The Truth about the 19 Community July 2013

ya ik whoever thinks ore is above average is obviously ore even the mentallyy inept know better

edit:jst so no1 trys to quote me startin some shittt,

1)struggled as cataHPal
2)lost to frostmagi as Catahpal
3)is trash at priest currently
5)Just a horrid person in general lost/ignorant/egoinflated

reditedd cause virtus is actually brown

I just read your post but.. Who are you again?

edit: Takes me awhile to respond to non-relevant players
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Or something like this:

Shift - A Player that hides behind excuses such as being a casual, one who thinks charts matter and has plateaued at a very low level of skill.
Question - How am i not a casual twinker? You don't see me often but you don't never see me. I have amassed 13k hks since mid Cata. That is not a lot, because i don't play my 19 a lot. As to the "Charts don't matter" implication, for example i can promise you that no one in this bracket would give Pizza a second thought if he didn't top the damage in all his games and he wasn't the GM of RT. And finally my "skill level" I am not the best druid FC, i admit that, but i am however an above average druid.
Also i would try not to hand out criticism until you are better than me, from what iv'e seen, your'e not and i know a few people who would agree.
Question - How am i not a casual twinker? You don't see me often but you don't never see me. I have amassed 13k hks since mid Cata. That is not a lot, because i don't play my 19 a lot. As to the "Charts don't matter" implication, for example i can promise you that no one in this bracket would give Pizza a second thought if he didn't top the damage in all his games and he wasn't the GM of RT. And finally my "skill level" I am not the best druid FC, i admit that, but i am however an above average druid.
Also i would try not to hand out criticism until you are better than me, from what iv'e seen, your'e not and i know a few people who would agree.

The issue in question is not whether you are a casual or not. It is the fact that you use the excuse of being a casual as the catalyst for being as subpar as you are. HKs are also not a great indicator of play time, you should go with how many times you have played the gulch.

I can promise you that most of the subpar portion of the community hail Pizza for his damage but that doesn't mean that the charts matter, it only takes someone who is willing to look beyond the numbers to see this. If Pizza wasn't the GM of WT/RT I'm sure he would be head of some other guild that would do relatively well, that is if he ever premaded of course.

Moving on to your "Skill Level" or rather lack there of - It may be your lack of experience, brainless play, lack of awareness, or any combination of the three that prevents you from ascending higher than below average play. I assure you that there are many actually legitimate players - those who have and will continue to prove themselves - that can attest to what I have stated.

I hope that you do not count random garbage pugs as something to compare yourself to. This is the only way I can fathom why you think yourself as an above average player. Try to keep from lashing out towards people above your level of play as you have one hell of a long way to go before even reaching mediocrity and any bit of help should be cherished. Having support from people that are oblivious to the topic is often worse than having no help at all. It would be like asking a dentist how to improve the structural integrity of a new building you are working on.
Damn that was a good read, couldn't have wrote it any better myself. This thread for the most part is 100% accurate.

and another relevant topic I feel Yowza wrote this, the way he writes about Rough Love & is mentioned in comparison to others many times and the original poster not being anyone's main acc and yowza having bans atm yes?

Aha i was in the midsts of moving, not everything positive stated about TL/RL is secretly a TL/RL member man, give credit where its due. Plus I cba to write all that shit. If it truly was me I would have added more people from my guild i.e. Nicozy, and I would have stated that Hajima and Pz are the best hunters in the bracket.

As for the OP, I have reason to believe it is Blurz. The last and biggest drama thread "best of 19s" was created by him, and I know how much he loves drama in the bracket ;) And lets be honest here, who in the world... of warcraft would take the time to write all this besides an Australian? They normally get on as games are ending anyways, and don't really have much planned in their evenings. Plus these unbiased opinions are just something I feel he'd say, and I'm sure most the community (as do I) agree with you.

Blurz baby if it was you that wrote this thread forgive me for blowing your cover <3 I'm sure you and Dorygoon worked very hard on it. And if it wasn't you, well I must be lost in 06
Added yet some more names, I should have just about everyone now.

