ I think on average Aussies are on 250-300.
You seem lost in some different era. If you didn't notice, which you probably haven't pre-mades don't happen in this bracket except when the stars align. Needless to say that it is a rare occasion. The last "serious" pre-made was in Cata so no i do not count "garbage" pugs as an indicator for my overall skill level. However, i have played pugs that might as well have been pre-mades and i can say without a doubt that i am better than most of these fotm players and even some of the ones who have been around as long as me. You also mentioned my awareness which even i will admit freely that no, i am not the most aware player in the gulch. When i know we are gonna lose i figure i might as well go mongoloid because, hey, what do i have to lose? My ratio of wins/losses ha you also must remember i am a lone wolf i don't like to run with the pack. And growth opportunities are very limited, as you see Horde are dominating this bracket and good games are in maybe 20% of all games played.
"Try to keep from lashing out towards people above your level of play as you have one hell of a long way to go before even reaching mediocrity and any bit of help should be cherished." I do cherish the help i get from people who are above my skill level, i do not consider you one of them. As it stands i consider myself better then you with an even better attitude than you. Prove me wrong then we can talk like civilized beings. Until then you'll always be a random that tries to be a keyboard warrior on the forums instead of being anything useful in the gulch.

The last serious premade was NA vs TC, which I partook in. Last weekend we (EbK) played a couple 7-10v7-10s in house premades which is probably the closest the entire bracket has gotten to a real premade in MoP (I don't count the VD or underground games because they were quite pitiful).

When I said garbage PuGs I was more referring to terrible single players that you obviously compare yourself too rather than PuG games in their entirety. I highly doubt that you have played in any pugs that even come close to the level of a legitimate premade. It is highly unlikely that you would even know what a legitimate premade looks like as you have never come close to playing in one (of worth of coarse). The fact that you compare yourself to "fotm rerollers" is actually quite hilarious because in doing so you are basically say "I am better than the people who crutch on their class to carry them (aka shitty players in the first place)"

There you go again rationalizing you inadequate situational awareness by admitting you are "not the greatest". Why not ask for help when you apparently know that you are lacking? Asking your friends is not always the best solution, I can tell that the people who you are friends with will not be able to contribute as they themselves are lacking.

I never brought into question your win/loss ratio and the fact that you even brought it up should cause anyone with a brain to raise an eyebrow. You obviously feel that such meaningless statistics (HKs,Win/Loss, Damage/Healing Charts, etc) hold high merit when they in fact hold very little if any at all. Yet another excuse with this whole "Lone Wolf" BS. You play a 10v10 capture the flag game, learn to play with your team or other people.

There isn't any side that dominates this bracket, it really falls upon a combination of which team has more good players (some listed in the OP), which team has less terrible/awful players (some listed in the OP) and partially what comp each side is comprised of.

If you cherished help from players that are on a higher level than you should look past the demeaning way in which I have communicated this and take a look at the substance that I have so generously presented to you.
If you consider yourself better than me then you are beyond lost, and the best part is that I am an above average player and it is still fitting to say that you are on a different planet, lost. That should speak volumes as to how much further you have to go to reach as stated before, Mediocrity.

Although you may have a more positive attitude, I do not allow mine to stunt my growth and use it as a care bear shield for the flack players give. Tear down that ego because you have no reason to have one.

