The Truth about the 19 Community July 2013

Mizfortune/Pipedown (Guildless) - Worst Priest in the bracket. Uraflamer says so and also afk/s way to often. Needs to stop healing people and level to 19 and quit being a scrub. He's so undergeared it makes my eyes hurt because he is broke and can't afford things all the other rich tinks can. His hunter is equally as awful. Also needs to level to 19 because he sucks. Ok, I added mine. Love you guys. Also, the original creator was spot on about a lot of people in the bracket. lol


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His interview and stream really opened himself up to the public, as he was more of a mystery to the bracket before this.
fun read for the most part. 9/10.
Viciously Delicious

Illegal- Subpar player that has no clue what he is doing. Guardian druid FC in a premade? Are you kidding me? Then after you lose the premade you get a prot warrior for the next one? Let’s be real, this guy has no idea what he is doing and I don’t see his guild going anywhere to be honest. It was expected that they would lose to <Xtreme Gang Crew> but losing a game to <Undergrøund> was really embarrassing and may have led to a lot of their members starting some Rooftop guild. They were really active for a while but with many players leaving for other guilds, I see it heading towards the old <Vicious and Delicious>.

Shift- Just your average player, I don’t see him improving much. Doesn’t have good awareness and has a slow reaction time. Not much more to say about this guy.
I think that the above statement should look a bit more like this: Shift - Just a casual player. Has improved quite a lot since he started on his first 19, Rägecläw, in Cata. He's always topping the healing charts for the most part when he isn't Fcing on his Resto druid. For most of his twinking "career" he has been a lone wolf even if he has been in guilds like Proxy, when he was Horde and later on Revitalize. When we first started seeing this guy he was all about anti GY farming but he slowly has submitted into a quiet acceptance that it will never stop. May appear to have a slow reaction time to some but in reality it is due to his high ms.
Shift- Just your average player, I don’t see him improving much. Doesn’t have good awareness and has a slow reaction time. Not much more to say about this guy.
I think that the above statement should look a bit more like this: Shift - Just a casual player. Has improved quite a lot since he started on his first 19, Rägecläw, in Cata. He's always topping the healing charts for the most part when he isn't Fcing on his Resto druid. For most of his twinking "career" he has been a lone wolf even if he has been in guilds like Proxy, when he was Horde and later on Revitalize. When we first started seeing this guy he was all about anti GY farming but he slowly has submitted into a quiet acceptance that it will never stop. May appear to have a slow reaction time to some but in reality it is due to his high ms.

Or something like this:

Shift - A Player that hides behind excuses such as being a casual, one who thinks charts matter and has plateaued at a very low level of skill.

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