Blurz baby if it was you that wrote this thread forgive me for blowing your cover <3 And if it wasn't you, well I must be lost in 06

Lost in 06.
ice pubes is here to stay, aint goin nowhere, dont need no boa gear either.
anyone that wants to arena plz whisper me, im taking over.
bul shit im bad at warsong gulch im the only noteable rogue undefeated in premadess
Damn that was a good read, couldn't have wrote it any better myself. This thread for the most part is 100% accurate.

Aha i was in the midsts of moving, not everything positive stated about TL/RL is secretly a TL/RL member man, give credit where its due. Plus I cba to write all that shit. If it truly was me I would have added more people from my guild i.e. Nicozy, and I would have stated that Hajima and Pz are the best hunters in the bracket.

As for the OP, I have reason to believe it is Blurz. The last and biggest drama thread "best of 19s" was created by him, and I know how much he loves drama in the bracket ;) And lets be honest here, who in the world... of warcraft would take the time to write all this besides an Australian? They normally get on as games are ending anyways, and don't really have much planned in their evenings. Plus these unbiased opinions are just something I feel he'd say, and I'm sure most the community (as do I) agree with you.

Blurz baby if it was you that wrote this thread forgive me for blowing your cover <3 I'm sure you and Dorygoon worked very hard on it. And if it wasn't you, well I must be lost in 06

sorry to disappoint :S, im tryin to figure out who did this as well rofl
nice cover up blurz, a really good effort put in there bud
You seem lost in some different era. If you didn't notice, which you probably haven't pre-mades don't happen in this bracket except when the stars align. Needless to say that it is a rare occasion. The last "serious" pre-made was in Cata so no i do not count "garbage" pugs as an indicator for my overall skill level. However, i have played pugs that might as well have been pre-mades and i can say without a doubt that i am better than most of these fotm players and even some of the ones who have been around as long as me. You also mentioned my awareness which even i will admit freely that no, i am not the most aware player in the gulch. When i know we are gonna lose i figure i might as well go mongoloid because, hey, what do i have to lose? My ratio of wins/losses ha you also must remember i am a lone wolf i don't like to run with the pack. And growth opportunities are very limited, as you see Horde are dominating this bracket and good games are in maybe 20% of all games played.
"Try to keep from lashing out towards people above your level of play as you have one hell of a long way to go before even reaching mediocrity and any bit of help should be cherished." I do cherish the help i get from people who are above my skill level, i do not consider you one of them. As it stands i consider myself better then you with an even better attitude than you. Prove me wrong then we can talk like civilized beings. Until then you'll always be a random that tries to be a keyboard warrior on the forums instead of being anything useful in the gulch.
You seem lost in some different era. If you didn't notice, which you probably haven't pre-mades don't happen in this bracket except when the stars align. Needless to say that it is a rare occasion. The last "serious" pre-made was in Cata so no i do not count "garbage" pugs as an indicator for my overall skill level. However, i have played pugs that might as well have been pre-mades and i can say without a doubt that i am better than most of these fotm players and even some of the ones who have been around as long as me. You also mentioned my awareness which even i will admit freely that no, i am not the most aware player in the gulch. When i know we are gonna lose i figure i might as well go mongoloid because, hey, what do i have to lose? My ratio of wins/losses ha you also must remember i am a lone wolf i don't like to run with the pack. And growth opportunities are very limited, as you see Horde are dominating this bracket and good games are in maybe 20% of all games played.
"Try to keep from lashing out towards people above your level of play as you have one hell of a long way to go before even reaching mediocrity and any bit of help should be cherished." I do cherish the help i get from people who are above my skill level, i do not consider you one of them. As it stands i consider myself better then you with an even better attitude than you. Prove me wrong then we can talk like civilized beings. Until then you'll always be a random that tries to be a keyboard warrior on the forums instead of being anything useful in the gulch.

Shift I disagree.....

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