Until you admit to yourself that you are so far down the totem pole you will always remain one of the players that actually takes away from a team and is a major liability.
Btw shift if you do indeed decide to post/embarrass yourself again, would you mind seperating your thoughts out? Its really hard to read and respond to when it looks like a wall of text....
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But in all honesty, after 2.5 years or whatever it's been.. You still are able to pick up on mediocre gameplay. That's coming from someone who is probably #117 shaman. Mediocre gameplay is medicore. And you complain about ms :/ I think on average Aussies are on 250-300.
Yeah i have played for a long time, mostly on and off and the majority of my time spent has been in the pve scene on my main. However i don't think that you can judge my gameplay. You have been in a few games with me over the past what like month and in all honestly Alliance have been drastically outmatched. Give me some players who aren't people who just turned there xp off to try it, then judge me. Until then do as i have and keep your opinions to yourself.
I've been in enough games to notice how you play. You always outrun your healers and you only heal yourself. Yet you think you're one of the top druids??? Why don't you accept the criticism and learn from your mistakes. I think my opinion is valid, and i believe a lot of people agree with me.
Yeah i have played for a long time, mostly on and off and the majority of my time spent has been in the pve scene on my main. However i don't think that you can judge my gameplay. You have been in a few games with me over the past what like month and in all honestly Alliance have been drastically outmatched. Give me some players who aren't people who just turned there xp off to try it, then judge me. Until then do as i have and keep your opinions to yourself.


Where to start with this one...

Excuse #1 Haven't played in a long time.
Excuse #2 Played PvE and that why you have remained mediocre.
Excuse #3 As if a few games isn't enough to see some major flaws in your gameplay.
Excuse #4 Alliance's apparently being outmatched which I know is complete bullshit.

Telling people to keep their opinions to themselves when you have admitted to inadequate gameplay time and time again yet when people come to criticize you shut them down and tell them to keep it to themselves or tell them that you are better than them.

Kid, sit down, shut up, and listen to the advise that people who are actually remotely decent at this game. You are not nearly as good as you think you are and you do not deserve to have an ego because you have nothing to back it up with. At least some of the egotistical players that play this bracket usually know what the hell they are talking about.

You are most definitely NOT one of them.
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I've been in enough games to notice how you play. You always outrun your healers and you only heal yourself. Yet you think you're one of the top druids??? Why don't you accept the criticism and learn from your mistakes. I think my opinion is valid, and i believe a lot of people agree with me.

My thoughts exactly.
The last serious premade was NA vs TC, which I partook in. Last weekend we (EbK) played a couple 7-10v7-10s in house premades which is probably the closest the entire bracket has gotten to a real premade in MoP (I don't count the VD or underground games because they were quite pitiful).

When I said garbage PuGs I was more referring to terrible single players that you obviously compare yourself too rather than PuG games in their entirety. I highly doubt that you have played in any pugs that even come close to the level of a legitimate premade. It is highly unlikely that you would even know what a legitimate premade looks like as you have never come close to playing in one (of worth of coarse). The fact that you compare yourself to "fotm rerollers" is actually quite hilarious because in doing so you are basically say "I am better than the people who crutch on their class to carry them (aka shitty players in the first place)"

There you go again rationalizing you inadequate situational awareness by admitting you are "not the greatest". Why not ask for help when you apparently know that you are lacking? Asking your friends is not always the best solution, I can tell that the people who you are friends with will not be able to contribute as they themselves are lacking.

I never brought into question your win/loss ratio and the fact that you even brought it up should cause anyone with a brain to raise an eyebrow. You obviously feel that such meaningless statistics (HKs,Win/Loss, Damage/Healing Charts, etc) hold high merit when they in fact hold very little if any at all. Yet another excuse with this whole "Lone Wolf" BS. You play a 10v10 capture the flag game, learn to play with your team or other people.

There isn't any side that dominates this bracket, it really falls upon a combination of which team has more good players (some listed in the OP), which team has less terrible/awful players (some listed in the OP) and partially what comp each side is comprised of.

If you cherished help from players that are on a higher level than you should look past the demeaning way in which I have communicated this and take a look at the substance that I have so generously presented to you.
If you consider yourself better than me then you are beyond lost, and the best part is that I am an above average player and it is still fitting to say that you are on a different planet, lost. That should speak volumes as to how much further you have to go to reach as stated before, Mediocrity.

Although you may have a more positive attitude, I do not allow mine to stunt my growth and use it as a care bear shield for the flack players give. Tear down that ego because you have no reason to have one.

Until you admit to yourself that you are so far down the totem pole you will always remain one of the players that actually takes away from a team and is a major liability.
So, you've participated in a pre-made, congrats.

The only players i compare myself with and would even aspire to be like are the best of 19's. The only time i had the drive to improve my 19 gameplay was when i first started out, now the current state of the bracket and community members (look to yourself for that one) have taken away that drive.

I am not trying to rationalize anything, simply stating facts. It's easy to zone out with how dull games are, it's to the point that i don't care. You'll find the answer to that question ^above. My friend's in the 19 bracket are not based upon skill level alone, i am not nearly so shallow. However you saying that they have no skill is entirely false.

I don't see how that should cause anyone to raise an eyebrow, you must be over-analyzing the whole situation. I don't put a whole lot of merit behind any charts of any sort but people tend to notice others who are at the upper end. The reason i refer to myself as a "Lone Wolf" is because with the current state of games and the players themselves i cannot rely on them. So i rely on myself.

There is a side that dominates this bracket. There always has been, you must be in denial if you cannot see the truth of the matter. That side is Horde.

The only "substance" in which you have so generously given is a joke. I consider you beneath me, an ant to be crushed by my shoe, you clearly have an ego bigger than the empire state building. YOU should be the one to control yours, not the other way around as you implied earlier.

You seem to confuse my attitude of not giving any more fucks for this bracket with stunting my own growth. The simple truth is that i do not find it worth my time to spend every waking moment trying to please lack luster players like yourself.

The fact that you are so greedily awaiting my replies is still a mystery to me. I have no clue why you are trying so hard to disprove me. Seems like you have some issues you need to settle out, keyboard warrior.

Where to start with this one...

Excuse #1 Haven't played in a long time.
Excuse #2 Played PvE and that why you have remained mediocre.
Excuse #3 As if a few games isn't enough to see some major flaws in your gameplay.
Excuse #4 Alliance's apparently being outmatched which I know is complete bullshit.

Telling people to keep their opinions to themselves when you have admitted to inadequate gameplay time and time again yet when people come to criticize you shut them down and tell them to keep it to themselves or tell them that you are better than them.

Kid, sit down, shut up, and listen to the advise that people who are actually remotely decent at this game. You are not nearly as good as you think you are and you do not deserve to have an ego because you have nothing to back it up with. At least some of the egotistical players that play this bracket usually know what the hell they are talking about.

You are most definitely NOT one of them.
I actually lol'd irl.

1) I haven't played in a long time is not an excuse nor did i say that.
2) A few games is enough, but you have to take into account other players gameplay aswell.
3) Your trying to defend you faction, but we both know Horde dominates the overwhelming majority of the time.

I did not ask for anyone opinion, so until i make a thread asking what i do wrong then they should just keep quiet. But i forgot this is 19's and everyone is nosy.

I know there is always room to improve, however you can look to my earlier posts for the reasons i give no fucks anymore. As for the ego thing AGAIN, man, you really need to stop and examine your own..its pathetic.
If you read the posts i have made so far then you can look to them again as to the reasons. I only range when i feel that no matter the amount of healz i am receiving will be insufficient compared to the damage output. And most times it goes exactly how i envision it, whether i stay with a healer or without. I also always heal my team mates. Just because i don't stick around mid the whole fight when i could be on D or O doesn't mean i will. Yeah, i will toss a rejuv here and a swiftmend there but i am no ones pocket healer.

I am done clogging this thread with useless banter. If anyone has a bone to pick with me they can kindly take the bone and shove it up their ass. The only thing i have seen so far is the infamous 19 logic. Pathetic.
So, you've participated in a pre-made, congrats.

The only players i compare myself with and would even aspire to be like are the best of 19's. The only time i had the drive to improve my 19 gameplay was when i first started out, now the current state of the bracket and community members (look to yourself for that one) have taken away that drive.

I am not trying to rationalize anything, simply stating facts. It's easy to zone out with how dull games are, it's to the point that i don't care. You'll find the answer to that question ^above. My friend's in the 19 bracket are not based upon skill level alone, i am not nearly so shallow. However you saying that they have no skill is entirely false.

I don't see how that should cause anyone to raise an eyebrow, you must be over-analyzing the whole situation. I don't put a whole lot of merit behind any charts of any sort but people tend to notice others who are at the upper end. The reason i refer to myself as a "Lone Wolf" is because with the current state of games and the players themselves i cannot rely on them. So i rely on myself.

There is a side that dominates this bracket. There always has been, you must be in denial if you cannot see the truth of the matter. That side is Horde.

The only "substance" in which you have so generously given is a joke. I consider you beneath me, an ant to be crushed by my shoe, you clearly have an ego bigger than the empire state building. YOU should be the one to control yours, not the other way around as you implied earlier.

You seem to confuse my attitude of not giving any more fucks for this bracket with stunting my own growth. The simple truth is that i do not find it worth my time to spend every waking moment trying to please lack luster players like yourself.

The fact that you are so greedily awaiting my replies is still a mystery to me. I have no clue why you are trying so hard to disprove me. Seems like you have some issues you need to settle out, keyboard warrior.

It wasn't just some shitty old premade with subpar players like MiC, Proxy, BtB, VD, FB,LS, Dynasty, etc. It was one the most competitive series in Cata. I happened to played for one of the best guilds to have ever played (CL, PH/Original WT, MB,MGC, NA). You can try and undermine how good those games were but because you cannot even comprehend what makes a player good let alone how to judge a premade but it wont prove much at all.

Who are these mysterious 19s that are apparently the "best" in their class? You lost your drive because a couple people commented on how lack luster your playstyle is? That seems a little weak even by 19s standard.

The game seems dull to you because you cannot understand what is going on around you nor do you know how to fix it, for if you had such insight it wouldn't take much effort for you to fix these problems. Congratulations, you have taken the moral high ground of being friends with people regardless of whether they are awful at this game or not (similar goals and aspirations usually attract). I also do not recall saying that they were completely skill-less although there is a possibility that I have, but this is merely a matter of semantics that I shall clarify -- if I call someone a skill-less idiot or bad player it is usually meant in the way of them being subpar or making terrible decisions.

The reason for it to raise an eyebrow is because it was not even brought up until you had mentioned it. It is a completely irrelevant piece of information and a statistic that can be easily manipulated causing its' realistic integrity to become almost void. You have previously stated that you identify players as being good by topping charts and flaunt the fact that you top healing charts which does not accurately display a player's skill or worth. You might want to put in some effort to finding players that you can rely on, although this may be tough if they do not feel like they can rely on you, which may in fact be the problem in the first place.

There isn't a side that completely dominates the bracket, it all depends upon those factors I previously mentioned (# of Goods/# of Bad/Class Comp). You have to be delusional to think it is a specific side that wins, it is (for the most part) the good players that win, and what side they queue on.

I have given you great insight into the problems that you have but I feel as if you may never triumph over them. You are beneath me. Far, far beneath me. Just because I rustled your feathers and called you out for a few major mistakes that you make on a consistent basis you have gone into a state of denial, how long you wish to stay in that state is up to you. Suck up your unsubstantial ego and move on, until then you will not progress and continue looking like an absolute fool.

It may seem like I have a large ego, but to be honest it only comes out when people need to be put in their place.

By not giving a fuck you are indeed stunting your growth. You may not care that you are not getting better but don't think for a second that you have reached status as an above average player. It is an insult to those of us that have reached such a level of play. If you do not feel that it is worth your time to get better or to even become mediocre than know your place. You do not get to call yourself above average because you are not.

Sit down kid and accept your inclusion to the Subpar Club.

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